They want a better life is such a lame excuse..........
How about we all use that excuse and bring the citizens of the 10 poorest countries in the world to the United States by legal methods and let them have a better life? Those selected would be offered education, have to pay taxes and work at the "jobs no one else will do" until they get on their economic feet.
If we are going to use PITY as a right to be here at least choose the poorest among the world - not the ones that can find the easiest route into the country.
Ten Poorest Countries on Earth
1 Ethiopia (2) Dem. Rep. of Congo (3) Burundi (4)Sierra Leone
(5)Guinea-Bissau (6) Niger (7) Eritrea (8) Malawi (9 )Mozambique (10) Nepal
Mexico isn't on the list because they are doing better..........
In 1994-95 the financial crisis thrust millions of Mexicans into poverty. But presently there has been a rapid and impressive progress in building a modern, diversified economy, improving infrastructure and tackling the roots of poverty.KEY ECONOMIC INDICATORS:The Gross national Income (GNI) in the Atlas method have reached 703.1 billion (current US $) in the year 2004. The percapita GNI has reached 6,770.0 (current US $) in the year 2004.The Gross Domestic product has reached $ 676.5 billions (Current US) in the year 2004.
2007-02-03 09:43:04
answer #1
answered by Akkita 6
For those of us who have lived the immigration nightmare we know it's not realistic to expect anything out of the government as far as a visa is concerned. It could take up to 10 years. Some people aren't willing to, neither should they have to, wait that long to be with family members or be able to get a good enough job to survive. Some illegals who come here have family members that would have died from starvation before their visa was approved. They know full well the consequences of coming here undocumented. They know they are risking their very lives to try to cross the border. Many "coyotes" leave them to die in the desert with no food or water. Many walk for over a month in extreme weather conditions. Then, they also know that when they get here they will be taken advantage of in many instances and, as I'm sure you've heard in the news, a lot of day-laborers are picked up, dropped at job site & the "employers" never return to pay them or worse, some day-laborers are beaten to death. Things must be really BAD back home for them to consider these conditions an improvement, no?
To answer your initial question, NO pity is not a reason to support illegal immigration but compassion & human decency are.
2007-02-03 20:07:49
answer #2
answered by Pamela 5
Why not feel pity? We live in a country where everyone is high maintence,people see our country and see opportunity. To stop the pity show,why doesn't our country make it easier for someone to become a citizen. To become a citizen in this country it takes 5-17 years. To me thats a long *** time. Back in the 1800's early 1900's,people got off the boat,turned their papers in,and were set free into the city,and they were automatically citizens. I understand we need to assimulate them,but do we need to make it so hard,where they virtually cannot better themselves?
People with morals,will pay immigrants the right price for their work. You may say that having immigrants is a bad thing,but without them,our nation would be starving. Immigrants are the majority of people who plow our fields,and grow our crops(for terrible prices at that).
I agree there is poverty in the United states,but isn't it kind of ironic,that immigrants can come here and make something of themselves from NOTHING,yet we have people on the streets who refuse to get up and make something of themselves because they are to hooked on drugs,or they don't want to?
Do not forget we are all descendents of immigrants,and we automatically assume since we are born in america,its what makes us americans. Americans consists of varieties of nationalities,have we forgotten of our past so quickly?
2007-02-03 20:54:07
answer #3
answered by Ellie 4
Pity is a good start. There is nothing wrong with it .Legal immigration is fine also. Let 's start a donation immigration fund to help them become legal. That way we can filter out the hard core criminals.
I noticed you mention"suffer".The way people use that word has always amazed me. For example how do you measure suffering. Not only that, there will always be someone that says nobody has suffered as much as I did.
Countries will always have their poor. There is a huge difference in the USA and Mexico.. Opportunities. You do not have to be brilliant or the best. Just the desire.
Gianna, you are right. I hope you feel better now.
Lame Akkita, you hit it right on the dot. All the illegal Mexicans have left their rich farms, ranches and oil wells to come to the USA. They are trying to find out how much suffering they can take.
2007-02-03 18:34:20
answer #4
answered by Moody baseball Champs 2
Lets not leave anyone out, if you are illegal, you are illegal. There are plenty of people that are suffering and that is sad, but should we take them all in?
If people in other countries taught their children something besides fighting and get to work trying to better themselves I think things would be a lot different world wide. We don't owe these people a free ride, and that is what they want,us to keep them up, pay our taxes and them get the benefits.
Have you ever stopped to think how many people in our own country are suffering??? We should look after our own first. Having a program for our poor elderly would be a grand start, after all, most of them worked their whole life and end up with no health benefits,food, and on welfare.
I should not have started to answer this question because I could go on and on. I am finished!!!
2007-02-03 17:26:28
answer #5
answered by "Hooks" 3
Pity may make you feel good, for demonstrating empathy with others' conditions, but reform requires clearheaded thinking, and that's what both the US and Mexico need right now, is some honest reform in the area of immigration/dealing with illegal immigration.
First, the necessary gathering of the facts, recognizing just how big the elephant is, then we break out the knife and fork and the ketchup bottle. People are in a condition of economic duress in both countries, and resolving that requires people to seek ways to support themselves legitimately. Starting a small business is a great way to do that, and is widely recognized as making an honest living. But, it needs to happen in both countries, Mexico or any other country in such conditions can't just assume that changing their domestic policy to 'move to the United States' will solve all their worldly problems, nor will it benefit our country, long-term, to continue to permit such illegal immigration.
One fact on the table that still doesn't seem to quite be universally recognized is that the world population has changed drastically, just in the last 3 decades. In 1965, there were about 3 billion people in the world. Today, there are 6.6 billion. 300 million live in america, 100+ million live in Mexico. That's .4 billion. The other 6.2 billion live around the world in places like China, and India, which together comprise 1/3 the world's entire population, with the remainder being scattered throughout 190 or so other countries. In other words, it's getting crowded, slowly but surely,
but again the best way for people to forestall poverty and conditions of duress is to seek ways to open a business in their communities or find work in one, and support themselves.
The 21st century will be radically different from the 20th, with the focus on resources, such as fresh water, oil, food, and so forth.
Countries MUST seek to ensure they can support themselves, including Mexico, as well as promote lawful trade between countries, and the best way to do that is to do exactly what they propose to do, build more schools and start educating as many people as they can....
2007-02-03 20:49:05
answer #6
answered by gokart121 6
Remember if you tell the truth these days you’ll probably be branded a racist!
True summary of illegal activity from long term illegal immigrants
Here is a true summary of illegal activity from long term illegal’s, and as you can see it's not just about sneaking across the border, and it's not just careless breaking of the law.
1. Illegal entry into the United States - Misdemeanor - deportable offense.
2. Failure to register as a foreign national - misdemeanor - deportable offense.
3. Fraudulently applying for a state driver's license with counterfeit ID - misdemeanor
4. Applying for work or working in the United States without a work visa - Misdemeanor - Deportable Offense.
5. Fraudulently operating an unregistered business under a false name - misdemeanor - Deportable Offense
6. Fraudulently applying for and accepting welfare using counterfeit ID - Felony - Jail Time- Deportation
7. Fraudulently applying for and accepting food stamps using counterfeit ID - Felony - Jail Time - Deportation
8. Fraudulently applying for and accepting mother's assistance using counterfeit ID - Felony - Jail Time - Deportation.
9. Fraudulently applying for work using counterfeit or stolen Social Security Number - Felony (Perjury)- Deportation
10. Fraudulently claiming excessive deductions for Federal Income Taxes to avoid paying any taxes - Felony - Jail Time - Deportation
11. Registering to vote in states with Motor Voter programs and voting without being a US Citizen - Felony (Perjury)- Deportation
12. Buying counterfeit auto license tabs instead of paying the sate - Misdemeanor
13. Buying phony auto insurance from Mexican operatives so automobile with counterfeit tabs can be registered - Misdemeanor
14. Claiming poverty in a household with high income (for you less than informed - illegal households can easily make as much $100,000 a year tax free) so children can apply for free lunches at school - misdemeanor
15. Claiming poverty to get free medical care from free clinics - Felony - Fraud (hundreds in LA alone) and using first class hospital emergency rooms as family doctors for non-emergency medical - ALL ILLEGALS HAVE 100% MEDICAL COVERAGE AT NO COST TO THEM - PERIOD - Misdemeanor - Deportation.
16. Traffic citations and accidents - Illegal’s have no real name or address - if they are get a citation or are involved in an accident - they just disappear and surface again with a new counterfeit license and address- and good luck with your insurance company - misdemeanor - Deportation
2007-02-04 09:05:39
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Why do you think you see so many people from Arizona on this forum? Its because we "live" illegal aliens every day.We deal with the invasion first hand. Not from some ivory tower that can only see the "poor poor people"
and enjoy the
liberal soup that the media is spoon feeding to the gullible bleeding hearts.Well my heart bleeds too but it bleeds red ,white and blue for my fellow legal Americans.Not for illegal aliens from another land.My charity begins and stays at home .In my nation and in my state.I do not, will not, place not one illegal alien, before a single legal American.I am a nationalist and I'm proud of it.I reserve my pity for this country and for what its being turned to by people that don't give a damn about this great nation.
2007-02-03 17:26:50
answer #8
answered by Yakuza 7
I have no sympathy for the illegal alien criminal! They are CRIMINALS for being here. BTW, immigrants come here LEGALLY so there is no such thing as an "illegal immigrant."
The illegals sponge off the system, destroy our schools and Ers, take jobs from citizens and some steal the identity of citizens. They are breaking the law and I have no pity for a person that does that.
They hurt every citizen. Why should I have pity for that?
2007-02-03 17:03:14
answer #9
answered by Dizney 5
I with you if they want to be in our country there are legal ways of comming to our country to becoming a citizen, work permits
I'm not against immigration just when people cross our borders illegally
2007-02-03 17:08:55
answer #10
answered by silver_princess16_03 4