dude first off all where do you live and from where do you get such stories. I am not white and i live in Canada, most of the white people are very friendly and nice and helpful, much more than the people of my own race. I cant see why do people always nag about they being raciest. Open your close minds.
Off course illegals should be screened and if found guilty of previous crime must leave, if found clean could be given a chance to stay for a few years and if they can get a decent job, some schooling then may be legalized and made into an asset for Canada.
Someone said people are started to crowd in Canada. That's absolutely not true, our government is well aware of what they are doing. You see with more Working people there will be more TAX and more industries and more jobs. think about it. of course no one likes crowding and Canada if fur from being crowded. Go to Calgary sometimes, there employers are having trouble recruiting people at the minimum wage.
2007-02-02 22:55:59
answer #1
answered by Danny's Not Cool 3
Of course not, there would be no way that would vote would occur. I would not vote for such a one sided, lopsided, racist and bigoted vote. This is not what free world of the USA is all about. If one comes to this country legally and works hard, learns the language to communicate with all, and gets a good education, what would we want them to leave for. What you are asking is Racist in itself, and highly reactionary. Some ignorant white redneck pea-brain would think there should be a vote like this. We all need each other, we all have something to offer, and we need minorities to round out the very being of this country.
2007-02-02 23:53:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
All ILLEGALS should go. They came in illegally and should be booted. As far as the other issues you spoke of; some of the finest people I have ever met and had dealings with were minorities. They are as much a part of America as anyone here. However, there are some people just waiting to push a liberals button, and you guys have so many. Don't sweat the small stuff and don't go crazy over the what-ifs.
Best way to stop the illegals from crossing is;
1. Catch them
2. give them a sandwich and a bottle of water
3. let them use the restroom
4. put them on a plane
5. drop the off at an airport on the southern most border of Mexico next to Central America
That way it will take them at least a month to get back to our border.
2007-02-02 23:05:45
answer #3
answered by bamafannfl 3
There are a few bad apples in every bunch but i believe most people would be against such a law. Crime would still exist, schools would still be overcrowded, etc, things would just be a lot more mundane than usual. However for those of you that are interested in such a place(homogeneous, that is) may I strongly suggest Orange county, CA-you'll love it there!
2007-02-02 23:02:38
answer #4
answered by Jay K 2
No, I think kicking all immigrants out of the country would be ludicrous. There would be nobody left. Everyone (but native americans/indians) was an immigrant at one time or another. However, I would definitely be for a bill declaring English the official language and stating that everyone had to learn it. I know people who have been here for years and never learned English. Also, illegals who come over here just to have babies for free --- piss me off! Don't get me started.......
I am so fed up with some of these immigrants, even second and third generation mexicans who are here and don't discipline their kids. They run wild in the stores, some grow up to be in gangs. If you say anything to these little kids or their parents, you practically get jumped!
This country was built on diversity and that is what makes it special. I enjoy different cultural experiences, but it really makes me mad when large corporations bring people over here from other countries specifically so they can pay them lower wages to do the same job. (USAA in San Antonio laid off tons of people and replaced them with people from India that they brought in)
I like being white, but God forbid I say so -- I am a racist if I say I like being white. I have a heritage. English, Italian, French, Danish, Irish and who knows what else. But, that doesn't just make me "white" - I'm more than that, even though minorities don't seem to see it that way.
My ancestors were immigrants too, but they did it the legal way and they also didn't steal people's jobs when they came over or just come here to have babies on another person's dime.
2007-02-02 22:59:11
answer #5
answered by parrot.crazy 2
Not only would this be morally wrong, and racist, it would be against the law (although I can't think of a specific one at the moment).
Contrary to what's being spread around on this site, a majority of non-white citizens are legal citizens. In fact, I would say that most of them were born here. You can't hold a vote to kick out legal citizens. In fact, you probably can't have a vote to kick out illegal citizens, either.
The idea of getting rid of all minorities is foolish, sick, and insulting. I've seen these type of questions in here before, and the people who ask them usually get what's coming to them. People who want to strip away rights of other people have no place in our society.
2007-02-02 22:54:35
answer #6
answered by amg503 7
i have also read some of, actually a lot of the answers here and i have no idea where you got that idea.
I do think the country would be a better place if we stoped illegal immigration and deported all the illegals here at the moment.
I mean deported all those who over stayed their visas or entered without one when i say that.
I am married to an immigrant, my best friend also happens to be an immigrant, i would definitely be against sending immigrants out of the country in a mass way.
2007-02-02 22:50:50
answer #7
answered by Malikail 4
Well first of all I dont think any race has something Special to contribute to our society this includes the race of white people
what are we gonna learn that is so unigue from other races? How to tie our shoes differently. All we get are culinary arts.
I think all illegal immigrants should be shipped to Iraq.
If shipping to Iraq is not an option than send them back to mexico and bill the Mexican Government 100x what is would cost if they would just police up their own borders.
2007-02-03 00:35:16
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
immigrants should be allowed to be in all country
but it seems to me that the illegals one that come are a problem
in most country's ,a burden on health care and welfare systems
its not that they are not wanted
but it seems that ever since these country have had an open policy for immigrants to come ,they bring there social problems with them....if they want to live in an other country to better themselves by all means but if they come and they bring there problems with them ,and think that everyone should follow then they should stay were they were....if you go check the criminal stats you will see that's since these country have let immigrants in there crime has gone up and there jobs are not as secure as before because of them,our welfare system is over ridding by them.......we are not saying that we what an all white race
we just don't want so many of them in our country
we cant even take care of our own people so now we have to take care of them.....come on now! look at what they are doing
the are not benefiting anyone but themselves by being here
AND OH I'M NOT A RACIST,I'M JUST TRIED OF BEING ATTACKED BY IMMIGRANTS DAILY ....so tell them to stay where they are unless they have something good to bring to my country
2007-02-03 00:59:20
answer #9
answered by doolin 2
Don't be insane. Why would we want to kick Americans out?
Illegal immigrants have no right to be here, and they are not a single 'race'. What they have in common is that they all ignored our quotas and broke our laws to come here.
2007-02-03 01:06:06
answer #10
answered by DAR 7