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2007-02-02 21:13:48 · 3 answers · asked by Lauren M 2 in Health Other - Health

3 answers

Hi Lauren,
One way is to surround your self with positive people who are self confident. Ever heard the term misery loves company?
Become your biggest fan. Take care of yourself. If you do not think you are the greatest inside how are you going to convince others that you are great on the outside.
Character is what makes a man or woman. You sound like a great person, you just need to believe it!
Get a make over, take some pictures and place one in a pretty frame, put it on your desk and say to yourself each time you see your picture "Wow, you are really a nice, kind- hearted person and other confident people appreciate this in you!"
Hold your head up high when you walk, walk like you are going some where and you know exactly where it is! Others will see it and notice you. some who are not self confident may not like it because that is how women are, but you know you have it going on girl!

2007-02-02 21:57:50 · answer #1 · answered by Arene 3 · 0 1

Take the Homeopathic Remedy PULSATILLA in 30X potency three times a day half hour before meals, it will help you build up confidence and make you feel very Healthy and Vital, without any side effects or complications of any sort.
Take Care and God Bless you !

2007-02-02 21:45:56 · answer #2 · answered by Soul Doctor 7 · 1 2

I love doing self-hypnosis. They're is tons out there for a variety of things. Here is one of many good websites. Search through the website. There is a free 21 min. sample that is really good.


2007-02-02 22:11:37 · answer #3 · answered by jack_bauer 1 · 0 1

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