Because we were born here ,and learn how to spell.
2007-02-02 19:03:20
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You're an idiot. People call us Americans because it would be stupid to call us United States of Americans. Everyone knows that there are more countries on the continents of North and South America. It's just our name contains America at the end. Also, just because people were the first to reach land does not make them the rightful owners. Remember that the "Native Americans" came from other lands. Also if "America" removed it's borders and tried to function as one nation the economy would go to crap and noone would have a good life, everyone would start immigrating to Europe or Austrailia.
2007-02-02 19:08:34
answer #2
answered by Tuco 2
Utopia would be grand. you know like your car is mine let go with homes to lets not put like on the doors. because thats just a another border. lets face it some countries are safe to walk the streets some are not. some people or country do more for there people. then others. for the most part I think in the USA no matter what race you are you have hope that you have some choice of where your life is going, no were not perfect but most of are people still believe in the dream. its the best system of studied.
2007-02-02 19:16:30
answer #3
answered by pizzaman52057 2
in your rant you forgot to mention what other country on the continent uses the word "America" in it's nations name.
people from the US are called Americans because the country is named, officially "the United States of AMERICA"
I have not heard of Canada being named The Canadian Provinces of America nor any other country with such a name.
in that sense as far as i know people from the US are the only "Americans"
of course many people live on the continent.
I have come to the conclusion that this question comes up daily because of hate, this person hates borders, a good way of saying he doesn't respect national sovereignty. of course i bet my bottom dollar he respects his nations sovereignty just not the USA.
Boarders are needed because of the rampant poverty caused by corrupt and socialist governments in other parts of the American continents, all nations with any form of prosperity should strengthen their boarders, like Mexico has with it's southern one.
2007-02-02 19:16:42
answer #4
answered by Malikail 4
Here we go again, I don't understand why this is so hard to comprehend. To the entire world the citizens of the U.S are known as Americans, south Americans are known by their country ; Brazilians, Mexicans, Peruvians and so on. This is such a stupid thing to get offended over, and I'm pretty sure the Canadians would not be happy to hear you call them Americans.
2007-02-05 02:56:41
answer #5
answered by thelogicalferret 5
North America is a Continent. South America is a Continent. America, the world around, refers to the United States of America just as 'Mexico' refers to the United States of Mexico and 'Brazil' refers to the United States of Brazil.
However, call yourself anything you like. It doesn't give you the right to live in our country any more than my calling myself by your country's name would give me the right to live in yours.
Some countries pay for all their poor people to have education and basic necessities where needed. They are the good guys. Others don't. Those that pay for those things for their own people cannot pay for the poor of the world, and refuse to. The other countries should pay to educate and give basic services to their own people.
Forget the anarchy that would result, if there were no borders, all those poor people who want 'free' services like education would move to the countries that give them and those countries would no longer be able to give those services. Before it reached that point, those services would be ruined as schools and emergency rooms in heavily illegal immigration impacted areas like Los Angeles already are.
2007-02-03 00:57:01
answer #6
answered by DAR 7
Sweety I hear ya!But I think your wording & History is a little off.
I to am, a part Native American. Sort of 2 parts I know of 2 diffrent tribes i my blood. One tribe for each side of my family. But I'm also Irish, Dutch, French, English, Scotish, German. Here's a little extra info for ya' my son's Father is 1/2 Black or African & 1/2 Irish and my Daughter's Father [may he R.I.P.] was PortaRican, Itlain, German & Greek.
Sweety it depends on who you talk to or listen too. Not all Americans in the U.S.A. think they are the only Americans. But any that do are either poorly Educated [which is not hard to do here, shoot i'm a poor speller myself, math is my thing] or they are in denile.
I totaly understand where you are coming from when you say The Natives are the True Americans. The Indian Tribes are the True Native Americans. They are the oldest leniage of Americans not the only true American people. ( Think of what I'm saying for a minute o.k.)
I have looked in to my blood line and where my family comes from and my childrens' family has come from. I'm still looking into it and it is totaly awesome!
I also undertand what you are saying about the borders and stuff and us being one nation. But Sweety if you look into our past (Native American) it wasn't such a total great idea letting in other people in the past in to our nation. Was it? The Killings, Stealings and Rapes of our Land, People, Animals & Beliefs!!!!!!!!!
I feel we should have Borders and locked up Skin tight & any one wanting to get it should be proven to be o.k. to Enter. If they are wanting to have the better life then they should be able to prove that they will not distroy this better life on this side. and To protect what is left. More should be done to fix what is wrong here more than trying to fix other peoples problems unless we are asked to help and they are helpful them self or weak. We should build our self Strong. Also there should be a better system in helping those who want to enter. Speed things up and to keep track of those who say they are only visiting. To make sure they are oly going to visit and do no harm while they are here. Look I knwo tons of so called illegal immigrants that are totally great people and are doing a lot to better not only their life but thelives of others here in the USA.
I'm pretty sure that if all Legal Immigrant is notified that they need help to help more Immigrants enter the country Legaly they would help. They just need hlep knowing what they can do to help them and how to do it.
Yes there should be Freedom to live where ever you want to live but I'm sorry but I don't think Child molesters, bombers, killers and bad people and ect. should have the Freedom to live where ever they want to Especailly from other Countries. We have enough of that from our oun Country.
We should hlep other Countries better theri way of living in there ow Countries and also help them come here if they wish if they are true in thier motives.
Thanks for hearing me out!
2007-02-02 20:04:14
answer #7
answered by vomo07 2
I'm Canadian and I think your idea sucks. Sorry if you are not happy or feel you cannot be proud of your country, but you can always apply to become a legal immigrant to any other country in the Americas or elsewhere. I refer to citizens of the US as Americans for the obvious reason as others have pointed out.
2007-02-02 19:23:03
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Very true. it doesn't make sense. You're right about the Natives. Also, I think that if you live in North or South America, you are an american. I think for those in the US, it is probably easier to say they are American than United Statian or some word that doesn't exist. You dig??
2007-02-02 19:05:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
the borders protect the US. We are a land of laws and these laws are supported by taxes. To become a citizen you must pay these taxes. To open the borders allows chaos and anarchy. If Canada Mexico and South America would be willing to live by these laws and pay these taxes then it is a plausible solution..without such ...then you are just spitting in the wind!
2007-02-02 19:06:50
answer #10
answered by fade_this_rally 7
There is no "American continent". There is a "South American continent" and a "North American continent"
Many countries around the world call the U.S. the name "America".
2007-02-02 19:03:54
answer #11
answered by a bush family member 7