sometimes deodorant does not do it as the causes of body odor could be hormonal or other causes such as food intake and can also be genetic. at times, it could be a health issue.
here are some ideas you can try to help you out:
for excessive underarm odor, try using a mild solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%) that is cheap and can be picked up at the pharmacy. put a teaspoonful in a glass of water and wash the underarm. If that doesn't work, increase the amount of peroxide.
you can use this also in other parts of the body where odor does not seem to go away even with hot baths....
another solution is using "tawas" which is alum crystal. you can boil the crystal in water and use the solution. some companies are now making deodorants with this mineral specially in European countries. ask your pharmacist if they have any alum crystal. they may already have it in powdered form (crushed alum) that you can use to remove body odor. you can use this solution for your feet and even private parts. it is the best thing you can use as this has been used for centuries in Asian countries and are still being used. you can also add the alum solution to your water to remove all the odor that soap may not remove.
here are some sites you can go through to read:
2007-02-02 16:53:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Stuff dryer sheets in your underwear and pockets.
Much cheaper than deodorant. lol
You can also carry a little jar of Vicks Vapor Rub for your friends. A little in each nostril works wonders.
If the above fails go to a health food store and get a good colon cleanse product (Yerba Prema works) and take it according to direction. Also drink at least a quart of water for every 50 pounds of body weight and take a bath or shower once or even twice a day during the cleanse period.
If you are a smoker wrap yourself in a sheet and take a good sauna to get the stink out of your poors. Breaking a daily sweat with a half hour of aerobic exercise before one of those showers would help too.
2007-02-02 17:00:45
answer #2
answered by Tommy 6
Lemon, have her apply lemon under arms, and some baking soda, or baby powder, very lightly. Don't mean to be rude to everyone else, but if she is asking for something other than deodorant, there must be a reason, why can't people just answer without questioning or judging? Some people either have religious, economical reasons etc. or allergies.
2016-03-18 01:21:53
answer #3
answered by Emily 4
well I don't know about a diet but you could try a shower and clean clothes. Some deodorant and/or perfume/cologne would be help also. You could also use baby powder or talc powder if you have some kind of allergy of something.
2007-02-02 16:20:29
answer #4
answered by Angelica 3
2017-02-10 18:04:39
answer #5
answered by ? 4
i drink alot of water and some foods can contribute to stinkyness. i think guys just have a stronger scent anyway. i dont wear deoderant/antiperspirant except in the summer.
2007-02-02 16:18:08
answer #6
answered by xtal6872 3
Spend thirty minutes to an hour
And take yourself a nice long shower
Then ask a close friend if they think
You need another 'cause you stink
2007-02-02 16:17:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Definitely reduce meat and alcohol intake to zero and take daily showers.
2007-02-02 16:16:41
answer #8
answered by bROWNbEAUTY UDontLikeIt?TooBad! 4
What do you have against deodorant?? Use it for the sake of your co-workers in the cubicle next to you, pleeeeease!
2007-02-02 16:16:56
answer #9
answered by Katiecat 5
Put a bayleaf under each arm. It dosen't stop you from perspiring but, you smell like soup.
2007-02-02 16:18:02
answer #10
answered by ThinkaboutThis 6