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There aren't really any good questions being asked, the regulars have all been suspended, many questions don't post till much later (if at all) this has become a very boring place. What do you think?

2007-02-02 16:13:50 · 12 answers · asked by slack action 3 in Politics & Government Immigration

Jeff P - I disagree with you, this should be a place for others to share what they know, how they feel about things, how they came to their opinions, etc.
If you want informative, why not just have every conceivable link concerning immigration law pasted up for all to reference from.

It's a discussion, not an encyclopedia

2007-02-02 16:29:15 · update #1

Marty aka flatline aka Jack aka trackslag aka...
I will not go away, I'm sorry that all of you intent on selling out America to poor illegals have silenced all of those who disagree with you, grow a spine, the world isn't all sunshine and lollipops with your best friends constantly agreeing with you.

After a lot of bantering with sin7/ILLegal Mexican I have respect for him and his viewpoint, I wouldn't have him go away no matter how much we may disagree

Vegaswoman - you have reported me several times, sometimes quite unabashed about it, you are abusing the reporting system to fit your own agenda. I hope you get what you want, by that time you will be so bored, who will you report next?

2007-02-02 16:39:36 · update #2

How many of you are answering questions about H1 visas, and complicated issues of dual citizenship? You don't answer because you don't know. Yet you come here and say stuff like, " it is an immigration section blah blah blah.." Your answering this question just shows how much you like it, even if you don't know it. Get off your pedestals. Roll around in the dirt, it's fun.

2007-02-02 17:05:11 · update #3

12 answers

I agree. There are so many super-ultra sensitive out there that are reporting everyone that does not agree with them. I have been reported a few times for what I consider just plain stupid. I have started to hesitate to answer any questions with any real significance for fear of losing my entire Yahoo account. I stick to the safe questions now.

2007-02-02 16:18:04 · answer #1 · answered by Yahoogirl 5 · 5 7

yet what's it about the Immigration section?? because that is a probability-free way for human beings to spew their hatred--who can argue with disliking "illegals"? because that isn't any longer socially nicely proper to assert this stuff about human beings of color in well mannered corporation, this is a probability-free way for human beings to vent their gruesome little hearts. that is a shame that the those that acutally have immigration QUESTIONS can no longer frequently be heard above the ignorant chatter that passes for activity in this channel. there are a determination of criminal immigrants right here with valid questions tha flow unanswered because those who do no longer comprehend what they're speaking about pick to make noise.

2016-11-24 20:27:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i don't agree with your views but i agree with what you are saying..........i miss eaton ........ hopefully he makes a new account and returns......the ones in which are implying violence such as shooting people becasue of thier backgrounds or race i think need a visit from the police. they have issues. but i also normally get reported daily and ithink the report system is severly abused.and about answering the "real immigration questions........if i was a lawyer i wouldn't be here. i had a really bad experience with immigration ......they banned my husband for 10 years after he crossed the border illegally .....its not that we haven't tried to do it right ........oh_well ........we keep our fingers crossedbut i do agree it needs to have limitations.......oh_hell

2007-02-02 18:15:28 · answer #3 · answered by oh_hell_imagine_that 4 · 4 0

Immigration is a non-issue. It's just a ploy by Republicans so their issues are off the front pages.

Let's go back to the late 80's. Reagan and the Pope pleaded with the communist block of Eastern Europe to tear down the wall, which eventually lead to the the tearing down of the Berlin Wall and toward illegal immigration from Eastern to Western Europe. The US and the rest of the West wanted a free market with the East block. Well done, you got it. But didn't you think that would have other consequences? Did you just NOW realize that CHINA, INDIA and the rest of the Asian markets and that Mexico and South America wanted a piece of that free market action. Well you got that too.

Fast forward to today, you have economic think-tanks worrying that China and India will overtake the US as the biggest economic powers and blame Mexicans and other south Americans for taking US jobs that Asians and Indians didn't take. Welcome to the free world market. Cheap, almost free labor aplenty. Twists and turns down a slippery slope towards a third world nation membership.

Blame illegals, they're easier targets of the western world.

Also, Republicans effed up so badly in 2006 they couldn't put a twist on any thing fast enough to cover their arses. No PUN on Mark Foley and the high priest, from Utah, who did drugs with his lover. Pass the blame onto other church leaders. Good going, republicans, that's one way to lose your support base. Wait a minute, don't worry, repent. You've got an excellent support base, so obedient. Keep asking for forgiveness and pray nightly.

2007-02-02 16:17:54 · answer #4 · answered by AK1971 2 · 8 5

I disagree with "there aren't any good questions being asked"...the people with GENUINE immigration questions are practically IGNORED...but if a question concerning racism, illegal immigrants, politics, or other controversial topics etc...is posted, you see 20 or 30 responses...what's up with that?? Boring?? This IS an immigration forum after all!!

2007-02-02 16:33:28 · answer #5 · answered by ProUSA2 6 · 5 2

I find that there's still a(n) (un)healthy amount of people passionately spewing overtly discriminatory questions and answers about immigrants on Yahoo!

As for suspending these 'regulars', I am not for it. Let them spew their sentiments; I don't agree with them, but they have been given 'liberty' to do so by their country. Censoring them from externalizing their discriminatory feelings doesn't solve the problem, it just allows them to express these feelings in a more subtle way.

2007-02-02 16:37:16 · answer #6 · answered by ianrwood_01 2 · 4 6

Illegal immigration is the most serious issue out there. The damage done by illegals is staggering.

2007-02-03 02:27:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

I agree with Yahoogirl

2007-02-02 16:35:36 · answer #8 · answered by jason s 4 · 4 3

I agree with vegaswoman and jeff.

2007-02-02 16:27:01 · answer #9 · answered by x 2 · 5 7

If by passionate you mean the anti-Mexican racists, yes, many are gone, and for good reason. And a forum like that should not be interesting, it should be informative.

2007-02-02 16:21:53 · answer #10 · answered by The Big Box 6 · 6 10

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