I was a cutter too - still have the scars all over my hands and arms. I didn't want to tell my parents because they were under too much stress, and I knew they'd freak out. Funny thing is, they knew something was wrong, they just didn't know what, and that added to their stress. I know it's so, so hard, but you need to get help. This doesn't go away. I fought getting help for years - hence all the scars I'll have forever. Once I started going to therapy it got better. I had a release for the pain. My parents understood. Well, not really, because they weren't cutters, but they weren't mad - they were actually relieved because they could finally help. Please, please try to find someone to talk to. Email me if you want to talk, or have any questions or whatever - please. I've been there. Don't be ashamed - you'd be surprised how many of us there are. Take care!!!
And to all the people who are going to answer 'just don't cut anymore' - it's not that simple.
2007-02-02 13:26:52
answer #1
answered by They call me ... Trixie. 7
I've been down that road. First of all think about it...i no it seems like a good idea but there has to be another way. If you do it again then when will u stop? You'll just want to do it more and more and things will get beyond ur control. Its wierd because when i had just started i was in denial that could ever happen because i was fine and just getting frustration out. I was very wrong. You have to ask yourself why u are doing that, do you want to die? If not, which is what im hoping, then there's something you can do. Try a rubberband if its for the feeling. Just keep it on ur wrist and when u feel the need flick ur self that was a suggestion given to me. That particular thing can help. If that doesnt work try talking to someone. Someone u can trust and who will just listen. This person may not even be able to help but it will help u to get it out. I no how good it feels but in the long run its never worth it. Now i have people on my back all the time and everything i do or say is questioned. You may even consider counsling, if u already have one force yourself to tell them about it. They may perscribe something to help you with ur pain. Im sorry i cant be of more help. If you need anything more or want to talk about my experiences or something than emial me at sunshine120491@yahoo.com
2007-02-02 21:33:26
answer #2
answered by undercoversweetheart 2
Pain releases endorphines, which soothe the self-inflicted pain of the cuts. And, this is just my opinion, you're soothed emotionally by this because it's a way to release your emotional pain. It either it helps you cope with your emotional pain by giving it a visible, controllable form, or it's a superficial way to communicate your pain to others. I don't know you so I'm not going to make that call.
I suggest telling a friend, and explaining to them that it's such a relief for you to do it that you need help breaking the habit. Try to replace your self destructive release with a release of communication. Ask if you can vent to them, too, no matter how tiresome or petty the subject.
I've cut before, and the only way I've not done so again is my boyfriends threat to do it to himself if I did. Nothing'll break you better of a habit than watching a loved one hurt themselves by the same means.
2007-02-02 21:57:30
answer #3
answered by Jackalope 1
why hasn't anyone actually given you the answer?? JESUS is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE. Find out what that really means and you won't have any need to cut yourself. Read the gospel of John...thinking and praying as you do and you will find your answer . (and if nothing else, you'll be able to put to rest that silly thought that Jesus was a "nice, good, loving teacher but nothing else" ....he was either a lunatic FREAK or bastard LIAR or .....GOD. And if he was God, then whatever he said has a bit more credibility than other 'nice' stories.. He was radical and never wanted to be thought of a just nice.
2007-02-02 21:48:09
answer #4
answered by kawoo 2
Brett. Masochism is not the way to go... It's just like drinking, or partaking in drugs to relieve the pain. And it doesn't work, because at the end of the day it's a temporary relief. Instead of using energy to inflict pain on yourself, use it to produce a more permanent relief. And that would be by disassociating yourself with the things that are causing you pain... It can be people, or situations that are doing it, and the only way to get yourself back on track, and to find the happiness you deserve would be to leave your stressors alone. Hope it helps...
2007-02-02 21:45:07
answer #5
answered by Phoenix 3
Cutting isn't going to solve any of your problems. Okay, it may make you feel good for the time being, but it won't help any of the bigger problems in your life. Try to occupy yourself with other things you enjoy doing (other than cutting), like riding your bike, hanging out with friends, going to the movies, going on a date, taking a nice long shower, etc. Then get rid of all your "tools" for cutting. Discard all the knives you used. If you have to, tell you parents to put the kitchen knives and other sharp objects into a safe locked up place. That way, even if you wanted to cut, you can't. This is the only way you can control yourself. Don't let cutting take advantage of your life. It took advantage of mine, and let me tell you, I regret it so much now.
2007-02-02 21:27:05
answer #6
answered by julia 6
I was a cutter for three years. People who have never had a problem with it will tell you that you are just looking for attention. The truth is that subconciously, you are. You are looking for help, but it the wrong ways. But it doesnt stay that way. Eventually if you dont seek counciling, whether it be from a teacher, professor, councilor, or therapist, it turns into an addiction like it did for me and for WAY too many people out there. And it is a horrile way to go through life. I know it may seem like a way to numb your emotional pain with physical pain, but its will only lead to deeper depression and sometimes death. Get help, soon. Good luck to you.
2007-02-02 21:28:07
answer #7
answered by emileegiles 2
I know what you mean. I used to cut too. It made inner pain match outer pain. But than things got carried away, I couldn't stop. I started to get very sick. I could barely move of sickness. But I kept doing it bleed away the heartbreak. One time I got really close to dying, and it made me think of all the things that I was leaving. I don't know the reason why you're doing it, but hopefully you'll stop before it's too late.
2007-02-02 21:26:41
answer #8
answered by None 2
Look, most of these people are saying get help, get help, oh SHOVE IT. Counseling is a worthless waste of your time and money. if you wanna cut, cut, but as long as you don't try to go and kill yourself. Cutting is perfectly fine until you do something drastic. Trust me, I've gone too far, that's the only time you really stop. once you've gone too far stop, otherwise, you just don't want to. Anyway, I just think you need to learn this lesson on your own, because no amount of persuasion will get you to stop, I think.
2007-02-02 22:03:34
answer #9
answered by joelerch1 1
get help.
unfortunatly, I've been in the emo stage. Worse times of my life. I got help, and figured stuff out. What feels good about hurting youself is the fact that your suffering through your own pain. Your not sick, you need help. Talk to a guidence counseler, teacher, friend, anyone. And get help
2007-02-02 21:25:12
answer #10
answered by Love is Patient, Love is Kind ♥ 4