The short answer is that it depends on the person and situation. The long answer includes generalities like 16 and older, how much you one another love each other, and most importantly a personal choice based of adequate information.
This is why it is better to wait to have sex because when we are young we do not have enough information to make the right choices concerning sex. It is a big decision with many potential serious consequences like, disease, pregnancy, emotional trauma, etc.
You might even want to save yourself for the right person in the future but if you give it away now it will likely mean less for you and your partner then. Ideally you want to give it to someone that you will spend the rest of your life with. It takes time to know such a thing, not only for yourself but also your mate. You might feel that way but he/she might not or change ones mind.
Take the time to get to know the person you are considering having sex with. If you are aware of yourself and your environment the answer will come to you. As for the pithy answer as to when it is the right time, the answer is give it time.
2007-02-02 13:25:34
answer #1
answered by Love of Truth 5
It is the right time to have sex when;
1. You love the person, you know their middle name, thier favorite color, you know they have character, and that you are important to them.
2. You can handle whatever having sex could bring, children, disease, unwanted changes in the other persons demeanor.
3. You feel like this is a step you can take without asking a bunch of complete strangers to help you decide.
Don't take this decision lightly, it will change who you are and the course of your life in many small ways.
2007-02-02 21:26:25
answer #2
answered by Last of four brothers 2
When you are married....but if you really can't wait that long you should be at least 18...any guy under that age is only wasting the virginity on a guy she won't be with.
You have to remember...a guy will say I love you...and make you believe it...just to get the sex...then he's gone!
2007-02-02 21:19:14
answer #3
answered by westfield47130 6
After you're married.
Sex outside of marriage is cheap.
Save that special night for your future husband
No offense.
2007-02-02 21:31:23
answer #4
answered by imag4dream 3
The "right" time to do it is after marriage. I'm 17 and I think that at this age you have mature somewhat enough to do it. Oh yeah, please make sure your guy uses protection, I don't want you to ruin your live. I hope my advice was of help.
2007-02-02 21:24:27
answer #5
answered by Dathletez 2
everyone is gonna have a different opinion...and everyone has sex at a different time...just make sure you are ready and it's with the right guy.
i just recently lost my virginity and i'm 17...i don't regret waiting till marriage or anything though
2007-02-02 21:23:37
answer #6
answered by Princess1124 2
Its better to have sex after marriage..and if u can't at least 18 over...and have it with an experience guy.I gusse, he may be able to work u out
2007-02-02 21:28:07
answer #7
answered by Annabella 2
After marriage. Trust me.
2007-02-02 21:17:14
answer #8
answered by julia 6
sk8ter person is right. wait till will be secure and u won't b having a baby until ur ready.
2007-02-02 21:59:47
answer #9
answered by jynxpixie 2
after Marriage.
2007-02-02 21:22:56
answer #10
answered by Trey123 3