Talk to him and tell him how you feel
2007-02-02 07:04:16
answer #1
answered by zen522 7
Be casual too; talk to him in a friendly kinna way, find out his likes and dislikes discretely without being too direct. If you want to overcome the shyness, don't think about him much especially as you're speaking with him because the more you think about him, the more you have feelings for him and the more you might find it hard to approach and talk to him.
So, as soon as you come face to face with him, remove from your mind that he's cute, smart etc and be yourself, see him as any body else or even better, like your own brother and act accordingly, you'll see how amazingly well you will do.
I think it's all about how we perceive others. Act like he's your brother, do really put that in your mind and the real you will take over your shyness and you'll be alright.
Bottom line, be nice back and while being nice, learn more about him and hopefully you'll know how to get his attention.
2007-02-02 15:12:43
answer #2
answered by Makaveli007 5
Smile at him, try to talk to him... sit next to him in class next time? Make small talk... ask about a homework assignment or something... maybe even suggest if u two could study together some time? You won't know if u have a chance or not unless u try right? Don't be shy, go for it! Otherwise, some other girl will and you'll wish you got to him before she did?
2007-02-02 15:05:53
answer #3
answered by hawaiiangirl 2
Just be yourself.
Don't you think of yourself as cute & smart?
He will see you the way you are soon. Just give it sometime.
2007-02-02 15:05:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
stop acting so shy, act crazy! have a nice conversation next time, and actually talk..! i mean be urself, but show him ur interested.
2007-02-02 15:05:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
if you want to get his attention do what i do i usally ask a guy a question about waht he likes. and then we get to talking about it. that usally sparks guys attention.
2007-02-02 15:05:43
answer #6
answered by Samantha s 2
keep talking to him and he will come around and ask u out. so just play it kool and don't rush things to fast.
2007-02-02 15:04:41
answer #7
answered by Angel 4
Smile a lot, but let make it obvious that you like him!
2007-02-02 15:05:21
answer #8
answered by 80srock 2
Star with being his frend?
2007-02-02 15:13:23
answer #9
answered by Smirnof_Ice 1
just go up to him and start a conversation with him
2007-02-02 15:04:44
answer #10
answered by Dr Universe 7