All learning requires the ability to concentrate on an idea or information in order to process it. The ability to apply abstract ideas requires focus. To those people who are against meds ,have they ever watched a young child trying desperately to understand the work when their brain is in constant turmoil. It is almost impossible to understand their daily frustration when they see their classmates working with such ease.These children are sometimes left behind at school because they cannot keep up. Who would needlessly allow their child to feel "stupid" for no other reason than they feel meds are not necessary. Has your child been diagnosed with a learning difficulty? Has he been prescribed meds? Meds are not meant to drug a child so they are high ,they are intended to help your child reach their fullest potential. As his mom do what is necessary to help him live a more calm and less frustrating life.Good luck.
2007-02-02 03:51:37
answer #1
answered by gussie 7
some kids even with medication will have a hard time concentrating especially with lengthy assignments. what i would suggest is instead of trying to get your child to do the whole assignment at once, let him take a couple of breaks in between. there is a reason why they call it attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. your child can't stay still and concentrate for a long period of time. not because they do not want to but because they can't. by letting him take a break or two in between, he is not feeling overwhelmed or like he is being forced to do something. you should get a lot more of a positive response by doing this. it works for other subjects too. not just math. hope this helps. good luck.
2007-02-02 04:54:27
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
My 10 year old son also has ADHD. I have been struggling with doctors to find the right kinds of meds for him . And believe me it is a long road.He was having problems in school also.The docs finally found a med that helps him alot Concerta 36 mg.He was on this before but a lower dose,and it didnt effect him at all.The school also has been helpful they are giving him the most possible help he needs. So i would talk to your Doc about meds and talk to the school to see if there is any extra help classes for him. Hope this info helps and good luck.
2007-02-02 03:52:42
answer #3
answered by Kelly 2
Is he on medication? I just started on focalin for adhd inattentive type and I have noticed a world of a difference! I used to fall asleep in every class, every day, no matter how much sleep I got.
If he is not on medication, maybe try talking to his psychiatrist about putting him on some. I know not everyone thinks it is a good idea, but I believe that if it helps, go for it!
If he is on medication, well, maybe he needs more sleep or maybe math just isn't his thing. Try getting him a tutor to help cement the concepts in better.
And definitely talk to him about it! He might know that he is slacking (I definitely know when I am!) and ask him if he thinks he can do anything about it, and what he wants to do about this.
Good luck, I feel for ADHD kids, I know how hard it is to force yourself to do something you don't want to do!
2007-02-02 02:16:43
answer #4
answered by Zugunruhly 3
My son is now undergoing ADHD testing. He has no tension span for nothing. Hhis school worked has suffered severly. I made a game out of it and giving rewards to help focus. I also bought hooked on phonics and hooked on math. It seems to be helping. There are games that they can play and they are actually fun. However hooked on phonics can be quite pricy. If interested people sell them on Ebay for a muh better price that is where I got mine. Buying it through a regular store can cost anywhere from 70- 230 bucks depending on which program you buy.
2007-02-02 03:45:04
answer #5
answered by twins040401 1
ONe suggestions is that he always use math manipulatives when doing math. I think if you did a search online, you'd get ideas better than if I explained it, but he would be touching and moving and it might sink in better.
2007-02-02 04:26:14
answer #6
answered by ? 4