Do a little research. First and foremost realize that self defense is not about fighting or beating up the other guy. It is about survival. There is no room for egos here.
I don't want to sound paranoid but the first thing you have to do is realize that you, and only you are responsible for your safety. The police have no legal obligation to protect you. You are the only one who can be held responsible.
Avoidance and awareness are to very important things to practice. Leanring them is quite simple but practicing them daily is another matter. Avoid situation where you put yourself at risk when you can. I know this is not alway possible but you should attmept to do so when ever you can.
Awareness is simply having a clue. Do you see that guy coming toward you from across the street, or are you too busy talking on your cell phone? Keep your head up and look alert. Spot potnetial threats that appear to working thier way closer to you. Don't hesitate to change directions when this happens.
These are just examples but you get the idea. Most martial arts classes don't address this sort of thing. Yet a martial arts class is probably the best way for you to learn the proper motor skills of striking as well as getting you used to someone taking a swing at you. Most females simply don't grow up doing this sort of thing like guys do. We play a lot more contact sports and roughouse with friends for fun. Certainly girls do that to some extent but sledom like guys. So often females don't devleop the motor skills to hit hard.
Risky behaviour is another huge factor espically with young people of both sexes. There are a lot of do's and dont's of behaviour and you really have to disipline yourself and put your ego aside to embrace them. There is much about risky behavour that is fun and exciting, right until it blows up in your face.
So take defensive course, take a martial art, but realize that self defense is about doing what ever it takes to get away with minimal damage to yourself, and the police are not looking for you the next day.
I say that last part because numerous people will say that a gun is all they need for self defense. That just is not so. You need more than just a hammer in your toolbox.
Check out this site for more information. You will be surprised at how much there is to learn before you even begin with the physcial stuff.
Good luck
2007-02-02 09:30:08
answer #1
answered by Christopher H 6
Well the small frame autos you mentioned would be much easier to carry/conceal, and all calibers mentioned would easily do the job in a self defense situation. Plus you have a much higher magazine capacity with the autos (15-20 depending on make/caliber) as opposed to your 6 shot revolvers. In addition, a .40 Glock will have less recoil than a .44 mag shooting full loads, which puts you back on target much quicker for a second shot. Keep in mind though, double-stack .45s such as those produced by Glock have an extremely wide grip, which may be uncomfortable if you have small hands. BUT if you are confident and comfortable using your revolvers, then use one of those. At the end of the day, it all comes down to personal preference and you should use what ever works best for YOU
2016-03-15 03:43:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Every young person should take a self-defense course. Many Y's offer these as do the local Police Athletic League. If these are not in your locale, you might try a local karate/judo school. The hardest thing for most people is to get over the fear of hurting someone. If someone is out to hurt you, you shouldn't feel fear or guilt for inflicting pain on them first. Like they say in battle, the best defense is a good offense. Scream first, inflict pain, then run away as fast as you can - fear will add wings to your feet.
2007-02-01 14:15:24
answer #3
answered by zoomzoom 1
Yes, you should definitely takes self defense. The best way is NOT to walk around area where there are not a lot of people. Or you can get a second dog. :)
2007-02-01 14:06:55
answer #4
answered by Lomus 2
First YES take self defense, but don't do it unless you are serious.
There are two kinds of self defense, real martial arts and what I call feel good self defense.
"feel good" self defense" is when some nice lady gives you a one time 30 or 40 min class that basicly says "hold your keys like a weapon" , kick him in the nuts, and "don't be stupid".
All this does is give you a false sense of security. You learn nothing that would slow down a serious attacker. It is probably worse than useless because it prevents you from actually learning how to defend yourself.
What you want to do is go to GOOGLE and find a Kung Fu (preferably Shao Lin southern style), Judo, or Tai Chi class in your area.
You don't want Karate. Karate is good, but it is a "hard style" martial art, more about power.
Judo, Kung Fu, and Tai Chi are "softer" arts. They are less about using your own strength and power and more about using your opponents strenght and power against him.
Since you are a girl, I'm betting that your attacker, if any, will be larger than you. You won't be able to overpower him. This is exactly what softer style martial arts were designed for in the first place.
I'm a big fan of weapons myself. In the old west they used to say that "God made men, Sam Colt made them all equal" (meaning that a smaller person with a gun can stop a huge person with a club or a knife). Concealed carry laws are a scared woman's best friend.
That being said, I'd advise against a weapon for you. You don't strike me as someone who is up to or ready to carry a lethal weapon, and I get the feeling a non-lethal one would just be taken away from you. If you are going to carry a weapon you have to be willing to USE IT, and use it without ANY hesitation. I don't know you, but I get the idea you are more likely to hesitate than actually use a weapon... and California has some incredibly mind numbingly stupic laws regarding weapons posession.
My advice is to go learn Kung Fu. It will teach you how to defend yourself, give you a lot more self confidence, and get you into really good shape too. (Way better than Pilates). Not only that you are likely to be one of like one or two girls in a class full of really athletic guys... I'm told that can be worth the tuition all in itself.
2007-02-01 14:23:53
answer #5
answered by Larry R 6
honestly I've what women self defence is like and it's useless stuff and the stuff that works you're not going to get the chance to do in real life.
2007-02-01 14:08:22
answer #6
answered by plehaq 2
it wouldnt b a bad idea to take self defense. i would if i were u. =)
2007-02-01 14:05:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous