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This might sound really really really crazy and you may think these two people I know are on drugs but I witnessed this sh1t... and it's out just crazy. Anyways, a long while ago ((Before I discovered Yahoo Answeres lol)) one night I went across the hall to my friend's house ((We lived in an apartment complex)) and asked him if he felt like walking to the park, he said "sure let me put on my coat and shoes" ((Where from Rapid City South Dakota and it's cold as hell here)) It was around 11 maybe 12 at night we walked down to a small park. This small park had a playground ((like every park does)) and a small bridge next to that. Anyways we walked up towards the bridge and he said "Hold on dude, gotta take a piss" so I went around the corner to give him his privacy and for some reason I decided to look under the bridge. When I looked under it my heart fell, I got a bad feeling in my gut. I swear I saw a black figure just sitting there under that bridge... I thought I was seeing things so

2007-01-31 23:08:27 · 5 answers · asked by RJ L 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I shook my head, looked in a different direction then looked back under the brdige and it was still there... so then I thought it was a bum. I started thinking to myself "Oh man... better not wake him up he might start attacking us because all bums do is get drunk" Anyways, after my friend got done pissing I turned to him and told him not to go under that bridge, something bad is under there and he said "Yeah right" he went to go look and all I saw was my friend freeze as if he saw a ghost. His eyes actually started to water as if he was going to cry. I thought to myself "What a *****" then we went towards the swings, we sat there for a while and the whole time he was just shaking and pretty soon out of no where we heard some noises... sounded like a dog or somethin... I dunno. He got scared and wanted to go and our apartments were just a block from the park where we were at. halfway to home he said "Why are they following us?"

2007-01-31 23:09:24 · update #1

I said "Who?" I looked back and saw NOTHING. He looked at me and said... "I thought Demons were spose to be red..." The whole time I was thinking "Oh my god this kid is fcking crazy... is he on drugs?" I told him... "Jamie, no one is behind us dude..." Thats when he started to flip out and say "Oh my god! Dont play with me man! You don't see them!? There right there!" He started pointing towards some mail boxes... and I told him "Dude... I don't see nothing" And at that point tears started dropping from his eyes and he ran towards home crying" Then the next day me and a couple friends went back to the park at night. I brought this girl with me. Everyone started making fun of her and what not and treating her bad because of all the guys she gets with and this and that... Anyways, she walks down towards that SAME bridge. About 1 minute later I walk where she is and try to calm her down because of the guys picking on her. So we took a walk...

2007-01-31 23:09:54 · update #2

and once we got towards that bridge she stops... and says "I'm not walking towards there" And I was like, "umm ok" so we go back up towards the swings and slide where everyone was chilling. The whole time she was sitting on the swing looking towards that bridge scared. About 5 minutes later she runs screaming and crying. Everyone else starts laughing but I run after her. And when I got to her she starts to scream as if I was going to kill her... I started saying "Carissa it's me, it's me. She calms down and just breaks in tears" She didn't tell me what she saw, she didn't talk about it ONCE. There was 5 of us that night. Jamie on the other hand told me what he saw... He said they look pitch black but they don't have a human figure... some have red or yellow glowing eyes. Some climb on the walls, some are bigger then others. And some make a cat like sound... He tells me it sounds like a little kid crying when they growl at you...

2007-01-31 23:10:41 · update #3

He also told me he sees them after bad things happen... Like family fights and so on... He said they like to sit in the corner of the wall when he goes to bed and all the lights are out. They just sit there... even though the room is dark he says you can still see the out lining of them and you can see their glowing eyes and they make that cat like sound... I knew him for a long time and he considers me as a good friend and being around him TWICE when he seen that crap and crying and shaking as if he seen a dead person, how can someone make that up? Seriously... I just want some answers... I can't say if I believe them or not but you got to after you see someone flip out like that... The person at the time that lived with me said they probably do witchcraft and thats the reason why they see the things they do, but I knew these kids for a long while and I never seen them into that type of crap... Anyone got answers?

2007-01-31 23:11:12 · update #4

Sorry for any spelling errors. Been up all night and tired. :(

2007-01-31 23:11:36 · update #5

For the people that say "Ohhh thats bull demons dont exist they were just imagining it." I got a question for you @ss clown, how can two different people, see the same thing, at the same place and at night? And also tell me how they can be faking it if they were actually balling their frickin eyes out. To some of you this might sound like im a little teenager just making up a story because of my bad grammar and typing skills but I aint. I actually experienced this... and it was fcking crazy...

2007-01-31 23:24:19 · update #6

Actually that does make sense Nana, because the girl and boy I knew who saw that sh1t were always messing around with that Ouji Board... I tried it once but I never seen crazy crap like they saw after... but who knows... I dunno if the Ouji board actually made them see that crap or not... I know the girl's mom was always playing around with that Ouji board and I think she did study witchcraft once in her life... well, thats what people told me.

2007-01-31 23:27:21 · update #7

Well tell me this Prophet... how can TWO different poeple see the same thing at the same place? Doesn't sound like no medical condition to me... The boy told me there was more then one under that bridge and it really didn't sound like he was making it up with all the tears rolling down his eyes, his pale skin and all the shaking he was doing...

2007-01-31 23:32:02 · update #8

And you say your a witch? Well let me tell you something TRUE about witches. Witches worship the devil. Demons and Satan are real and so is God and Angels. Theres been a couple critical times in my life I prayed to God and he actually helped me... I never saw demons or ghosts before... but I do sometimes see things in the corner of my eye and when I look I see nothing there, probably just my made playing tricks on me.

2007-01-31 23:38:55 · update #9

Errr.... my mind playing tricks on me* sorry for the spelling error hehe

2007-01-31 23:39:53 · update #10

Hahaha, I see your full of ******** huh Prophet? Witchcraft was never brought up looooooong before the stone age. It was brought up some time after Jesus died you idiot.

2007-01-31 23:59:05 · update #11

P.S. Ohhhh I just called you an idiot! :O What are you going to do about it? Cast a spell on me? lol

2007-02-01 00:01:05 · update #12

Hahaha, listen to Prophet over here... Ok listen here you devil worshipping wannabe witch c*unt, I am part Native American and I know a lot about my people. Shamans and Druids were nothing compared to Witches (AkA Devil Worshippers, same thing) You see, my mother use to live in KCMO, she told me about your kind... and she knew a couple people who practiced witchcraft all the time and they hated her. You know what these people did? They would meet every Friday night and go out to a remote place in the woods and sacrifice little babies... YEAH, little babies... I also heard of them doing other twisted things... And your saying MY PEOPLE did these things? MY PEOPLE worshipped the devil? Your a sick person and I will pray for you...

2007-02-01 01:58:42 · update #13

Oh yeah... by the way, if I met anyone who practiced witchcraft from where I'm from. I would knock them out cold with a blunted weapon and tie them to the back of my car by their legs and introduce them to the dirt roads going about 90MPH. Trust me... that would hurt a lot more then your "pretend" spells.

2007-02-01 02:33:48 · update #14

Correction. Blunt*

2007-02-01 02:45:03 · update #15

5 answers

Hi RJL, I think that you have been made aware of demonic entities in our world that are very real indeed,demons have no physical body but can appear to have solid form,they can appear in the disguise of someone who has died and this is the reality behind people seeing ghosts etc.
I have had a few experiences myself similar to your own and they certainly caused me to think again about things such as Hell and the devil.

2007-02-01 00:44:29 · answer #1 · answered by Sentinel 7 · 0 0

Well, some of those "apparitions" are medically explainable, the others were probably optical illusions. For the person above me, Witchcraft has absolutely NOTHING to do with demons, it is a religious practice which is very similar to prayer. Christians made up demons and Satan, witches don't believe in them. I know this because I am a witch, and that makes me more qualified to speak on the occult than a Christian with a superstitious paranoid fear of it. EDIT: I'm not denying that two people may have seen the exact same thing and believed fully in what they saw, but that doesn't make it real either. Group psychology is a very difficult subject, and I've no wish to go into it here. EDIT: Wrong again, Witchcraft existed as far back as the fuc'king Stone Age , looooooooooooong before Christianity and their Satan showed up.EDIT: Look dic'khead, there are fuc'king cave paintings dating back to 25,000 b.c. showing cave men doing rituals very similar to the rituals of Druids and Native American shamans to catch more animals when they hunted. It's not my opinion, it's not a matter of debate,it's documented; by professional anthropologists. Your head is absolutely full of bullsh'it propaganda, I'd love the chance to enlighten you someday. Unfortunately, I'm not sure where to begin. Second, no, I'm not going to cast a spell on you, I don't need to. You're already an imbecile, what more damage could I do?

2007-02-01 07:25:59 · answer #2 · answered by Prophet ENSLAVEMENTALITY (pbuh) 4 · 2 1

No I know from experiences that witchcraft and all those things open up doors for satan. The only thing that can protect you is God. Nana is very right. Satan will also make himself seem good. As we say he will sugar coat things and make you think it is fine. There is no thing as a dead grandma or grandpa coming back and talking to you or appearing to you, guess who that is, yep demons. Satan has power but my God has ALL power!! They say that there is white magic (good) and black magic (bad). But it is all bad and satan can start to mess with your life. Be careful I know its not fun to have to be scared all the time. You really need to pray and be careful of this stuff. God bless you!

2007-02-01 11:36:11 · answer #3 · answered by rebyrd87 1 · 0 0

Witch craft can open spiritual doors and give invitations to demons to come in. Any kind of witchcraft. Ouija boards, tarot cards, astrology, and almost anything that has to do with the occult or occult practises.I have heard of similar stories.

2007-02-01 07:22:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

my cat's a demon. just ask her.

2007-02-01 07:36:37 · answer #5 · answered by a1tommyL 5 · 1 1

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