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I was told he would strike me down dead if I became a sinner, all I can say is I am now an atheist, there are so many sinners in this world that he as not had time to sort me out yet , anyboby else out there waiting?

2007-01-31 22:37:09 · 28 answers · asked by john r 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

Hi John

There are an awfully lot of people in the same position you are describing.

You just get to the point where you realize that if this judgmental psychopath of a God actually exists, it's not worth worshiping anyway.

The problem is many decide that just because they have finally realized that what religion has been telling them was all a lie, they think that God must be a lie too.

This is unfortunate because they are finally free of the lies that religion has been telling them about God. They could start to develop a close personal relationship with the real unconditionally loving God.

Instead they sort of throw the baby (God) out with the old dirty bath water (religion).

Think about it?

Just because someone told you lies about God does not mean that God is not real. What if someone told me lies about you? Would you want me to judge you on the lies that were told about you, or would you want me to give you an opportunity to show me the real you?

Love and blessings Don

2007-02-01 02:02:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Fearing God means a whole fear of displeasing him, not a paranoid horror-film fear. We are all sinners by God's standards, the principal evidence of which is the fact that no-one on earth has a perfectly good relationship with him, not even his most zealous worshippers.

It's a shame that you don't believe in God even though you were brought up to fear him. I would say that's the fault of the church which did not take it's responsibility seriously to teach what the Bible really says.

There is a book which you can get free of charge called "What The Bible Realy Teaches". You can get it by contacting the people who run this web site.

2007-02-01 08:14:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God is a concept, so in that sense, it does exist, just not as an entity we all think it to be.. I'm sure there may be gods, not creators out there. By that I mean beings who may have a universal understanding, or maybe exist in a far larger part unknown to us right now... who really knows.. These days, everyone is dogmatic, christians, scientists, new agers, politicians, even buddhists like myself hold onto some dogmatic assumptions, though I'm working on those.. Most people either believe in something too easily, or reject what the don't believe in instantly...

What you should do is question everything, and do analysis on these questions with a single pointed concentration of logic, with a balance of an open mind balanced with rational skepticism..

One of our best gifts in this world is the ability to make choices, so action is important.. Don't just wait to see if god is there or not, become agnostic if you're not sure, and then check it out starting with questions.. Cheers!

2007-02-01 07:02:36 · answer #3 · answered by Tom 4 · 1 0

If God is all loving and gives us unconditional love i.e. no matter what we do he still will love us, then why should we fear him?!
The problem is we humans assign human values to God,
just listen to your conscience, your highest loving thought about any matter and there you will find God.
God is an emotion, an emotion called love, and is not found in fear based religions or texts.
Enjoy your life, you don't have to feel guilty about anything, you don't even have to acknowledge God in this life time, your life experiences and growth as a person will bring you closer to the greater idea of love anyway.
Have fun.

2007-02-01 06:48:24 · answer #4 · answered by happy d 2 · 3 0

Whoever told you that was wrong and only saw a vengeful God. Would God have become man, suffered horribly for us just to strike us down? I don't think so, he gave us free will to choose, so that makes nonsense of the person who told you this in the first place.

2007-02-01 09:54:09 · answer #5 · answered by Plato 5 · 0 0

I am not an atheist,but i never fear God,I think of him as a friend.Like the song(what if God was one of us,just a slob like one of us)It makes a whole lot more sense to me that he is one of us,not a smiting thunder God of anger.It was the churches way of keeping people in line to say such bull caca.or parents.He answers my prayers and guides me ,so we are close,but I have nothing against atheist,since he is hard to prove as real.I just wonder who made us if not for God or the very complex world we live in

2007-02-01 07:08:08 · answer #6 · answered by woodsonhannon53 6 · 1 0

Hahahahahahaha! Strike you dead? Lol. Your question made my day.
Fear God means to have respect for God. to see him as the Sovereign Lord that He is. But that doesn't mean he will strike you dead if you sin. I think your upbringing has made you to be what you are today because you think that God is not love that God doesn't care about you and that is not true. If you read the Bible carefully you'll realise that God is love and he loves his children even those that don't love Him and those that reject him.

God helps those that help themselves. If you're just sitting in a corner and waiting for God to move while you're not moving then you're going to be sitting for a very long time. Make an effort, go to church, read the Bible, pray and God WILL move into your life and save you. Don't give up hope. But you should also try. If God notices that you're trying there is no way that he'll withold his Grace from you. That's not the God I know. God is very merciful.

2007-02-01 06:50:08 · answer #7 · answered by sweetdivine 4 · 0 4

What you were told was from satan..sorry..but many people have been taught that. I am so sorry that someone could twist things like that....
To fear God is to respect Him...not to be scared spitless..people don't bother to really study the scriptures fully, or the character of God..but tell people their own version..and that is almost always from satan.
Satan wants people to be so scared of God and hate Him..thus walking away from Him..that is satans job.
Nowhere in scripture does it say God will strike down dead a sinner..yes..when this world ends..those who remain in sin then and have turned away from God, they will be destroyed..in order to remove sin from the world forever. However..God gives people every chance in the world to want to get to know Him and want to come to Him....How can a God who allowed His own sone to be tortured and killed..in order to pay for everyones sin..the price for sin is death...so that every one of us can come to God and say we are sorry, turn towards Him and begin to walk with Him..How can this God strike down a sinner..without all the chances in the world to accept the gift of His son...
Noone can force you to find out the truth about God for yourself..all I can say is..you were lied to, in the worst way..and that person will be held accountable if they do not go to God and right what they did to you.
God Bless....

2007-02-01 06:57:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

hes always there but its hard to know hes there because u cant see him. I dont know who told you he would strike you down if you became a sinner because once you have become a christian he forgives your sins. Read revelations from the bible it all makes sense. God loves you its hard to see it but he loves you because he sent jesus to die for you and thats the greatest love of all no person can ever give you what go has given you. Now im a christian i know im a sinner and its still hard to see gods there by letting me suffer having no friends at times but god answers prayers in the time thats most suited. I pray you will see this.

2007-02-01 06:45:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

God should never be feared, God merely witnesses. Any 'punishment' we experience is the natural law of Karma taking effect.

2007-02-01 09:33:44 · answer #10 · answered by Fragile Rock 5 · 0 0

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