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If I stole something as menial and insipid as a candy bar I could be arrested. Why? Because it is a crime; a misdemeanor. So, if millions of foreigners invade our country illegally at great cost to our country and culture they should be considered criminals and enemies of the state. Large scale immigration (both illegal and legal) while 'supposedly' good in its intentions begins to erode the identity of the host nation.

There is no good nor logical reason to import poverty, not to say that some who migrate aren't highly educated. We are not obligated to take care of the world, especially within our own borders. This is not the 19th and 20th centuries needed the Irish and Italians (I know I'm leaving a few groups out) to help build the infrastructure of this country. This current boom in immigration is dangerous and unnecessary. I don't care where they come from, if people want to live out there dreams they should try to change their country so that they may do so.

2007-01-31 22:10:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

6 answers

HELLO people!! Have you ever read Native American history? Let's see...in every story I've read the native people were killing each other. This is a country of it's own, we do NOT belong to the world, we belong to OURSELVES. Think about it, Mexico and Canada and many other countrys had natives, but you don't complain about that do you? Yes, our early people did not treat them correctly, but they also killed many of our people and started fights and battles. It was a problem that was on both sides, BOTH sides caused the violent wars. The early settlers saw the Native Americans like how we see horses and dogs, we thought that they were underdeveloped people and that the're feelings were unimportant. The Native Americans thought the very same thing about us! They thought our customs and ways were silly, and they murdured entire familys without cause. Our people had a right to fear and hate them, with the exception of the...I forget the name but they adopted our way of life. This is our country now and the Native Americans are a part of it, NOT THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!!

2007-02-01 02:46:44 · answer #1 · answered by offlights 4 · 1 1

The US has been responsible for 'meddling' in many countries' politics and for propping up less than favourable regimes of dictators.
The Taliban would never have been in power if the US hadn't put them there. Saddam Hussein was propped up by the US. South Vietnam was devastated by US forces when they had no right being there. The list goes on and on.
Whilst most US citizens see their country as the world's leader and saviour, most of the rest of the world see the US as a selfish nation furthering its own causes for economic and political purposes.
Many of the worlds refugees and homeless are that way because of US policies. Whilst the US "Is not obligated to take care of the world" neither is it obligated to make the world a dangerous place for other countries through war mongering.

Go do some research into history.

2007-01-31 22:31:06 · answer #2 · answered by shopper! 2 · 0 1

You're Right. Everyone expects the US to give and give and give. And We rarely get so much as a "Thank you" anymore. Lately, our generosity has gotten US the "greedy American" label. We are concerned about illegal immigration numbers, tunnels running under the border, fake SS#, and we're labeled "racist Americans." We liberate Iraq and Afghanistan and labeled "war mungers and criminals". It would be different if this sentiment was held only by people living outside the US, but this is how a growing number of people feel here. The number is growing because more and more foreigners are coming, already having this negative attitude.
US Americans have already begun doing the job that illegal immigrants won't do. Historically, things will get much worse before things get better. Regardless, We'll eventually solve our illegal immigration problems...
Thanks and stay involved...

2007-02-01 01:57:13 · answer #3 · answered by askthetoughquestions 3 · 1 1

You see. People like you still don´t understand what immigration is all about. The continent of the United States of America doesn´t belong to a specific relegated nationality of people. It´s stolen Land. To steal means to take without autorization or approval. T he so-called American Indian were a peaceful People,who are related to the so-call Mexican Immagrants. This country was taken by force.because Europeans were greedy. They subsequently "stole" Blacks from Africa to build up their Ideaology in order to form a "more Perfect Union". This Union wasn´t and isn´t intended for Blacks and the Help (Darkskinned people) to profit from. Those ponds that think they are profiting are mostly entertainers. The rest are way down the Profit line. Don´t be arrogant,because you have the right to Express yourself,because if the Right Wingers wanted to, you wouldn´t be here to write anything?

2007-01-31 22:46:46 · answer #4 · answered by RJ2K1 5 · 1 1

If you stole something as menial and insipid as a candy bar I could be arrested. Why? Because it is a crime; a misdemeanor.
Because you are poor. Look at the corporate theft for billions do they go to jail? not hardly.

2007-01-31 22:16:11 · answer #5 · answered by iraqidesertmp 3 · 0 2

Imagine what the Native Americans felt.

2007-01-31 22:18:30 · answer #6 · answered by azrach187 3 · 0 2

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