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i live in u.s ,and my g/f converted to islam last week,and i feel like converting too...
wut do you guys think!!

2007-01-31 20:38:16 · 29 answers · asked by POLO 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

Your choice, I suppose. I wouldn't recommend it, though.

2007-01-31 20:41:13 · answer #1 · answered by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7 · 6 7

It's your choice, I would definitely NOT recommend listening to a bunch of online people who you have no idea who they are, especially those who are being extremely biased. Understand that some of the stuff they're bringing up here is OUT OF CONTEXT. When you take ANYTHING out of context, you can make it mean whatever you want. Don't let that fool you, read everything, not just parts of it.

I don't feel it's my place to tell you whether to convert or not, not b/c I don't want you to, but b/c I don't know you, you don't know me, and ultimately because only you know best what's good for you. One thing I'd recommend you do, though, to get an unbiased view of Islam, is to get a copy of the Quran and read the translation in English, or whichever language you're comfortable with. Lots of people, when they read it for the first time, started crying b/c it holds the truth that so many people search for in this life from stuff like self-help books, counseling, meditation, whatever. Even my answer is biased -- just read the Quran and decide what's best for you. I wish you all the best.

2007-02-03 14:43:12 · answer #2 · answered by Green Emotion 2 · 1 1

Hi, I'm a muslim, but I won't go againts you or support you because it's your choice. I won't be like these other fellas here, I'll just say that what you could do is simply research Islam from any valid source, think if it's really what you want and how you want to live your life. It's up to you, also try to understand why your girlfriend converted in the first place :)

2007-02-01 07:17:11 · answer #3 · answered by Adia Azrael 4 · 3 0

Alhamdulilah. Allah had shown U the correct path and let U embrace the TRUE Religion. Convert yourself to become a Muslim. We, the Muslims, always welcome U. we will guide U to become a pious Muslim. Not anybody could receive the call from ALLAH to be a Muslim. It is an honored to be one of the selected person to embrace Islam. Don't worry. U make the right choice to convert. U will find your life is full of fulfillment and peace . ALLAH will always guide U if U have faith in Islam. Ameen.

2007-02-01 09:55:00 · answer #4 · answered by atbt 4 · 3 0

You are a grown up, I suppose, so the decision should lies with you and not us. However, do proper research before converting as it is not just as simply changing your religion. You have to change your name, eating habits, etc. These are things that I am not prepared to change and you should also consider carefully.

Be prepare to make sacrifices as mentioned and please do not convert just for the sake of converting or cose of your gf or you would like to join in the fun. Ultimately, all religious teaches you good and you should thread on water carefully.

2007-02-01 04:49:51 · answer #5 · answered by Miyuki 3 · 1 0

May God guide you to the truth. Islam is a lot to get yourself into. My best advice to you as a Muslim is to not believe everything you hear UNLESS it's from the Quran and you have verified multiple translations. Commentaries often help when the verses are referring to historical contexts. Do not let ANY Muslim trick you by making you think they are superior because they know Arabic. They genuinely think they are right in everything they say (and who knows, maybe they are). I believe that religion is also a provate matter and YOU can (using your brain and logic) decide what is truth and what you think God means when He is talking to you (through his revelation). Islam is a progression starting from Judaism and advancing to the last and final religion--Islam. It i an excellent religion: it emphasizes peace (soo cliche), prayer, fasting, almsgiving, brotherhood, loyalty, knowledge, self-betterment and justice. Hadiths (lifestyle of the prophet Muhamad s.a.w. written by his companions) are a very touchy subject; they are also the cause of most Islamic disputes. While I can explain EVERY Quranic verse (God's true word) I can not defend EVERY hadith as they were written by man whom are known to at times err. Hadiths provide great moral concepts, stories and lessons but should NOT constitute laws. That jurisdiction is in God's hands only. I may just be a lay Muslim, so may God forgive me if I have erred, but this is the most sincere advice I can give you. If you want educational websites (of progressive Islam of course), free qurans or have any questions just ask. I (and your local mosque) am here for you! ;-) Good luck and Salam (peace).

2007-02-01 21:56:26 · answer #6 · answered by justmyinput 5 · 2 2

If you follow a path that does not fit your spiritual make-up you are going to create a lot of inner turmoils within yourself. You will not achieve anything in the end. Ask yourself honestly,"Is this what I really want?" Is it what you really want to do from your heart or are you doing it to please someone else? Is Islam your belief? Rather, Do you believe in Islam?

People will try to tell you that their belief system is the best etc. You should know that people who try to convert others are simply people who do not know the truth. A true religionists or spiritualist will never try to convert someone into their following what they belief because they know that everyone is at their rightful level of spiritual advancement. To force someone to change their belief will only slow down their growth and this is a violation of spiritual law of growth.

If you are happy and if you honestly believe that you can learn and grow to the next level in your spiritual growth, by all means go ahead but if on the other hand it contradicts your basic belief, you should reconsider your own feelings. Follow your intuition. What matters is not where you (in religion) but how you are doing with God. Even if you don't have a religion, it does not matter. What matters is your ability to communicate with God directly. That is the most direct path.

Religions is there to provide you with informations. It will never give you the experience with God. It is you who determine your experience with God. Any decision that slows down the spiritual growth of an individual is negative and any decisions that helps in the growth is positive.

It is better to be a loving person who loves all life without religion instead of being in a religion that does not and cannot instill love in the heart of their followers. In the end what brings you closer to God is your love for Him. You don't have to be in a religion to love God. God never said that you need to be in a certain religion to have his love. All those nonsense were created by human.

The choice is yours. Whatever you decide, don't regret it. Take it as a learning process. We will learn. Yes, we will learn to discard everything in this world including our belief. When we have learned to be free from the mass of considerations inside us, we will be free. There would not be any blockage from us to God's love.

2007-02-01 05:08:06 · answer #7 · answered by rajkath 2 · 1 2

Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error: whoever rejects evil and believes in God hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And God heareth and knoweth all things.

Quran, Al-Baqarah Chapter 2 Verse 256

Don't feel becuase she has converted you have to as well. Only convert if you truely believe in Islam.

2007-02-01 04:57:29 · answer #8 · answered by By Any Means Necessary 5 · 5 1

My boyfriend is muslim and i'm not, but i think it's a beautiful religion and has a lot to offer. The people who tell you not to look into a religion are very narrow-minded and ignorant. It's the knowledge you gain that opens your mind to different ideas and views. I say learn as much as you can and truly UNDERSTAND it first. Then make your decision. Good luck with everything. I wish you and your girlfriend the best!

2007-02-04 02:24:22 · answer #9 · answered by peejay 3 · 1 1

well i dun think u shud ask us..........ask urself , do extensive research in islam from the RIGHT n RELIABLE sources, luk up at stories of ppl who hve converted 2 islam ask ur gf wat made her convert, make muslim frnds,pray 4 guidance n if u feel u want it then go ahead n as 4 sum1 who said ull be killed if u leave islam then no tht only happens in saudi arabia n minority of countries not everywhere
May Allah show u the right path Ameen

2007-02-01 06:30:50 · answer #10 · answered by NS 5 · 0 0

Great idea. But do you know enough about the precepts of Islam?

An Islamic martyr is typically a suicide bomber who straps explosives filled with shrapnel and rat poison to his chest, walks into a public place filled with innocent Jewish women and children whom the bomber never met, shouts "Allahu Akbar" (God is Great) and then shatters the lives of hundreds, all for the right to gain entrance into a pornographic heaven filled with 72 virgins, young boys, and tons of gold and jewels.

Further rewards, as reported by hadith, are that the fighter in God's cause will, if killed in the struggle, receive privileges otherwise unattainable: he escapes the examination in the grave by the "interrogating angels"; he does not need to pass through barzakh, the purgatory limbo; he receives the highest of ranks in paradise, sitting near the throne of God--Muhammad described the "house of martyrs," dar al-shuhada', as the most beautiful abode of paradise; on the Day of Judgment any wounds the martyr received in battle will shine and smell like musk; his death as a martyr frees him of all sin such that he does not require the intercession of the Prophet; he is purified by his act and so he alone is not washed before burial.

"Martyr" is just one of many concepts that Islamics have corrupted.

2007-02-01 12:00:31 · answer #11 · answered by Ivri_Anokhi 6 · 2 3

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