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shes 7 months old ive got to lock her in the kitchen at night when i go to bed because otherwise she goes crazy about 2am running up and down the stairs,like she wants to play,theres no way im doing that after a busy day,does it sound cruel to keep her in the kitchen?shes got a cozy basket ect.

2007-01-31 19:34:02 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Cats

14 answers

I wouldn't suggest microwave treatment.

You first need to realize that cats are nocturnal animals. They usually have a lot of energy at night because they sleep all day!

However, I would say that it sounds like your cat is bored out of it's mind. No worries, help entertain and your cat will be calmer.

I found a really cool toy that my cat loves. The only problem is it makes a little noise. It's called a Star Chaser. It's shaped like a racetrack with a rolling ball on the edges and lights up when the cat hits it around the track. It has a scratching pad in the center with catnip.

Anyway the point of this toy is to give your cat a workout, stimulate your cats mind so it feels like it has accomplished something and get rid of some of that boredom.

Try letting your cat outside, even if it's on a leash for a short amount of time. I know that sounds crazy but my sister put's their cat on a leash and I think it mellows the cat out.

Good luck with your stair climber kitty. :)

2007-01-31 19:53:18 · answer #1 · answered by webaddict 2 · 1 0

Cats sleep around 18 hours a day, so it's natural that they go a little nuts. I call it the Midnight Crazies because that's when my kitties start rampaging. I try and tire them out before I go to bed by playing with the laser light or one of those toys on a stick. It's relaxing for me too, watching their antics. They run, jump, and freak out, and I keep it up until they quit chasing. By then, they're usually ready for a nap.

It's not cruel to keep her confined to the kitchen as long as she has access to food, water, and a litter box if that's what you prefer to do.

2007-02-01 04:30:52 · answer #2 · answered by thinkcwik 4 · 0 0

Cats are nocturnal creatures. Think about it, they sleep about 18 hours a day, most of that time is when you are away at work, so when you are home she wants your attention. Mine used to get me up early in the am because I fed him when I got up. We fixed that by feeding him at night. I used to lock him out of my room and sometimes still have to but not near as much. I understand being tired after work and needing sleep, so you may need to give your baby some play time at night, with a toy, or pets or brush her for like a half hour. They need your attention too, just like kids or a boyfriend! See what happens.

2007-02-04 01:06:48 · answer #3 · answered by Rhode Island Red 5 · 0 0

By nature, cats are nocturnal---this means they are most active at night. Before reading the rest of your explanation, I already knew that this was a kitten, and YES, they DO get active and crazy at night. Just the nature of the beast. No, it isn't cruel to lock her in the kitchen, as long as she has access to food, water and a litter box--the cozy bed is fine, too. As she grows into adulthood, she will most likely (as all of mine have, over the years) adapt to YOUR schedule. My cat gets all excited when he see I'm getting ready to go to bed,that's when he gets his treats, then he goes down to the bottom of the bed at my feet and sleeps there all night with me.

2007-02-01 04:31:53 · answer #4 · answered by sharon w 5 · 0 0

Our cat and new the puppy started doing that. I just kept them awake between 8 and 11 PM then they slept all night... kind of like getting a baby to sleep at night. It took a couple weeks but now they play in the late evening and not at 2 in the morning!

2007-02-01 08:01:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No it is not cruel: counterproductive maybe.
What you need to do is remember 2 things. Kittens get the night frenzies. Period. They swing from the chandeliers and run around like crazy cats. They are noctournal after all..the other thing to remember is kittens = babies. You just have to run them ragged before you go to bed to tucker them out... this helps. Tired? get a laser pointer and let kitty run around chasing the dot on the floor while you watch tv: be sure to never ever shine in kitty's eye tho... giv e him a treat too, they like to curl up and bathe after eating, and then nap.
Above all else, remember, they outgrow this...... but try tiring him out like a little toddler before bedtime.

2007-02-01 09:51:38 · answer #6 · answered by GRISCHAT 3 · 0 0

It's fine to confine her at night, it's for her own safety as much as anything because you can't see what she's getting into when you're asleep.
We call it "Happy Hour" or "Cat Silly Hour". All cats seem to have a time of the evening/night when they get a bit silly and just want to play. Ours do it too, but around 11pm-midnight.

2007-02-01 03:39:34 · answer #7 · answered by RIffRaffMama 4 · 1 0

my cat went nuts early hours of the morning too. i started locking her in the spare room until she tore the curtains off the wall...lol..after that i gave up and she wouldnt let me close my bedroom door. if i closed my bedroom door she would claw at the bottom until i opened it...the phase didnt last long hopefully yours wont either...as for being locked in the kitchen its not like she is cramped into a kennel

2007-02-01 04:10:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i have the same problem w/ my cat.He's starting to run,jump up and down on my bed and meowing continously during dawn time.I know he's not hungry or thirsty because i keep some food on his plate and water before i'm going to sleep.What i did ?bring my cat and let him sleep beside me and he's ok.I feel it that sometimes cats feel cold and they need some warm from us especially when the cat is alone.I always did that and it really works.

2007-02-01 04:33:47 · answer #9 · answered by janjan t 1 · 0 0

What you are doing is fine. As the other peson said, (not microwave treatment guy) It's for her safety as well as your peace of mind and rest. So long as she has access to food water and toys, she should be good.

2007-02-01 03:46:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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