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Why doesn't he do it, I would be happy to believe everything the Bible says? Anecdotal evidence isn't good enough. It's not about "I don't love God so I don't believe in him, etc..". It's just that it helps if I can SEE something to know whether its real or not. this is a question for Christians, Muslims, and Jews. You can say that "Jesus came 2000 years ago, etc" but that's not good enough for me because I want to see God with my own eyes if he exists. What reason does he have to not show himself? It wouldn't make people morally tainted if he just showed himself and he can do it because he is omnipotent.

2007-01-31 19:31:58 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

A few things:

1. I'm atheist/agnostic, this is a question for Christians, etc. because I am curious what they think about it.

2. I don't see why faith is necessary. If God showed himself, you would still have all the temptation to do evil. You would still have to be morally upright and do what he says in the face of real world problems.

So why doesn't he just show himself (IF HE EXISTS) and tell us what he wants us to do. Because right now there are too many religions, all of them can't be right. He should just tell us which one is right, that way there is less confusion.

Of course, I am agnostic because he has never shown himself.

2007-01-31 19:43:36 · update #1


I don't see why he would not show himself because he thinks we are unworthy to be in his presence. Showing himself will likely help us on our path to improving and reaching a point where we ARE worthy of his presence, why doesn't he just show himself.

2007-01-31 19:46:31 · update #2


I don't see why he would not show himself because he thinks we are unworthy to be in his presence. Showing himself will likely help us on our path to improving and reaching a point where we ARE worthy of his presence, why doesn't he just show himself.

2007-01-31 19:46:43 · update #3

My points, which some of you don't seem to see so I'll just say it:

Why doesn't he just show himself and tell us which interpretation is correct. There's Judaism, Christianity, Islam - those are the major ones and there are more out there. Why doesn't he tell us which one is correct. They can't all be correct, so why is he letting people delude themselves with the wrong religion if he can just point them to the right one?

For example: if Christianity was the correct religion, then all of the Jewish and Muslim people who were RAISED to be Jewish or Muslim are not following the right guidelines just because they are born into a culture that tells them that their holy book is correct.

So why doesn't he just point people to the one, correct religion if he does exist?

2007-01-31 19:49:53 · update #4

No one has yet answered the question of why God has not shown himself. He does everything for a reason and this is a pretty important thing to understand. What is the POINT of FAITH? Why can't he just tell us which religion is correct so people can try to follow the correct religion.

2007-01-31 19:53:00 · update #5

OK I give up, it seems the believers just won't answer my damn question. I guess maybe they like the idea of people fighting wars over which religion is correct, because if God exists he sure does (thanks for the phrase, first poster).

2007-01-31 20:05:06 · update #6

21 answers

God would much rather watch his creation squabble over which faith is the "right" one.

2007-01-31 19:34:29 · answer #1 · answered by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7 · 3 1

I think God was a wild sense of humor. Someone said that "God is playing to an audience to afraid to laugh" The world is pretty screwed up, but I am quite sure it is more civilized because of religion. Most good moral compasses and the thoughts of how we should treat each other come from some sort of religion. I have a few friends who are atheists and I really believe they are good people. They seem to be searching for someone to dispute and prove that God exists, much like you are, hey keep looking.
There is only on positive way to find out, depart this life, hey, good luck!

2007-01-31 19:45:53 · answer #2 · answered by Robert D 4 · 0 0

God hasn't called you yet, so why would he prove anything to you. Maybe you have a different father other than God. Maybe your father doesn't care about you, or the simple true is you lack Faith. Here are some of the things God is that you cannot see hear touch feel or taste but you can feel them. Prove any of these things----Love, Faith, Light, Peace, Joy, Happiness, and if you can proof any of these you have found God, but people that have these things just know they have it.
If you cannot then you already know the Devil I do not need to teach you about him: 2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
I personally like Light the best because if you study it scientifically you will see God and understand him. And love secondly because you want it but cannot understand your need for love is a need for God in your life.
I would say to you Jesus is very much alive in me but that would not help you see anything? Jesus lived in a day where people really didn't expect to see God and God gives people exactly what they expect from Life.

2007-01-31 19:47:08 · answer #3 · answered by sirromo4u 4 · 0 0

which god are we talking about? You know there are many. There was a god of thunder; thor was his name. He is the one from which the word Thursday comes from. Then there is the god of lightening, and the muslim god, Allah. Then there are other Hindu gods, then there is Yahwe, the child-less Jewish God, created in man's image with all the typical jealousiness and anger. Then there is the Christian God, the one who has a son that wants you to eat his body and drink his blood. So which one do you want to show up? Take your pick.

2007-01-31 19:46:19 · answer #4 · answered by godfrey m 1 · 1 0

Better question why do you perceive "God" in the context of some pagan allegory in scriptures? Why is your thoughts only in reaction rather than consciousness? Why do you assume that it is proper to judge from the paradox of fundamentalist? Are we who believe in God all have the same perception and see the bible as a history book?

Why would God show himself? You have no one to blame but yourself for your own poverty of unknowing. It's not God's fault that you don't know thy self. Maybe you should try to read up on the actual theology as it existed in the ancient world, you may understand the the error in your thinking. Perhaps you don't know the point of being in this world from a prospective of higher reality that mystics spoke from.

So your question is backwards, why haven't you proved God in yourself?

2007-01-31 19:46:06 · answer #5 · answered by Automaton 5 · 0 1

Hebrews 11:1

2007-01-31 19:46:03 · answer #6 · answered by clwkcmo 5 · 0 1

He already has. Think about how the universe was created. The whole idea of the big bang hinges on the idea that all matter was in one place at one time, but when you think about it, where did it come from? Everything in science negates the idea that matter can simply pop into existence, so where did that first matter come from? I say god, or some other force that is so close to god as to defy any real distinction.

2007-01-31 19:38:39 · answer #7 · answered by Jack S 5 · 0 1

No one can make you believe in God - that is a choice... And besides, God does not have to prove himself to us.. Correct?
Personly - I cannot fathom a big bang, or evolutional hypothesis..
When seeing how intricate things depend on eachother , and the make-up of specific microorganisms- it is very hard for me to believe that it all happened by accident.... It simply fits together all too good to be purely accidental.....
Someone surely had their hand in the cookie jar somehow!
Think as you desire ~ and allow others to do so too

2007-01-31 19:51:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't think any of us are worthy enough to be in his presence. We would be so ashamed we wouldn't even be able to lift our heads. This life is a test. Each of our religions teach us 'study habits' that will help us pass the test. Faith is such a big part of the test. We must believe in God on faith. To some it is given to have the gift to believe, to others the gift to believe those who believe. We must all come to terms on what we should do to become better people as God wants. He knows what really lies in our hearts. I think if you desire to believe in your heart, and seek out answers as you are doing. God will manifest himself to you in his own way, that will help you gain testimony of his existence.

2007-01-31 19:43:43 · answer #9 · answered by chei 2 · 0 1

God didn't come down to earth and tell us stories of himself. Humans give the proofs. And in the old days, proofs were said to guide people to live a better life, that's religion, to let people have a meaning in their lives.

But of course, it's totally up to you to figure out what religion means to you, everybody is different.

2007-01-31 19:37:54 · answer #10 · answered by longtailedmonkey 2 · 0 0

God has already given the proof of his existence in the words he gas given in the form of the Vedas, Bible, Quran, Torah to name a few. In that he has given ample logical and irrefutable proofs.

For instance in the parable of the prodigal son Jesus Christ shows as to how the father is happy to see the son come back to him. As a affectionate and loving father, he does not want that his son be separated from him. But when the son insists that he wants his freedom and to be away from he gives money and sends him away so that he can be all on his own without having to do nothing with the father. Of course, he suffered lot and thought it would be nice to go back to his father again.

Similarly, spirit souls have come from the spiritual world away from God and have come to this material world and have acquired material things which are given by God just like the father gave the prodigal son money to be enjoy independent of his father. Now, when we realize that we are suffering just like the prodigal son suffered and decide to go back to God.

God is omnipotent and therefore gives the facility so that we can forget him and be independent of him. Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita, chapter 15, text 15. "I am seated in everyone's heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness. By all the Vedas, I am to be known. Indeed, I am the compiler of Vedanta, and I am the knower of the Vedas".

So, because he is omnipotent, he has given to all of us his word, Veda(Knowledge) as to how we can know him, see him, talk to him, eat with him, sing with him, dance with him etc. . .

2007-01-31 19:58:02 · answer #11 · answered by Gaura 7 · 0 0

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