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Is it a fact that Great granpa dangled from his tail in a tree 8 million years ago?

2007-01-31 18:43:54 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

Hi try these sites out:


and Books

The Evolution Deceit

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution
in 20 Questions

The Dark Spell of Darwinism

2007-01-31 18:46:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 7

Evolution is not a "fact", its a theory; however, as a model, it more accurately reflects the world that our models are aimed at than any stated so far (including any religious model).

It is a fact that we have found a range of primate species, who have not all existed simultaneously and that tend to show a convincing pattern of development from ape to human. And they are found in relative strata of the earth or are otherwise dated to fairly sequential time periods.

It is also a "fact" that no where in the Bible is the age of the earth or the universe stated. When people are claiming that the earth is less than 10,000 years old they are repeating a monk's interpretation of the various ages, etc given in the Bible.

The point being is this -- am I going to form my own model -- the one that we each use to interpret and experience the world around us -- based on an interpretation of a book written by humans (albeit inspired humans), which was selected from a much broader selection of inspired writings and that was then translated into a myriad of languages -- where, by necessity, the meanings of words are altered if not entirely lost? Or am I going to derive my model by interpreting information that is derived from the direct creation of God (the planet earth itself!)?

Agreed, science has to interpret the information that it collects, but so too are the claims made by so called Bible literalists about what it says in the Bible. For instance, right from the get go god creates "days" on the second day of creation. It is threrefore not only an interpretation but a giant egocentric assumption (which could be construed as a sin) that the word "day" here (day 1) means a 24 hour period of time - a human day.

You can of course choose to argue back all kinds of things like the idea of scientific dating is way off, but you are just taking your and everyone else's mind off the real issue. The bottom line is that scientific models more acuratetly reflect the direct creation of God -- the planet earth, precisely because they acquire their information from the actual world rather than from a book.

If creationists want to alter the majority of people's oppinion on this matter (incl. most catholics I know) then they need to otherwise explain what is found out there rather than quoting scripture and throwing out one liners and sound bites.

Sorry for going on a tirade.


2007-01-31 19:48:34 · answer #2 · answered by Howard K 2 · 1 0

So much time has elapsed since that question, that there are a million and one theory's on that subject, books written, moves made, but I like to believe that both the idea that we descended from apes but by way of a more spiritual, backwards decention occurred. We, being a sancient race, manifested by choice, when the universal personality chose to create this planet, and angels, by IT's direction, formed the earth, but because man defide it's creator by forgetting it's own existance, and intellegence, and knowledge of all things, the creator decided that through the experience, from the most simplest base life forms, the spirit, or soul, would have to re-experience creation, and remember, bit by bit, whence it came, and all of the universal knowledge, through many life forms, and life times, so that we would, one day, be reunited with the supreme body. During this evolution of spirit, man would eventually evolve into a human form, process through all the human emotions, and physical traumas, and eventually gain back the memory of it's own true enlightened self, and oneness with The Creator. During the expanse of a humans life, each brief moment on the physical plane, that person would have assistance in the form of angels, guides, and spiritual teachers both her, and in the spiritual realm, and intern, during the transitional period, before entering into a new life, that personality would help guide, or teach others here in the physical world based on there level of spiritual growth and ability. I could go further with my theory, but we all have our own. Peace.

2007-01-31 19:24:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yeah. Ain't that a nice thought? The theory of evolution=billions and billions of years, matter molecules, energy,coming together and forming life survival of the fittest, one species leading to another WOW--that's easy to believe! Sure makes a lot of sense to me (not. What makes more sense, saying a red rose was made, cratered just as it is now. Or believing that it took billions and billions of years and from some other flower like forms, a rose came into being? To accept evolution would mean to believe that people will someday, look a lot different than we do now. Mankind will graduate into what? Two heads? Four legs? What? Per evolution, we will evolve into something better, right? Beautiful Dreamer---

2007-01-31 19:01:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Oh no no no, evolution cannot be a fact, any more than that silly theory of gravity, when we all know that the Earth sucks and there is no gravity. And of course the Earth is flat, anybody can see that and the Hawly Bahble teaches it, praise de lawd, hallelujah. And as for the Satanic theory that the earth rotates on its axis, oh no no no, how awful. Neither does it revolve around the Sun. The Earth is flat, evolution does not happen, and there's no such thing as gravity, see? After all, isn't all truth about the universe contained in the Hawly Bahble?

2007-01-31 18:51:26 · answer #5 · answered by fra59e 4 · 2 3

Do you think eve really has one of your ribs? Evolution is a fact...as an example...look at your wisdom teeth(if you have any left) evolution is making our jaws smaller causing us to discard these extra 4 teeth. Why is our jaw smaller....cause we cook our food now....instead of rip it apart with our jaws...less muscle in the jaw causes evolution to change it to be more efficient. What do you think about that? is evolution fact?

2007-01-31 19:00:24 · answer #6 · answered by jcorr004 1 · 1 2

Well, nothing can be proven 100% when analyzed with caution. For example, how do you know every layer of the atmosphere, or all planets in existence are actually there? You're only believing what somebody else has already discovered - but not discovering it for yourself. So really, who knows?

2007-01-31 18:47:00 · answer #7 · answered by ♥♫!♫♥ 3 · 2 3

The theory of evolution is just that: a theory, much like the theory of gravity - also not proven.

2007-01-31 18:48:37 · answer #8 · answered by C J 3 · 5 1

Of course it's fact. All science points to it being a fact.
So yes, your great grandpa was a monkey swinging from a tree. And what a cute little bugger he was.

2007-01-31 18:48:15 · answer #9 · answered by summit_of_human_intellect 3 · 2 4

No, College kids will tell you that but it is still called the THEORY of evolution. The reason it is called that is they cannot prove it, or even come close. They can't even figure out how it started.

2007-01-31 18:47:56 · answer #10 · answered by mark g 6 · 3 3

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