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be God incarnate, then why does Jesus refer to God as another entity instead of refering to God as himself? Why does Jesus say "My Father" instead of "Me" and why does Jesus time and time again refer to God as something seperate from himself?

Thank you, and may God bless you and have Mercy on your soul.

2007-01-31 18:08:47 · 31 answers · asked by someone 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Thanks everyone for your help. I think the best thing for me to do is just read over the Bible because this is something that I am going to have to truely figure out for myself. But, I would like to thank everyone for their help and it really got me started on a good path.

2007-01-31 18:40:01 · update #1

31 answers

The Christian concept of the Trinity once seemed strange, perhaps even contrived, to me. How could something be three things that are one and one thing that is three? But the Trinity made sense to me once I came to believe in God, to recognize Him in Jesus Christ and to know the part of Him within me. My understanding of the Trinity, and belief in its truth, grew as I came to see that the universe itself reflects the three-in-one nature of the God who created it.
Water as solid, liquid and vaporMatter
Matter has three states, solid, liquid and gaseous. Each element is a single element, but it takes on different forms or manifestations under different conditions.
Three primary colors give white lightLight
Any color of light can be formed from the three primary colors. Light that appears as white, the purest of all, does not exist by itself but is the equal combination of red, green and blue light, and is a manifestation of three colors in one.
Three dimensions in spaceSpace
The space of our universe has three dimensions. You cannot define a point in space without using three dimensions, and yet that point is one.
Time in past, present and futureTime
Time in our universe has three dimensions that are found in past, present and future, yet it is a single continuum and only exists in the present.
Three primary forces of natureForces
There are three physical forces known to control all interactions in matter: gravitational, electromagnetic and nuclear. The Unified Field Theory seeks to identify one set of laws that describes all these forces as different manifestations of one force.
The atom defines the most basic unit of every chemical element in the universe. The word atom comes from the Greek word for "indivisible," yet while it represents the purest essence of one element, the atom has three facets, with the positively charged proton and neutral neutron at its core, and the negatively charged electron outside the core that balances its electric charge and interacts with other elements.
Trisecting a line as the basis for design in creationLife
The physical design of the human body, and that of many other life forms, is based on a relationship known as the Divine Proportion, or Golden Section. This proportion is based on trisecting a line such that the ratio of the small piece to the large piece is the same as the ratio of the large piece to the entire line. It is also found by solving an equation with three terms, x3 - x2 - x1 = 0.
Nature of man
The nature of man is expressed as mind, body and spirit, analogous to, and in the image of, the triune nature of God. It's interesting to note that Genesis relates man being made by "us" in "our" image when referring to God, indicating the plurality in His nature.
Life on Earth
Life on Earth inhabits three domains, the sea, the land and the air.
Holy Trinity
Following the three-in-one nature that is found throughout creation, we find the three-in-one nature of the One God manifested in the Holy Trinity, with each Being revealing a different aspect of our God and Creator to us:
The Father, the part of God that is transcendent, infinite and beyond our understanding,
The Son, Jesus Christ, the part of God that is immanent and appeared to us in the way that we could best know Him, in human form. He was both "Son of God," an expression of God as contained in human form, and at the same time "Son of Man," the ultimate expression of who we can be in our most divine form.
The Holy Spirit, the part of God that lives in the heart and soul of each of us, acting as our Counselor for those who believe and listen to His voice within us.

2007-01-31 20:09:10 · answer #1 · answered by Freedom 7 · 1 2

Yes, I think it is best you study on your own..but get a concordance too, it shows all texts under headings so you can find them.
I am convinced that Jesus is not God the Father. Jesus has many many names in the bible..Isaiah 9:6 has one I don't even understand about Father...however He isn't his father.
The bible says that jesus sits at the right hand of the Father now..that does show us that the Father and Jesus are 2 different "persons"..i say persons because I cannot think of another way of putting it.
The bible also tells us that Jesus is the Word...and john 1:1 I think it is says "In the beginning was the word and the word was WITH God and WAS God."
So obviously Jesus is called God also..but is not the Father. But no..that doesn't mean there are 2 gods.
Jesus also said "If you have see me, you have seen my Father."
Jesus came also to show us who the Father is..and when we look at His character it is the same as the Fathers.
I hope you find what you are looking for.
God Bless.

2007-02-01 02:48:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Because he is the son of God! That is why he referred to God as his father. It is as simple as that as fore told in the old testament and this one little verse. For God so loved the world he sent his only begotten son. He did not send John Doe or Joe Blow. or anyone else. He sent his son. Jesus is God's son made man.

Also he did refer to himself as God in several places. One which I have always liked was him saying he was the Alpha and Omega. Which means the beginning and the end. Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and Omega is the last letter in the Greek alphabet.
He also stated that no one could come to the father except by him. another instance of him referring to himself as God the Son.
As far as understanding it. That is where that little word FAITH comes in.
And as far as the atheist who answered I have only this to say to you about them. You ever want to hear someone really praying hard and loud just listen to an atheist in a fire fight when the AK 47 rounds are flying all around and your outfit is dropping like flies.

2007-02-01 02:54:30 · answer #3 · answered by JUAN FRAN$$$ 7 · 1 0

Read in the King James Bible the first chapter of John verse 1- 18, and see if that helps any. Think of water, steam, and Ice. They are all three different things, but yet they are all water, and each serves a different purpose.
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are three separate individuals, so to speak, but yet they are all one God. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. God the Father is Spirit, God the Son became flesh, and the Holy Spirit (Ghost) preforms the works.

2007-02-01 02:34:27 · answer #4 · answered by Sandra M 2 · 1 1

Jesus is not God. He is God's Son. So many scriptures support this and the Bible even says that if anyone comes to you with any other teaching, do not let him in and yet millions of people still hold to the traditional teaching of men called the trinity. How sad. Good that you are reading and learning for yourself. May God bless all your efforts to draw close to him.

2007-02-01 02:25:03 · answer #5 · answered by Sparkle1 6 · 1 0

Because Jesus was a MAN, not God; he was a King of the House of Judah and a Nazarite too; the Early Fathers of the Church simply made up the story of the Holy Trinity, but Jesus wasn't God, and he knew it.

2007-02-01 02:26:20 · answer #6 · answered by Love_my_Cornish_Knight❤️ 7 · 1 0

The word God does not refer to one entity but to office that they hold. God has the Father, the son(Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.

2007-02-01 02:23:34 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Trinity is a difficult concept to explain, but I'll give it a shot. Keep in mind it requires Faith to understand. The Trinity is God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost (or Spirit). They are separate but also they are one. Don't ask why. Don't ask how can that be. Just have faith, that is the way it is. Jesus is the son of God but He is also God. When he was on this earth, He was a human man free from sin. He made references to God as His father. When we say prayers, we end them by saying "we ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son". I know it can be a hard concept to understand, but have faith and it will be easier. God Bless You.

2007-02-01 02:22:14 · answer #8 · answered by truthseeker221 3 · 2 1

Clearly Jesus was apart from the Father...Jesus was the Son in the trinity which is the whole of God. Jesus was in submission to the Father in heaven as he was in the flesh and the flesh should always be in submision to the spirit. God Bless you too.

2007-02-01 02:22:11 · answer #9 · answered by djmantx 7 · 2 0

Jesus was the Word made flesh. The "Word" is the Sound Current which is the vibration emanating from God. This is the closest God can descend into the coarse environment of the physical plane. Jesus carried the Sound Current within him and channeled that message from God. This was the closest God could come to appearing on the physical plane. Jesus was a man with an elevated consciousness who was chosen by God to appear to the people of that time to deliver a message. God used Jesus to deliver his message. Jesus was a man who referred to God as his Father because he was a man, not God.

2007-02-01 02:23:26 · answer #10 · answered by MyPreshus 7 · 1 2

The best example for God and Jesus is the king and his ambassador. The ambassador is sent by the king with a special message. First, in order to prove that he was sent by his king, the ambassador provides evidence. Then he sends his king's word. After a while, this ambassador retires. Though the ambassador is speaking in the name of his king, and though he is supposed to be a representative of this king, and is also supposed to be treated in a manner befitting a person sent by the king and on behalf of the king, the ambassador is never recognized as a king.

This example applies not just for Jesus, but to all the prophets God has sent. This includes Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Them). What Paul has done was to convince his followers that Jesus was not a prophet; but God!

Reemember that an ambassador is not the head of state. He isn't the one who appoints the ministers. He isn't the supreme commander of the armed forces. He surely doesn't appoint the foreign minister,...etc,... and if the ambassador dared to claim that, he would be fired and even severely punished for what he's done.

The Bible clearly teaches the Jews and Christian that there is no such thing as God incarnate. The Bible teaches that God has no sons; whatsoever. Ask the Jews (especially Jewish scholars) if you wish to be sure.

Millions of Christians believe that Jesus was just a human being. Recently, I was having dinner with an American friend of mine and we began discussing the difference in Christian sects regarding the status of Jesus. I informed him that most Christians believe that Jesus Christ had two stati; a divine status and a human one, while the Christian Copts claim that Christ had only one status; the divine one. When I told him that Muslims believe that Jesus Chriist had one status only; the human one, he logically answered "I agree with this one." I then asked him "With whom do you agree?" and at once he replied "With the Muslims! I frankly believe that he was just a human being!"

You see, not just that American friend of mine thinks of that...but in fact a very large portion of Christians (even top Anglican priests and archbishops) believe that Jesus Christ was just a human prophet; a messenger from God.

Please don't be lured into the polytheism of the trinity; for not only is it the doctrine of the devil...it is pure nonesense. Ask many friends of yours and they may have even more reasons why to strongly reject the trinity.


2007-02-01 11:29:14 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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