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This is my quest, I must do this on my own, no one can do this for me. I refuse to be a victim. How ever I will accept suggestions. Belief will not do,only truth as this is a grave situation indeed.

2007-01-31 17:44:58 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Odin m: not bad.

2007-01-31 17:58:43 · update #1

Yes having eaten from the tree of knowledge I know truth when I here it, so what must I do? I repeat I know what a belief is also. Truth only please.

2007-01-31 18:07:26 · update #2

May I remind you this is a life and death situation, no words of ones own wisdom?

2007-01-31 18:22:35 · update #3

Paradox: Very good. I "wonder" how many understand the "truth" behind your words?

2007-02-01 07:40:21 · update #4

kait: I have knowledge so I feel somehow this life is within me & not something to be born again. Could this Jesus that was born of a virgin be what I & everyone is when the pairs of opposites are forgotten?

2007-02-01 08:00:15 · update #5

Rich N: Do you mean to abandon all hope and to sit & be still? I have heard that we need hope & not to still the mind because demons can enter. But that is outside knowledge & I do feel like the truth is in me. Maybe I should become as a goat {solitary one} and not be as a sheep {the many}, after all I was born alone & I will die alone.

2007-02-01 08:13:12 · update #6

Joolz: I don't think the tree of life can be bought with money. But I "wonder" if the payment is something else?

2007-02-01 08:21:43 · update #7

the one I AM: So your saying the truth IS inside of me. I've allways had a "feeling" that is where it is. So I will try what you have said. And yes I found Thoth.

2007-02-01 14:55:04 · update #8

sunman: The tree of immortal life. The bodhi tree, that the Buddha sat under when he attained enlightenment. The cross Jesus was nailed to. And others as you know.

2007-02-02 10:16:54 · update #9

sunman: bodhi means enlightenment in sanskrit.

2007-02-03 05:07:01 · update #10

sunman: this may also be the tree that is the entrance to the natives "Happy hunting ground".

2007-02-03 05:13:22 · update #11

sunman: I think I know what your idea of belief is. Believe long enough to see the truth in it for yourself, if after a while you can find no truth in the belief, drop it. Is this correct?

2007-02-04 10:56:51 · update #12

sunman: Yes I understand the trees are symbols. To really "believe" in the trees one needs to see the truth in the symbols. Not as a history lesson. I am starting to see the trees as a mirror image of each other. As when one looks in a mirror everything is turned around. What do you think?

2007-02-04 17:56:58 · update #13

Thanks everyone for your answers, alot of really great ones.

2007-02-06 06:14:19 · update #14

24 answers

Your question has a serious tone, so I needed you to specify what you meant.
I will use your first reference, the tree of immortal life. Here is my suggestion: believe you are already immortal, because it is the truth.
I realize this statement is breaking the 'rules' of your question with regard to "belief will not do.." but the tree actually represents a belief 'system'. I will have more to say on this subject later, but for now I would like you to 'redeem' your idea of what the word 'belief' means. (hopefully, I can do it before your question expires)
-----I'm saying that beliefs are so important, that everything we experience to be true, is because of what we believe to be true.
We create our reality according to the nature of our beliefs.
I realize this may sound cliche, but this concept needs to be re-examined.
I understand the bias against the word 'belief', since most people use that word to promote false theories or pay lip service to ideas they wish were true but don't truly believe.
-----There is a concept within us, this idea is an un-activated belief, it represents the latent experience of immortality, or eternal life. It is smbolized by a tree. If you were to activate this belief, you would experience it as reality.

2007-02-01 22:31:31 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 3 0

Know that ever more you come to understand will you realise that the mountain of knowledge and wisdom grows bigger before you. The more you open your eyes the more you see! The more there is to know. It can be no other way can it? If "it" was any different "it" could not exist!

In your minds eye seek a visualisation of the heart of the flame (use a candle if you need to get the picture then close your eyes) Now seek an image of the sun and fly towards it... enter the sun and start to look around.

What I'm trying to help you achieve is conscious awareness of your own mind inside your mind! It is like dreaming but you are not dreaming what you see inside your mind when you finally become aware of it will start to wake up the consciousness being you actually are! There is more than light, in the light is where the soul connects to the all, the infinite wisdom. Know it is little by little but you will start to become "aware".

So look into the light of your own mind and start to experience truth like you never have. Know it is not a easy, so many struggle with the mental requirements of this task it can take years but I say simply remember your imagination as a child and your picture of a sun will come, make it as real as you can.

Have you looked for Thoth?

2007-02-01 22:30:23 · answer #2 · answered by James 5 · 2 0

These are the facts.

We are all a product of unstoppable, inevitable change. Some of this change is random, and some is to the design of the beings who affect it.

Since the universe as we know it exploded into being, everything has changed.
The billions upon trillions of infinite variables and choices have eventually brought you into existence. The odds against creating someone like you and bringing you right here, right now, are incalculable – yet this is exactly what has happened.

This is cause for celebration.

In case you have forgotten, you are a human being. The aeons-old wave of inevitable change eventually brought you to the surface of the planet earth to grow. You grew and changed in accordance with your environment and driven by your nature.

You are driven by your nature! OK… So what is your nature?

Your nature is the accumulated characteristics of your ancestors. It is the inherited qualities that got you here.

Consider the rabbit being chased by a wolf. It knows the wolf is dangerous, so its survival instinct tells it to run. When the dog is gone, the rabbit stops running.

This is a natural survival instinct driven by millions of years of evolution. Animals with the greatest instinct for survival were most likely to survive, and therefore their young were also more likely to survive.
Now consider us humans. When the wolf chases, our natural survival instinct tells us to run away. But when the danger is gone, our advanced brains still know that one day we will die. So we spend our lives doing two things…..


This is life's greatest challenge - the acknowledgement and acceptance of your inevitable demise. There are various routes. most of which are full of lies and half-truths. You are on a process of discovery. Don't follow blindly or thrash about for answers. Finding the truth is like sifting through a river bed. If you thrash about, the water will cloud up with dirt. Simply be still, let the mud settle and all will become clear.

2007-02-01 08:11:22 · answer #3 · answered by Rich N 3 · 1 0

If you refuse to be a victim of your own circumstance then choose life. I don't need belief either, I know for a fact that I have been saved by Jesus. You may find this hard to believe, but it is so. When you ask for only truth, Jesus is the truth. The church & its people are not perfect, so don't treat them like thay are. Accept Jesus as your savior, & you accept eternal life. ALL other roads lead to death.

You want the truth here it is. Check the link.

2007-02-01 02:02:54 · answer #4 · answered by Jason 3 · 1 2

The way you can eat from the tree of life is in(John17:3)taking in accurate knowledge from the Bible, not my opinion but in God's word and advice, accurate knowledge of God and Jesus Christ brings eternal life of course you also need to truly repent and turn around make your mind over toward God's will the sooner the better you'll be glad you did! Believe me you truly will benefit and put yourself in line for everlasting life in happiness and peace among all, but you have the right attitude no opinion only truth. Good on ya, May Peace be yours!

2007-02-01 01:58:37 · answer #5 · answered by I speak Truth 6 · 1 2

So, you want to live forever. Consider what that would mean. You will be forever learning and figuring out new things to learn and to explore. Perhaps after eons of time, you may be as smart as God. Of course, this is not possible. Let's consider it for the sake of argument. There is no meaning to life in this case except to learn and to grow through eons of time. However, if you can not eat from the tree of life as it is stated, then you will stop and enjoy life as God wanted you to do. So, try to enjoy your time here is my advice to you.

2007-02-01 01:56:49 · answer #6 · answered by ParadoxWillsForUs 1 · 1 0

The tree of life is being guarded and no man can eat from it until after Armegeddon and the judgement and all the wicked are done away with. Then, everyone on earth will eat from it and death will be no more. Neither will mourning, nor outcry, nor pain be anymore, for the former things will have passed away.

2007-02-01 01:54:24 · answer #7 · answered by Sparkle1 6 · 3 1

First read the word of GOD "The Bible". in it you will find this scripture: John 10

10: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

Please try and look at these two scriptures for further reference.
Genesis 3:22
Revelations 2:7

Hope this can be of some help.
GOD bless you.

2007-02-01 02:08:02 · answer #8 · answered by blesshisname2005 3 · 0 1

That is one 'BIG' Mission! Where do you start? Which then leads onto the question where is the Garden of Edom, where this tree is supposed to be!
Here is something to look at that may be of assistance with


2007-02-01 08:38:24 · answer #9 · answered by Joolz of Salopia 5 · 0 0

You ate nothing. You wouldn't know a spiritual concept from a shoe tree. You've been reading to many fortune cookies or something.Your main problem is your needy attention getting demeanor. Only truth will do? This is the truth. How do you like me now?The sound of one hand clapping is mental masturbation with an "applause" sign flashing, for you. Sorry, but a dose of irony is good for what ails you.

2007-02-01 02:06:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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