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Im beginning to get frustrated with crate training. It seems that the crate only prevents my dog from going to the bathroom while its in there and doesn't to teach it not to go inside. I take my dog out every 4 hours or so but if it has to go between each trip it does where ever. I dont hit her, and I dont want to have to hit her, but I also dont want to have to keep my eye on it every second Im in the same room with her for the rest of her life. It almost seems like I should set-up an accident so I can scold her. As of right now I dont do any punishment if I dont catch her in the act. Even then I just say NO! please help

2007-01-31 17:37:09 · 13 answers · asked by Jesse S 1 in Pets Dogs

she's a mini Schnauzer and only 5 months but has been crate training from the near beginning. Basically what I really want is for her to let me know if potty time sneeks up on her. I know it's still really early, but even a time frame of what others went through would help. thanks

2007-01-31 18:06:12 · update #1

13 answers

Emphasize the point.

When you take the dog out of the crate, take/put them outside until they go...every time.

When you find the mistake, immediately take them and the mistake outside...every time.

Consistency and emphasis helps.

2007-01-31 17:42:33 · answer #1 · answered by tabulator32 6 · 0 0

I've raised dozens of dogs and never used a crate to train any of them. If the dog is a puppy... take it out any time it wakes up, after it eats, and after it drinks. Watch it closely. If it's sniffing around or wanders near the door ... take it out immediately.

If it has an accident inside, clean it up with a rag.. and take that rag with you every time you take the dog out. Place the rag where you DO want the dog to go to the bathroom. When the dog does potty outside, praise it like crazy. It'll take some time and you should expect accidents, but the dog will learn. Good luck

2007-01-31 18:03:52 · answer #2 · answered by Lirrain 5 · 1 0

You didn't say how old your dog was, but if it is a puppy, 4 hours is WAY to long between trips outside. I housebroke my pup in 2 days by taking him outside about every 30 minutes. If you take them out that often you will eventually get lucky and they will potty.The whole time you are outside say a word she will learn to associate with .. I used the word "potty" Then give LOTS of praise and a treat when she goes. It WILL work if you just put the effort in for a couple of days. Do not let the dog out of your site in the house during this time.Every time she pottys in the house it is reinforcing her habit! If she starts to go, grab her and get her OUTSIDE. even if it is midstream!! It is a lot of work to take them out that often but it is SO worth it! My dog is 4 years old now and has NEVER had an accident.I would use the crate only at night while housebreaking. Good luck..and don't give up!

2007-01-31 17:53:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

She is young, you will have to keep an eye on her for the first. Put her on a leash and tie it around a coffee table or chair sometime when you want to let her out but can't chase her all around your house. You need to take her out as soon as you let her out of the crate and wait out there until she goes potty. If she does not go within 10 min you need to put her back in the crate for about 10 min. Then take her out again and keep repeating this until she goes to the bathroom. You are not taking her out often enough. Unfortunately, unless she is sick, it is your fault everytime she goes in the house. You have to pay attention and watch for signs of anxiousness. Don't scold her or ever hit her when she goes inside, just say NO very sternly then take her out. You have to catch her in the act and say no while she is doing her business inside.

2007-02-01 03:34:33 · answer #4 · answered by KDodge 2 · 0 0

When she is outside the crate (and for some dogs, even while they are in the crate), you have to watch them EVERY second. You don't have to do this for the rest of your life, but you'll have to do it several weeks. When you let her out of the crate, immediately take her outside. Don't bring her in until she goes. Bring her inside, and when you have her out of her crate, watch her non stop. If she does go in your house, immediately say NO, pick her up (or leash her) and immediately take her outside. If you did not catch her in the act, don't scold her...she will have no idea what in the world you are talking about.

2007-01-31 18:47:10 · answer #5 · answered by iloveeeyore 5 · 1 0

I didn't read the other answers so I apologize if I'm being redundant but I had my own experiences to share.

I have two mini schnauzers that re currently five months old as well. The crate training we do is so worth it. The only difference I can see is that, on average, I take them out more often than you. About every 2 hours. I let them outside, but I keep my eye on them till I see if they've gone. As soon as they are done I let them in for lap love and petting... Then back outside for running chewing and chasing (me usually). Then back inside and in the crate for 2 more hours. Rinse, lather, repeat.

I really wish you well.


2007-01-31 18:29:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Please be a little more patient.
First step is to take the pup outside as soon as you let her out of the crate. It is her den and she won't want to eliminate in it.
Every four hours may not be enough.. It is normal for them to go whean the feel the need to. Especially after playing and sleeping and eating .
They are babies.
You sort of have to keep an eye on it all the time, that's a puppy for ya.
Good thing is once you took her outside and see her /him eliminate itself you know it should be safe for a little while.
Just keep in mind to take her outside immediately after she is released from the crate, after playing. sleeping and eating. And when she goes BIG, BIg Praise, like she/ he is the next Oscar winner and the best thing since sliced bread.
Treats will be beneficial.
Be patient. I am sure she will be a good dog.
For some reason I think she is a she
Good luck!!

2007-01-31 17:58:26 · answer #7 · answered by thatswhattheytoldmelastnight 3 · 0 0

To cut down on frustration, you need to set up a schedule for her food and water, and you need to get great treats to reward her a bunch when she makes the right potty choices. Instead of taking her out every 4 hours, she needs to be taken out immediately after playtime, after eating, and upon waking.
You also need to be OK with supervising her 100% when she's not in her crate. She will keep on pottying in the house if you don't watch her and scoop her up immediately if she starts to circle and squat. You don't need to punish her, but you need to be vigilant. Careful training now will prevent bad potty habits in the future, and you'll be so glad that you put in the time now!

2007-02-01 04:09:09 · answer #8 · answered by Misa M 6 · 0 0

Crate training is not useless. It just takes time & patience. You haven't mentioned how old she is. Younger dogs & certain breeds may take a little longer than others to figure out what to do when she has to go. Keep the routine going. Let her have plenty of water, but reduce it to a minimum at night. When you let her out of her cage, take her to her potty area ASAP. Yes, accidents will occur, but when they do, take her outside & clean up the mess while she is out there. Put a leash on her when she is out of her cage & pay attention to her body language, so if she is about ready to go, you & her might get on the same page. Praise her when she goes to the door & when she goes out & does her business. Good luck!!

2007-01-31 17:58:46 · answer #9 · answered by Eskimo Mom 4 · 1 0


You just need to spend more time outside when you take her out, and take her out more often. The training won't work unless the dog has very few opportunities to make any mistakes ... that means, at first, you take her out every 5 minutes if it seems necessary, and keep her out there until she goes. Even if that's a long time. Praise when she goes outside will always go immeasurably farther than striking her when she goes inside. Actually, any scolding is very likely to work against you, as it trains the dog to hide from you when she needs to go, not to ask for out.

Good luck.

2007-01-31 17:48:19 · answer #10 · answered by zilmag 7 · 1 0

dont give up try this either feed her in the crate or crate her shortly after. if you dont already know pay attention to how long she goes after she eats. in the crate she should whine or act nervous, take her out immediately praise her alot if she goes if not back in the crate. if she doesnt give you a sign take her out when she usually would have to go. pretty soon she wont go anywhere but out,

2007-02-01 07:21:16 · answer #11 · answered by rd1551@sbcglobal.net 2 · 0 0

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