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I most definetly and certainly do not believe it. But, I must ask, why do they call it the Da Vinci Code?

2007-01-31 17:19:36 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

30 answers

I think there is some truth to it, although "creative liberty" was taken with much of it.

It is called the DaVinci Code based on the painting of the Last Supper (by Leonardo Da Vinci) which is said to contain codes which reveal secrets.

As explained by Leigh Teabing to Sophie Neveu, the figure at the right hand of Jesus is supposedly not the apostle John, but Mary Magdalene. According to the book Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus Christ and was in fact pregnant with his child when Jesus was crucified. The absence of a chalice in the painting supposedly indicates that Leonardo knew that Mary Magdalene was actually the Holy Grail (the bearer of Jesus' blood). This is said to be reinforced by the letter "V" that is created with the bodily positions of Jesus and Mary, as "V" is the symbol for the sacred feminine. The apparent absence of the "Apostle John", under this interpretation, is explained by identifying John as "the Disciple Jesus loved", allegedly code for Mary Magdalene (see also Second Apocalypse of James). The book also notes that the color scheme of their garments are inverted: Jesus wears a red blouse with royal blue cape; John/Mary wears a royal blue blouse with red cape — perhaps symbolizing two bonded halves of marriage. Also, if you move John/Mary to Jesus's right, you will see his head fits perfectly onto Jesus' shoulder as if to lay her head on his shoulder.

There are other novels that have a striking resemblance to The Da Vinci Code, including Raymond Khoury's The Last Templar, and The Templar Legacy by Steve Berry.

2007-01-31 17:32:17 · answer #1 · answered by MyPreshus 7 · 2 0

I do NOT believe it. The Da Vinci Code is a book of fiction. That's where you would find it in a library and on book store shelves. This man had an idea and wrote a book around that idea. It is no more than fictional characters in a book. Da Vinci was a real man but, he was to put it simply, an artist.

2007-02-01 01:23:12 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The Da Vinci Code is a fictional novel but the ideas behind it are neither new nor invented for the story.

The possibility of a bloodline from Christ, secret organizations dedicated to protecting/ending that bloodline, the Templars, Da Vinci, and the Grail all have varying degrees of legitimate scholarly research behind them.

2007-02-01 07:16:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No its a work of fiction. But i bet plenty of people believe in the Bible Code. Oh and name was used because Da Vinci was believed to be part of the original Illuminati

2007-02-01 01:31:59 · answer #4 · answered by truckercub1275 3 · 2 0

The Da Vinci Code is a work of fiction. A friend of mine that I work with watches 'church TV' and I was irritated to see a whole show dedicated to 'debunking' this novel. Why they felt the need to debunk a work of fiction, I don't know, but I felt that it wasn't necessary.
The theories behind it may be true, and they may be false. Who am I to say what happened so many years ago?
The only thing worse that the show was the religion that sprung up because of this novel.

2007-02-01 01:37:16 · answer #5 · answered by TiGeR 4 · 1 0

No, it's not true. There certainly is a God, the creator of the universe, and Jesus really did exist. But the theology is screwed up in the movie and the book. For an accurate record of Jesus' life, read the gospels in the Bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They are truly amazing!

They call it the Da Vinci Code cuz it's supposed to be like a puzzle or mystery to solve. But the life of Jesus wasn't a mystery, and though we will never know everything about God, He has revealed enough to us that we can understand how to be saved from our sin and grow in the grace and knowledge of Him, our Savior.

God bless! ><>

2007-02-01 01:34:07 · answer #6 · answered by mtngrl 6 · 0 1

Read the book. Its about codes and such centering around Da Vinci through which a plot about Jesus "could" be uncovered. I dont think it is necessarily evil to write fictional things, but authors should have enough virtue to not write a fictional story that people will perceive as factual. Even if it is a "good plot", if people will be misled by it, authors should not write it.

2007-02-01 01:39:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Christians can't believe the premiseof the "Da Vinci Code" because it trivializes Christ's mission. Christ didn't come to raise a family. Atheists can't believe because it makes a preposterous story ludicrous. What are Christ's "descendants" supposed to be, demigods like Hercules? Only clueless romantics could possibly believe.

It's called the "Da Vinci Code" because the clues in the story are based on the works of Leonardo. Have you read it yourself?

2007-02-01 01:37:27 · answer #8 · answered by skepsis 7 · 1 1

Could Jesus and Mary Magdalene been married and had a child??? Quite possible. Most Jewish men at that time were expected to be married by 20 or so. But are Dan Browns assertions factual??? No, not even close.

The 'facts' he bases in his book about the Priory of Scion are all false.

Say what you will about Jesus being the Messiah...it's up to you to be live or not to. But he WAS a historical figure and NOT a myth. His Crucifixion is a matter of historical fact, and is recorded in ancient scripts from the period. People can debate all they want as to him being the son of God, but you cannot debate that he was a real person.

As for the so called trail of facts in the movie...well the move 'National Treasure' has a more plausible outline.

2007-02-01 01:24:24 · answer #9 · answered by FRANKFUSS 6 · 3 0

The Da Vinci code is one form of how people can translate texts in the Bible to mean different prophesies, see words of meaning that you normally would miss otherwise.
Really, if you use the same set of mathematical equations, you can find codes in almost anything you read, liek 'Moby Dick' because we strive to see order out of chaos in the world.

An example I can say, is if you take the first letter of each word in Mark 5:14, then take the third letter in each word, arrange the letters by aphabetical sequence, and read the words you form from that, ignoring every second letter in the alphabet, you could find you could read the name of the next terrorist attack in the world. But that is only an example to proove how people of power play on everyone's fears in today's world.

2007-02-01 01:27:26 · answer #10 · answered by Lief Tanner 5 · 0 0

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