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Please specify whether you have ever been healed or not by God. I ask you kindly, no sarcastic questions please.
If you answered yes, how were you healed?
If you answered yes, what were you healed of?
And if you answered yes, who prayed for you? Yourself or someone else?

Peace, Light & Love,

2007-01-31 16:20:32 · 20 answers · asked by Jewel 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

I could not see well and the doctor said I needed glasses. I went to get prayed for at church, and instantly, God healed my eyes!! And when I went back to the doctor, he was amazed to find that I could see perfectly! And up to this day I can see absolutely clearly! I have also seen many miraculous healings at church, and probably seen at least 200 people come up to testify of their healings from God and have seen people who were paralyzed come out of wheelchairs. God is so wonderful and cares for all His people and wants them to be well.

Mark 16:17-18 - These signs will follow those who believe... in My name they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.

2007-02-02 02:51:35 · answer #1 · answered by Space-v 2 · 0 0

It's impossible to be a True Child of God, and not be healed in some way. Most people think of physical illness and/or pain when this topic arises. However, the Lord can also heal you of addictions, painful emotions, dysfunctional personalities, negative thinking, bad habits, unforgiveness, and the list goes on.

To answer your question: yes the Lord has healed me of many things...from the most simple to major life altering changes. I've expereinced the most healing on an emotional and spiritual level. Often I didn't realize I was in need of healing until after it had taken place. I'm still being healed in many ways.

Healing began when I humbled myself before the Lord, put fear of God above fear of man, developed a close relationship with God, along with daily meditation on the Word, and prayer.

Regardless of who prays for or with you, it's very important that you pray constantly on your own. If you're able to count how many times you pray each day, it's not enough.

In response to Sguar1...Prayer keeps you connected to God which allows you to recognize when HE is healing and guiding you. Prayer is very important, because the more you mature spiritually, the more you'll encounter temptations and those with a spirit of deception that will attempt to challenge your Faith and relationship with God.

John 10:16 says: My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. God will provide discernment, protection, and courage through it all. Blessings, Miji

2007-01-31 17:06:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I feel like I was healed. I was sick with some kind of infection (no, it was not sexually transmitted) and had a fever for probably two weeks. I felt absolutely terrible every day, but every day I would think I'll feel better the next day and would just keep trying to go to work, but each day I would actually feel just a little bit worse to the point that I thought if I don't do something, whatever this is, it's truly going to kill me. I finally went to the doctor, he seemed surprised that I had a fever and he had prescribed an antibiotic. I don't mean to sound dramatic, but I truly was sick to the point that I thought I was going to die. I typically pray at least once a day and was praying that I would feel better. I also started taking the antibiotic, but the way I felt better was what seemed like a miracle.

I was lying on the couch one night watching television when I started to feel a tingling in my toes. The tingling feeling caught my attention and then started to move up my feet and to my legs, almost like a line going around the circumfrence of my body. As it passed along, the part of my body that it had passed felt completely well. The feeling continued all the way up my stomach and chest and as it moved along, I was truly startled. I had NEVER felt anything like it before. The tingling continued and as it passed up through my head, my ears popped and the feeling left through the top of my head. The whole experience took a matter of about 20 to 30 seconds.

After the feeling passed along my body, I felt absolutely incredible. I mean I could have run a marathon. I was so startled, astonished and excited I called my sister even though it was after 10 o'clock at night. She was not nearly as impressed by the events as I was, but I believe the experience wasn't for her, it was for me.

Maybe the miracle is simply the fact that we are blessed with living in a world where doctors can create antibiotics, but I know what I felt and how I felt after the experience and to me it was an absolute miracle.

Everyone here will say that "you dummy, of course it was the antibiotics", but I am not aware of antibiotics responding in patients in that manner. I will never forget it and I have never shared it with anyone but my sister. Maybe there are other people who have had a similar experience to mine?

2007-01-31 17:23:33 · answer #3 · answered by rndyh77 6 · 1 0

Amen. Emotionally i substitute right into a large number 23 years in the past, i presumed my existence substitute into over yet it had in basic terms all started. i substitute into very sick and it substitute right into a tragic time for me and my kin. i would be 39 this week i'm married to a godly incredible guy, i'm able to rigidity, I actually have a prayer ministry and a letter writing ministry and that i'm able to inspire human beings. Even in the midst of my trials I undergo in strategies all God has given me and because what Jesus Christ did on the circulate i'm forgiven and that i'm restored. compliment the Lord to your healing use it for Gods glory such as you're you're an affidavit and undergo in strategies there isn't testimony without the try Be inspired e4g and my husband Steadfast 7

2016-10-16 09:44:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

what makes you think just because you were healed form something it was the Christian god who did so, how could that possible be a rational proof of his existence? How could you not have faith the healing power that you possess in yourself as the reason for the cure. And, most importantly of all, how do you know it was not some other higher being in which you do not believe, and have perhaps never even heard mention of that is responsible for your healing. Egyptians worshiped cats just as adamantly as you worship the lord, it makes just as much sense to believe that cats are to be attributed to your healing as god is. And, furthermore new religions are formed all the time, what if the true higher being is not even being worshiped presently, does that mean he is not the one performing miracles... in a thousand years we could all be worshiping a completely different god and laughing at the stupidity of Christians, as modern day people study the Roman and Greek gods as if they were a joke. Even now most Christians look at Hinduism and Buddhism, for example, as if they are the dumb creations of children, do you think that they believe their "miracles" were preformed by our god, don't be so naive about your "healing" and remember that all religions are the creation of men.

2007-01-31 16:39:48 · answer #5 · answered by sguar1 2 · 0 2

Jewel, may your life be as beautifully faceted as your name.
I served as a faith healer and pastor for 5 years or so and continue to do so on a limited basis. It is usually by the laying on of hands,, sometimes w/ anointing or the speaking of tongues, always w/ one or more believers.
My primary healings have been for insomnia, muscle pain, cancer, headaches, colds, and the like.

2007-01-31 16:34:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes, I had a tumor that doctors said I could not survive and I had a week to live, so all I did was pray to God that week and the cancer disappeared!!! Doctors can't explain this at all, so I pay all my tributes to His Holiness. Thank you great Flying Spaghetti Monster, you are a kind wonderful all powerful God. Thank you so much for your infinite wisdom and greatness. Praise Him!

2007-01-31 16:34:18 · answer #7 · answered by Robby 2 · 1 0


I use to get planter warts under my feet about 5 years ago, they stuck around for a month or so, go away and come back now and then.
after praying earnestly in the spirit at a church camp, the bad flesh simply fell out and left big holes under my feet (planter warts grow in your skin not out) but they healed over time

and as I said they use to come and go, but I have never had them since

praise the lord!

2007-01-31 16:30:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anthony C 1 · 1 0

Yes, I have personally, through prayers of my own and of my family (my youngest son is so full of Faith in God, Amen!) and church.

I have also watched God work miraculously as my father lay in the hospital with the doctors preparing us to make arrangements as they didn't believe he would live. Praise God almighty, he intervened and my father is alive today. We stood around his bed with joined hands as we prayed for God to bring him back if it was his will to do so, and he did. The power of god is so amazing!

I have others as well, but I'll stop here.

2007-01-31 16:42:30 · answer #9 · answered by Gardener for God(dmd) 7 · 0 0

Yes I was healed by God many times.
The power of prayer is awesome, just awesome....
There was an enormous amount of people praying for me and I was annointed at church..
I had an infection that was threatening my life and when the doctors did more tests, there was no sign of infection...
This was without any kind of antibiotics, etc.....
God is so good!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-01-31 16:27:21 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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