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Please answer what you personally believe.
ALSO, please add which scriptures you believe are wrong and why.
EXAMPLE: [Rev 10:3] or you can quote the scriptures you believe are in error, as well as where they are found in the Bible.


2007-01-31 16:16:41 · 35 answers · asked by Jewel 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

35 answers

The amazing part is how accurate it really is!!!

The King James Version (translation) has oddly placed chapter breaks, section breaks, and paragraph breaks are in the wrong spots.

There are errors, however, they are well documented and are not significant enough to detract from a normal person reading the Bible. Things like changing Y to J, some th, and v letter controviercies are just not worth worrying about.

There are a very few small errors in KJV that might be significant if you were being picky about some less important point, but that is for picky people. (And we aren't all that anal; are we?)

2007-01-31 16:29:34 · answer #1 · answered by Jimmy Dean 3 · 1 0

There are no errors even when translated. It was designed to be translated to all languages and there are secrets found in every translation. The creation story is simplified because our human minds can't fathom how the world was created. The story is just a story. But the design of the Bible is definitely Divine. In the book of Numbers for example seems to be a boring account of the tribes of Israel. But, if you read it you see that there is a simple design hidden in the tribes Numbers. It counts all the fighting men from each tribe and tells the how to camp around the Tabernacle. When each tribe is camped they were in rows facing all four direction. East, South, West and North. They were to camp in their assigned direction and not go outside the boundaries of the Tabernacle. The east had the most amount of men. the North and South had the same. The West had the least. So if you had a birds eye view of the camp it would have looked like a giant cross on the ground.

2007-01-31 16:35:59 · answer #2 · answered by Roll'n Bluntz 2 · 1 1

Martin Luther wrote: The Bible holds the Word of God like the manger held the Christ.
Now I am fairly certain a manger where donkeys and oxen ate had nicks and dings. I know the Bible does as well. Fine with me. We are called to believe in God, not the Bible as infallible. I read the bible through 2x a year. There are 1149 chapters covering pre-mythological Gen. 1-11, 1800 years w/ 13000 mss lasting 1400 more years before standardized print could solidify the text. Hebrew is written w/o vowels, Heb & Grk w/o punctuation marks or word spacing.
Errors - bah. Show me anything with the print of humanity that tdoesn't have such. What is your point?

2007-01-31 16:30:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The Bible says that Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem to register for the census, because Joseph's lineage was from the line of David, so that's where they had to go.

Joseph's ancestors in that line were about 1000 years distant. He would not have had to go there to register. However, prophecy said that the Messiah would come from Bethlehem, so when the Bible was written, they added in that Jesus was born in Bethlehem to bring it in line with the whole "Jesus as Messiah" thing. That is a fact, and in academic circles it as known as "manipulating the data to influence the results", or fraud.

Noah's Ark is false - it is actually based on a guy who put a few things on a piece of wood and floated them down a river during a flood that was not really that big a deal.

Moses parting the Red Sea is nonsense - they actually walked across a body of water, a different sea further south, that was nearly dried up.

The Bible is so full of crap it's unbelievable.

2007-01-31 16:29:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Sorry, I am not digging out my motel copy for details.

The bible is a collection of stories of events that happened many, many, many years before they were written about. Errors, not intentional, creative freedom, definitely. And depending on how it is interpreted is where the conflict and errors come in.

Here's one to chew on, the first born of Egypt being killed, has been linked to a geological event that released gases heavier than oxygen, so all that were sleeping on the ground or at a very low level died of suffocation - most were children and infants.

2007-01-31 16:26:17 · answer #5 · answered by bluefish787 3 · 2 0

If one REALLY studies the Bible & looks at other "Holy Books," they will see how the Bible proves true. I'm a Jehovah's Witness. Called so because He says in Isaiah 43:10, "you are my witnesses." And just look at the book of Isaiah. In it, Jehovah emphasizes how the nations will soon tumble & that there is NO God besides him. I can go on forever writing about us. Please read more or study with us. We don't charge people a dime. But to answer your question: Not ANY other "holy book" or book for that matter has accuratley foretold prophecies WAY ahead of its time. Also, there are NO contradictions in the whole thing. And it was written by 10's of men (inspired by God) over 1000's of years! Even many scientists who once strongly endorsed evolution are now saying how the Bible & creation PROVES there is a God. We may not see him. But can we see heat, cold, wind, oxygen? NO but we know they exist by their actions. We see his Holy Word & Creation & proves to us he is. If you have a Bible, look for the word "lord". Its probably in all CAPS because Jehovah's name WAS there until Satan, through false religion, took it out. OUR version, the NWT, is basically the same as yours or any other one. The Bible's message is all the same regardless of which one. BUT it's important to use the right one. It has God's name in it, it's translated 100% in modern english, & has helpful things in it to help you study further. Please, find out God's truth out for yourself. If you wouldn't listen to what I have to say, WHY take anti-Jehovah's Witnesses or atheists or these people's word?? I pray you continue in asking sincere Q's

2007-01-31 16:38:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Nope! It is GOD's Word and He would not allow any translation errors either, when they found the Dead Sea Scrolls, they compared them and they were the same, they had not changed at all. ONLY God could do that. The chances are miniscule that it would have even been remotely possible for it to just happen, actually, it was probably impossible. I can guarantee there aren't any errors in the Bible, and let me know what people come up with, and I will correct their sinful errors. E-mail me.

2007-01-31 16:28:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

hate to repeat myself m8 but the bible wasput together by the romans approximatly 3-500 years after jesus died, the assemledat the council of niccia then tried to make jesus into a diety by leaving out anything in the scriptures that made him more human so were left with a book made by man 500 years too late by a culture that killed more humans than the past two world wars then they were converted from hebrew into latin & THEN INTO english loseing its original poetry & symetry
the original work lost forever. so say what you want it was ment to be beutiful & have more than 13 books but now were just left with testements of coppied paper converted
the church ruined it.
ruined belief also
so sod it.

ps dont forget god gave us free will to say & do what we want emphasising the fact that we can do what the HELL we like
like change words & things in his scriptures

all you right now write **** on the front of ur bible & i bet you dont get smitedor the words dont burn themselves off do they. so theres your proof.

2007-01-31 16:28:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I believe in the Bible as far as it was translated correctly.
Not seeing the original documents I can't say which scriptures have been tampered with nor what has been removed because it was considered unimportant. But what is left of it for the most part is true.

2007-01-31 16:25:49 · answer #9 · answered by Carolyn T 5 · 0 2

The Bible is the Word inspired by God. None of it has errors, just some of it has to be interpreted differently.

2007-01-31 16:39:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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