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2007-01-31 15:52:31 · 26 answers · asked by sam 1 in Sports Martial Arts

26 answers

Here we go again. Why am I answering this?

I am not going to tell you, someone I do not even know, how to hurt someone in a fight.

That would be irresponsible of me.

2007-01-31 22:24:45 · answer #1 · answered by j 5 · 6 4

You should only hurt if you must. Avoid fights when possible, if not possible then leave fights as soon as you can. If you cannot leave fight but do not injure. If you must injure do not kill for death begets death and life is a precious thing.

Try not to use any of these and if you must use them use with care as there are legal and moral issues involved.

To end a fight fast hurt the enemy but hopefully without causing permanent damage. First a shuto to the neck will make it hard to breathe, it also hurts a lot. Another variation is a finger or two thrust under the chin or into the spot between your top ribs. Feel on yourself, they form a little 'v' shape in your neck. That area is weak and hurts when pushed even a little. Try it on yourself gently at first and then harder over time. If you can't go for the neck try a simple punch or palm thrust to the nose, it's soft and easily damaged without permanent harm.

If those fail you'll need to injure. A well placed kick to the knee can break it or at least hyper-extend it. This hurts a ton and will end most fights fast, but it can cause major damage. A cupped hand slap to the ear can break an eardrum or at least stun an opponent. Be sure to keep the thumb tight against the hand and not let it stick out as it can be injured. A finger to the eye works well but obviously does damage.

In a longer fight go for the legs and kidneys. This will wear the opponent down and make it harder for them to move with any strength or speed. Also attacks to the side of the head will 'ring his bell' and make some people dizzy.

Again these should only be used if escape is not an option and care needs to be used as you can be prosecuted for assault using these techniques.

2007-02-01 03:14:22 · answer #2 · answered by jjbeard926 4 · 2 0

Any thing you do in a fight can hurt your opponent, whether it's punching or kicking or any general striking technique. any soft tissue strikes are going to give you a better advantage against your opponent.

the real question is, how badly? because if you give them a seriuos injury, they could slap you with a civil suit.

If you give them a few bumps and bruises to think about then yeah go for it.

but theres many points on the body to utilze that can hurt your opponent. But unfortunately, I'm not gonna tell you this; to stay true to the Martial Arts, telling you this would be against my better judgement.

because you need to find this out for yourself.

2007-02-01 02:56:07 · answer #3 · answered by quiksilver8676 5 · 2 0

yep,another one.the stuff ppl tell you here is more likely to get you hurt than help you.you dont learn how to fight by listening to some in a 1 minute message on the internet.and if your not smart
enough to work that out your not capable of hurting someone in a fight,unless it's pure dumb luck.don't be so lazy get of yourass and go to a class.
and anyone who does tell you is either bignoting themselves or doesn't have a clue.

2007-01-31 23:24:01 · answer #4 · answered by BUSHIDO 7 · 2 0

I heard that it's a lot of people, and this is well documented in Michael Moore's Movie Crazy. I also saw some of it myself. Firstly because I have had claims denied, and had to fight hard, wasting a lot of time in appealing their decisions. Secondly I attended a rally in favor of reform in NC, and quite obviously the Insurance Companies, influenced the police to arrest and physically attack, demonstrators who were completely peaceful. Under such circumstances I don't understand why Obama is not pushing the bill, and even diluting it to please the neo cons.Under the Single payer plan one would save a lot of money by eliminating the insurance outfits, and investigating their CEO's for shoddy practices

2016-03-15 03:11:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ugh! Another one of these questions.

Everyone has a different threshold of pain. Some people can endure a lot while others can endure very little. Some people use drugs to dull the senses. That is why police officers are taught joint locks. It doesn't matter who you are, the human body can only move in so many directions. It's not about pain, it's just simple kinesiology (physics of movement).

2007-01-31 16:07:40 · answer #6 · answered by kungfufighter20002001 3 · 2 0

If it is a verbal fight then the very old way of "offense is the best defence"
If the fight is to save yours or any other person's life, go blind and hit the oponent as hard you can and as long you can.
If the fight is for your motherland, as Gandhiji said "do or die"; i.e when it is the question of war, everything is fare in it.so you can hurt your enemy till death.
If its for any other personal reason deal it tactfully, so that you do not take law in your hand.
and if its not for any of the above reasons why fight man?when there is so little time to love!

2007-01-31 16:24:30 · answer #7 · answered by nandini 1 · 1 0

Interesting question. First you can jab him in the face. Throw a few roundhouses to his legs. Next do a 1-2 combo to double leg takedown or close the distance to clinch knee his face and throw some elbows to judo throw. Pass his guard and mount him(if he has little Jiu Jitsu training 3 years or less). Punch him in the face for about a minute. Grab one of his arms and armbar him back fullly arched. Go back to mount and armbar the other arm after a few more punches and elbows to his face. Stand up and kick his face some more or break both his ankles. That's how I would do it. Aloha

2007-01-31 20:22:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Fight is not about only attack. You also have to dodge the enemy. Watch any boxing match. Especially those fought by Mike Tyson. Try avoiding enemy's punches till you catch him off balance. Then deliver that deadly blow.

2007-01-31 16:57:51 · answer #9 · answered by Rangeela 1 · 1 1

There are hundreds (at least, I haven't counted) of ways. There are many books on the subject. If you are studying a martial art, your instructor should teach you this. If not, start a martial art. It is WAY beyond the scope of this forum.

2007-02-01 04:57:17 · answer #10 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 1 0

Learn how to evade attack. This will hurt your opponent's pride, leave both of you intact, and both of you can go home and have a nice dinner.

2007-02-03 02:34:15 · answer #11 · answered by Runa 7 · 0 0

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