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my 6 year old son is not overweight by any means he playes many sports and is very good at them also sports such as hockey, lacross, Basketball, karate, gymnastics, and even dance....he is a very active child....they have this scoring thing at his school they get either a ---4---which is exceeding the standards, ---3--- meeting the standards, ----2--- working toward the standards, or ---1--- not meeting the standards....they give these scores in every area on their report card.....my son had mostly 4's and a few 3's on his report crad except gym class in which he got a 2 for 2 consecutive semesters in a row......i finally got concerned enough to call the school and ask to speak with the gym teacher.....they told me they would leave him a message to contact me yet it has been 3 days and he still has not called......i am thinking about going to the principal tomorrow to talk to him..... if there is an issue that is making him fail gym shouldn't i have been contacted

2007-01-31 15:27:18 · 13 answers · asked by chylie p 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

13 answers

Yes, by all means, pay a visit to the principal. You NEED to be informed of issues....good, bad, or indifferent. I grant you, it's "their" school, but he IS your kid.

When my son started school, I quickly figured out that I needed to be highly involved with his school life. I began volunteering for everything I could, to keep my face "known" around there. At times, I was at the school for one reason or other at least 3 days each week. I knew the teachers, the principal, and all staff members. I joined the PTA board, worked Library, helped out in the classrooms, etc. I discussed issues with teachers on a daily basis, questioning assignments, and subsequent grades. I was able to intervene in behavior problems, and ride herd on everything that was going on with him, even to to the point of hand picking which teacher he got assigned to. I did that all his way through school. He graduated in 2001. I sometimes look back and see that time as very valuable for me. My involvement was invaluable in making sure my son, and other children, got a fair shake in education.

That may sound like a lot of trouble to go to, but he IS your kid. It's your responsibility to see that the ISD you are entrusting him to is doing the job you are paying them to do.

2007-01-31 15:47:42 · answer #1 · answered by kj 7 · 0 0

First of all, he is not failing. He is "working toward the standards", which is succeeding in my book. Secondly, there was no subject in the world that I hated more than gym. Maybe your son doesn't like it or is just not in tune with whatever the teacher wants. Sure, talk with the teacher. But if you and your son are not on the same wavelength as the teacher, then who cares what the teacher thinks? Celebrate all that your son can do and never mind the idiot teacher.

2007-01-31 15:36:01 · answer #2 · answered by Larry 6 · 1 0

First of all, the kid is SIX...failing gym won't go on his PERMANENT RECORD and ruin his life forever....Chill.

OK, that being said, one possiblity is that he's a very active child and doesn't like standing in line and waiting turns and listening to directions when he could be PLAYING like 6 year olds should be.

I would hope that if there was an "ISSUE" with him...they would contact you. I'd probably go to the school and find out what their "standards" are for six year olds in gym. Maybe the standards are what need to be changed.

2007-01-31 15:33:55 · answer #3 · answered by someone's mom 3 · 2 0

well if your son does all those activities, i dont see any reason why he would be failing gym. I remember gym class very well and i know that it isnt very hard and i never played any sports i just worked out in my free time. My guess is that maybe the gym teacher just doesnt like him... my experience in school shows me that that is a possible reason. Or maybe he doesnt see it as a competition like all the other sports he plays and he doesnt take as seriously. I guess you would have to talk to the teacher first to find out tho.

2007-01-31 15:35:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Maybe he is having trouble working as a team. You say he is good at sports, right? I see a lot of times that if a child is over confident they do not play well with others. They are what you would call trying to be a one man band and that doesn't work well in a lot of sports. Any way, you do deserve an answer.

2007-01-31 15:33:57 · answer #5 · answered by JAN 7 · 0 0

You definitely should talk to the teacher. You should pursue it until that happens. Maybe there is something he does not like about gym class. Get the information from the teacher and then gently work it out with your son.

2007-01-31 15:37:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Call again to talk to the gym teacher. It could be that your son is misbehaving in class, or not being a good sport. It could also be that this teacher gives 2's to everyone.

2007-01-31 15:31:43 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Most of the time if a child is not succeeding at that age in school, it's probably a behavior problem, especially if you feel your son is very active.

2007-01-31 15:31:45 · answer #8 · answered by SirCornman 3 · 1 1

You need to make an appointment with the teacher. Maybe your son has poor sportsmanship..?

2007-01-31 16:17:23 · answer #9 · answered by Duraznita 3 · 0 0

yes they really should have contacted you by now, fitness at that age is crucial for the many ongoing developments that are occouring.

I am 100% behind your decision to go to the school tomorow, and I would insist to speak to the PE coach because obviosly something is going on.

2007-01-31 15:32:37 · answer #10 · answered by c_filer 2 · 0 2

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