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2 Corinthians 6:14-15 states: "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?"

I myself am engaged to a non-Christian. I'm not currenly in the church but I was a part of it for 16 years and I know right from wrong. At age 16, I made friends with non-believers and strayed from the truth. Now that I am older, I realize where I went wrong and would not make the same mistake again. Simply because I am engaged to someone who isn't religious doesn't mean that I will be any less religious or that my future children won't be raised with religious upbringing; so why is this considered a sin? I would just like your opinions on the matter.

2007-01-31 15:24:10 · 18 answers · asked by Desiree 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I plan to attend church again soon and my fiance supports it 100%, he even agreed that our children should be brought up into Christianity, despite the fact he isn't a believer.

2007-01-31 15:25:10 · update #1

In response to 'Patricia', I have known plenty of "Christian" men to cheat on their wives, it is not an act that only non-believers carry out. Even Christians can be led into temptation.

2007-01-31 16:01:09 · update #2

18 answers

My advice would be do not marry a non-believer. It makes things very hard and marriage does not need that extra stress..Also I hate to say it but you must consider these children by reading what their Dad does they may choose to be a non-believer. He will support you not but when you are married that is a whole new ballgame...Please do not do it...God has a Godly man for you, I am speaking from my experience, do not do it.

2007-01-31 15:28:18 · answer #1 · answered by Godb4me 5 · 3 7

There is a lot of pressure on relationships without throwing in religious differences. You guys have talked about the right things, but it is still going to be an issue.

How are you going to deal with the fact that your kids could easily be influenced by the fact that he doesn't believe? It will show them that it is OK to question faith and that often leads down the path to being an atheist. If he allows you to raise them the way you want, that doesn't mean they are going to turn out that way. Are you going to blame him? Because in this situation that wouldn't be fair.

I am also an atheist. I was very careful to stick with a fellow atheist just to keep these issues out of it. I personally could accept it, but only if they left me be. And I could not be expected to remain totally silent on the matter even if I left my children go to church. A simple trip to the museum or zoo could cause a conflict.

It is OK, but do take the time to be sure that you both can really live with it. Too many people end up divorced.

2007-01-31 15:42:30 · answer #2 · answered by Alex 6 · 2 0

My opinion is it's a very bad idea and I wouldn't date or marry a non-Christian. There is very good reason those words you quoted are in the Bible. You should heed them. I think you're just setting yourself up...you think you won't stray from the truth now and that you knew what you did wrong when you were younger? Those were non-believer friends, this would be your non-believer husband....Big Difference and 100X the pressure.

I wish you well and as I said, this is just a fellow Christians views, but talk is cheap, especially from someone without the Holy Spirit, who can't know the truth of God, truth that a believer knows.

2007-01-31 15:46:05 · answer #3 · answered by JohnC 5 · 0 0

It tells you right their in scripture..Any thing or any body who is with out God is of evil and has no light in them, but only darkness...Love is blind. And you said you strayed from the truth and starting you haven't stopped making Friends with non- believers you engaged to a non- believers you are trying to convince your self of what you are" trying" to do.. but yet you are still repeating the same thing...Sorry but if your partner is a non- believers than the odds are against you to start with..So if he doesn't want to lead a clean renewing life than what are you willing to puts ones self through what you are allowing..Its wrong to start with..He will lead you in to temptations..Nothing the answer to your question...You are causing bad cause and effects for your self and it don't mix..It might after 3 or 6 children down the road..And he leaves you for that beauty Satan runs him across in his dark journey..you will be saying it was right their in front of me the Lord showed me right from the start in his own word ...WHY was I so blinded by his darkness..it is a sin if God says its a sin...no right or light can come from it only darkness..Pray that Jesus allows you see instead of having to go through things to see! Don't let your trust in Jesus week en by lust..God bless you and the USA and Israel and all

2007-01-31 15:57:11 · answer #4 · answered by patricia 5 · 1 0

If you truly love eachother there should be absolutely no reason that you can't get married. He may not believe but religion isn't why you love him.If he supports you then you should be fine don't listen to these people who are saying that he will try andd control you... because they are in fact the ones doing the controlling. Believe what you want and let him do the same. as long as you to are happy with eachother you will be fine I guarantee it.

2007-01-31 15:35:34 · answer #5 · answered by Satan 4 · 1 0

I think what this scripture warns about is the danger of keeping company with those who adamantly refuse Christ, and whose beliefs and lifestyle could become a danger to your faith. It sounds like your fiance has no problem with your rejoining of the faith, and raising your children that way. God bless him. And God bless you, also. God's heart smiled when you went back to Him.

2007-01-31 16:11:14 · answer #6 · answered by Danny H 6 · 1 0

People need to get over it. A persons personal beliefs are their own and have nothing to do (and should have nothing to do) with anyone else. Period.

My husband who's the son of a Methodist Minister has married me, a Wiccan. He doesn't push his religion on me at all. In fact, we have some very enjoyable debates on the subject.

So why don't you just learn to accept people for who they are, instead of trying to force them to be what they aren't or ignoring them altogether? Stop acting like those nasty high school girls we all hated growing up. You know, the stuck up ones who's mission in life was to make everyone else miserable.

2007-01-31 15:46:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Do you love him? If the christian god is love, as many christians claim, then what is wrong with marrying him with that love?

Would you allow what is written in some book determine your future and your happiness?

It's your choice.

2007-01-31 15:42:43 · answer #8 · answered by CC 7 · 0 0

I dont think its a sin. Is not. But you most feel theres something not right, bc you are doubting it. Ask god to guide you, please! He will help you, go back to God his always been there for you. Remember he is coming soon.God bless you! =)

2007-01-31 15:29:14 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

That passage also comes from the same bible that says you can't be admitted into the kingdom of God with crushed testicles or a cut off penis.

Don't let a bunch of BS keep you from marrying who you love.

2007-01-31 15:30:37 · answer #10 · answered by James 5 · 1 3

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