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The problem is that she only acts up when she gets home from daycare. At daycare, they tell us that she's such a good baby and that she behaves and she's so much fun. So after a hard day at work, we want to take her home to play and spend time with her. But as soon as we get her home, we can't wait to put her to bed! She cries over nothing, throws little tantrums, and just wants to climb over and touch everything she's no supposed to. We try to tell her no and put our foot down, but it just causes more and more crying. Any suggestions? What discipline measures are appropriate at this age? She is 1 year and almost 3 months.

2007-01-31 15:20:05 · 19 answers · asked by Josh 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

19 answers

A one year old is too young to be acting out or to be disciplined. She's only a baby, she's tired after a long day away from you, and she wants her mom and dad. It's not bad behavior or crying over nothing, it's normal for someone her age. You can't expect her to understand when you tell her no, she's too young.

Try babyproofing your house so there's nothing she can get into, that will remove one area of stress. When you have a little one, you can't also expect to have the perfect house. When you get home with her, try playing with her on her level, down on the floor with her toys. If she's still fussy, she may be hungry, or more likely just tired, so try cuddling her and putting her down for a short nap. Then you can have something to eat, take a shower, whatever, and wind down from your day. After that get her up and have a playtime, and when she's tired again, put her down for the night.

I know you're tired, but try to enjoy your daughter, it's really true that they're only little for a very short time. Good luck to you and your family.

2007-01-31 15:56:58 · answer #1 · answered by mom of 2 6 · 1 0

Sounds like my aughter who is 16 months. I decided that when I pick her up from daycare I spend about an hour-hour and a half with her. She has my complete and undivided attention. She especially likes to sit and read all of her books. This has helped my daughter with the transistion of leaving daycare and being home. When that hour is up she seems very content to play on her own so I can get a few things done. My daughter will still act out periodically, so I take the time to discipline. She loves to climb on the coffee table and she has realized it's a great way to get my attention too. So, I put her in time out and flip the coffee table over.

Hope my experience helps!

2007-02-01 05:51:42 · answer #2 · answered by 10 pts for me? 4 · 0 0

It sounds like she may be tired when she gets home. Daycare alone can make for a long day for a child her age. Another thing that may be happening is that she may be starting the terrible 2's. I know it sounds a little early but my 18 month old acts the same way and the doctor said the screaming and cry is just tantrums and to ignore them when they do it and love and praise them when they arent. I know the screaming and crying can get on your last nerve but as long as she isn't physically hurt IGNORE IT. It was hard but we did it for a week with my son and he's a new child now. He realizes he gets alot more attention when he acts icely.

2007-01-31 23:25:49 · answer #3 · answered by Luv_My_Baby 4 · 2 0

A 14 month old is still a baby. She is too young to discipline. All you can do at that age is redirect her attention. You say she wants to climb over and touch everything - How else do you think babies learn? It is your job to keep her environment safe. Cries over nothing? Is she talking? Then how do you know it's nothing. Crying is the only way she has to communicate with you. Perhaps her diaper is wet, she might be teething, hungry, tired, growing pains. Think of how far she has come in the past year, you are expecting way too much.

2007-01-31 23:48:03 · answer #4 · answered by junenorth 2 · 3 0

Hello there. As frustrating and alone as you may feel, know this, you are not alone. I have been a nanny and Au-pair and have to say that consistency is the key. Remember that you are a parent and not a friend and although we all at one time or another feel as though we are depriving the child of time by working, we are at the same time providing the opportunity for self development and Independence.

Pay no attention to a tantrum , separate yourself, stay calm and explain that this is not acceptable behavior. Then go about your tasks as you were before. The child will follow you and when she does, again tell her that it is not acceptable and that if she would like to play ar get your attention there are beter ways to do so.

As for climbing, it is normal at this age. Be sure to give her places and things that are safe to explore and climb on.

2007-02-01 00:10:02 · answer #5 · answered by kisbylv 1 · 1 1

I think I would ask for a detailed report of what she does all day, It sounds to me like she might just need a longer nap in the day time, discipline? she's one, what is she doing wrong? being tired? crying is not being bad, how else can a one year old express them self, i think i would also do some pop visits to the daycare, you don't know what is causing this, you must become a detective and be your child's voice, good luck

2007-02-01 01:29:13 · answer #6 · answered by melissa s 6 · 1 0

At age one, you want to redirect her attention.
Engage her in play...make funny faces...sing songs....
enjoy her & help her enjoy the time at home. By that time of the day, she's had all she can take. Daycare is like a job....and she needs to unwind just like you do. Keep your sense of humor and keep it light. She's still a baby.
I'd drop in once or twice unannounced at the daycare....at different times of the day...just to make sure that everything is as rosy as your daycare tells you it is. follow your instincts.( If something about these visits doesn't "feel" right, it probably isn't. )
She could just be tired, also. depending on what time you get home with her, maybe she can go to bed early & you can get up a little earlier for cuddle time & play time before you leave the house in the mornings. Each family has to figure out what works for them...even if it isn't the "norm".
Love her and cherish her.

2007-01-31 23:32:12 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Our 1 1/2 year old is worn out after daycare, plus cant wait to eat supper. Could just be the time of day. Have you noticed a change on weekends?

2007-01-31 23:23:36 · answer #8 · answered by lillilou 7 · 3 0

I'm no expert with little chidren but I do know that maybe she acts that way because she thinks daycare is more fun than home (no offense) so you should try to make home just as fun as daycare...maybe a liitle more but make it so she wants daycare and home so she acts the same at daycare and home, in a good way. Also if you leave her alone while she throws her fits she will realize that you arent going to give her attention and stop. That is why little children cry and throw fits most of the time because they want attention.

Hope this helps!!

2007-01-31 23:26:44 · answer #9 · answered by hannah.Horrible! 2 · 0 3

She is over tired too. Maybe just try to spend quiet time reading with her to settle her down. Feed her as soon as you get home, then bath and jammies, then quiet playtime. As for the misbehaviour be consistent with the no's and shwo her what she can play with. I do not think they understand the time out chair until almost 2.

2007-02-01 07:56:22 · answer #10 · answered by peach 4 · 0 0

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