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Would you allow a head strong toddler to run onto a busy street? Or to crawl into the new infant's crib; they already said, they hated the new baby. The new proposed bill in California would side with these minors. Chances are they are still wearing diapers. A correctional swat would make more noise than pain; although, maybe, feelings would be hurt. My neice lost her almost 3 year old, when he ran into the street and was hit by a motorcycle. She was screaming for him to come back. The plug was pulled on his great-grandmother's 80th birthday. His older brother turned 5 the Thursday before.

2007-01-31 14:17:14 · 17 answers · asked by My Shoes 1 in Family & Relationships Family

17 answers

First let me say I am so sorry about the loss of your great-nephew. There is nothing on this earth worse than losing one so young and then to lose another family member on top of that had to be a terrible time for your family. I wanted to share with you my own personal experience. I have a 2 yr. old (1 month shy of being 3). As anyone knows who has a kid this age, they have selective hearing. Like most toddlers, he got in a habit of trying to run away and time-outs or talking with him, etc. had no effect on what is basically the normal behavior of a toddler. The only time he's ever been spanked was when he ran away from me into a parking lot with fast-moving traffic. I spanked him on the behind and it hurt his feelings more than his behind. The other night, we had just left the restaurant, we were in the parking lot and he let go of my hand and bolted off again! I yelled "stop or I will spank you!". Oh thank God he stopped and turned around. If he had went just a few feet farther into the street, he would have been run over by the idiot in the truck going at least 60 in a 30 m.p.h. zone.
This one is so simple to me, it amazes me that there is even any question to it! If you can reason with your child, do it. If time-out works, use it. I believe in using all other discipline methods before resorting to spanking. But if my child's life is in danger, I will not hesitate to give him a swift lesson that he will definitely remember without question. I don't believe spanking a child for such dangerous behavior will create a dysfunctional adult. I think if anything, your child will thank you for MAKING it to adulthood.
The bill that was proposed in CA is just a ridiculous attempt to have government dictate how we raise our kids (as ridiculous as government's attempt to regulate the body weight of our kids). Hopefully, there are enough concerned parents out there who use basic common sense who would never let that happen.

2007-01-31 15:09:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The United States. Democratic status. Was the source of the controversy at Valley Forge. The founding fathers were democratic. The people who wanted a republic almost starved the entire American army out to prove their point. Then it was set up as a democracy for the people and Thomas Jefferson ended up speaking a lot about it. Then these losers called the puratins came in, representing the republic (big businesses). They fought for almost 100 years to reverse the constitution and all the equal rights stuff. Now you see it, they still try to make it a nazi or king james state. But most of what they have done is public. Because of their joker mentality, now many huge financial industry based entities have more power then people and actually contradict what America stands for. America is supposed to be a democracy, but because of the corrupt idiots who took unrestrained actions. Some things like the federal government. Even though they are a corporation. As a ruling body. It's just a mish mash of good people and dirty people who support business over people.

2016-05-24 00:37:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think it's a useless law, unless it's added on to other charges to make a more complete case against an abusive parent.

The thing is, swatting your child in public is wrong. You should not swat in anger or for emotional reasons ... and it really IS embarrassing to the child to be smacked on the bottom.

However, what you do in the privacy of your home is no business of lawmakers. I've swatted my kids on the bottom a few times, but it's really more of an attention-getter, there was no actual pain involved or anything lol. But generally I try either taking something away that they like (no computer for a day, no tv for a day, etc.) or make them sit in the corner. It really just depends on the offense.

2007-01-31 14:53:23 · answer #3 · answered by arewethereyet 7 · 1 0

I personally see nothing wrong with a swat to the butt. Since it has become illegal {in some areas} it seems that the kids now a days are disrespectful, have no principals, and really just don't care about much of anything. When my son was little, it only took one swat for him to learn not to touch a hot stove. But, I guess the way things are going, a parent would just let them touch it to figure out not to do it again. Oh wait! That would be considered child abuse.

2007-01-31 14:55:28 · answer #4 · answered by bugoff26 2 · 2 0

spanking does not work with children. Most times it only leads to them hitting others. The best thing to do with a child is to find whatever it is that they value and take that away when they do something wrong. Let the punishment fit the crime, for example my 3 yr old doesn't want to share a toy with his brother that they could both easily play with together, I give 1 warning if sharing does not happen the 3 yr old may not play with the toy. If my child is running for the street I would run after them and catch them, a spanking wouldn't have made any difference. It is much more important to explain why something is wrong then the punishment itself or the child will repeat the crime because they still do not understand it.

2007-01-31 14:39:10 · answer #5 · answered by LadyJadra 2 · 0 2

I never raised my hand to either child. All it took was a tone of voice or a look. BUT if one of my sons ever ran into the street (something of that magnitude) believe me I would have swatted them. I am sorry for your loss. What a tragedy.

I think the bill proposed in CA is simply ridiculous. More common sense would be nice for a change!

2007-01-31 14:25:33 · answer #6 · answered by kelly 2 · 2 0

spanking a child is not wrong the bible says that... they need a little spanking to let them know whos got the upper hand.. or they will run all up on you... I said if the law side with this type of behavior then let them raise the child and I bet they will end up spaking that ***!!! no way I let someone tell me when not to spank mines as longs as I do it in a safe manner not beating or bruising just some spanking in the butt to let them know hey Im the adult you are the child and I dont play little kiddies games you cross the line and your butt will let you know... LOL good luck\.

2007-02-01 01:47:15 · answer #7 · answered by boricua_2290 5 · 1 0

I have always said that when i was disrespecting my mom or breaking the rules, there was nothing that done me any more good than a good swift spanking.
I didnt get them for everything, but when i needed em for something bad, i got em.
I will discipline my child in this manner. They say that if you spank your kids, you are teaching them violence. Well, think of this......when our parents were growing up......they lived by the spanking and switch and belt etc. Did they have the crime in those adolescent and teen age years that we do? Nope.
I think its lack of respect for elders that gives our youth the freedom to act as they may.
I think its time we take back our society. Just my opinion.
Good luck.

2007-01-31 14:41:01 · answer #8 · answered by Truth Teller 5 · 2 0

I work for an agency who receive a lot of of cases of child abuse and neglect.....and believe me....it's fine to spank your child with moderation.Children needs guidance and corrections, but everything has a limit....and by the way I would never allow a child to run onto a street or do whatever he or she feels like it.....because that means that there is no love.....

2007-01-31 14:26:29 · answer #9 · answered by Spread the word! 2 · 2 0

i feel that the government has gotten themselves way to involved with how we the parents raise and disipline our children.....there are children out there who are being beaten and need help but the majority of the family's being hasseled by CPS are familys where the parents are going threw a divorse and a bad custody battle....my fiance just got arrested because he put his 16 year old son who by the way is 6 foot tall and weighs 225 lbs for telling him there was nothing he could do about his chewing and to go **** him self and that he was a pussy and all kinds of stuff like that my fiance put him up against the wall to yell at his son and his son puched him in the face 2 times once splitting his eyebrow open and needing stiches his son then got him into a head lock and my fiance used a pressure point hold to get out of it and now my fiance had not only been arrested for a felony but he has also been forced to resign from his job with a police department....so you tell me if you believe in corporal punishment......sometimes i don't believe their is any other way....

2007-01-31 16:16:31 · answer #10 · answered by chylie p 2 · 1 0

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