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I'd like lots of answers and lots of different opinions. okay.

so, i've been dating this boy for a while now, almost a year.
we're seniors in high school. things are pretty good. i'm just you know, a teenage girl and i get very emotional sometimes. but i don't know if i'm just overreacting on this or if it's something to really be concerned about.

but okay, he always gives these girls that live near him a ride home. like... ALWAYS. and it just bothers me. because he's a basketball player... they're pretty, popular cheerleaders. and like, tonight he said he'd come over after he went out to eat with "friends" but instead he had to give "them" a ride home (the girls) this happens a lot. he won't spend time with me because he has to give one of them a ride home.

it's not that i'm the really jealous type.. i'm not.
it just hurts my feelings a little.

tell me what i should do.. i'm just lost at what to do about this. i dont want to be a psycho girlfirend.. haha

2007-01-31 14:13:27 · 11 answers · asked by justbreathe 3 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

11 answers

Well chica, you sound young and you have your whole life ahead of you. If he continues then just hang out with your girls. He will get the hint that you aint some beck -n-call. good luck!

2007-01-31 14:17:26 · answer #1 · answered by Shorty06 3 · 0 0

It doesn't make you psycho to have feelings of him not being as trusting as you would like. You are young you both have sooo many things that you want to try acknowledge do and experience. It is hard at such a young age to trust someone so deeply. I understand that being young does not mean that you cannot be in a relationship, I am a firm believer that the only two people who understand what is going on is those who are in love with each other. Being social in a highschool atmopshere is not a horrid thing, have you tried asking if you can go out to these group activities with him? You have to have some force of trust or you will always be eaten up. Just know that not every girl he hangs with has an attraction to him or he an attraction to them. Sometimes things are simply platonic.

At the end of the day, you both are human, the only way to understand one another is to communicate, let him know you feel a little nervous when he is out with other girls, open the lines of communication,he might not even know that you are upset by this.

2007-01-31 22:23:42 · answer #2 · answered by cooling1981 3 · 0 0

Well first off did you ever bring this question up to him? To ask him:"what does this situation look like if he were in your shoes? Maybe he don't look at you as his girlfriend? If he did then he wouldn't be taking popular cheerleaders home, he would be taking you home! It sure looks to me that you have been trusting him on a lot of occasions. That's good because he not spending his time with you, should bring up a whole lot of dis-trust and feelings that your not valued! Ask him if he values you or he values his cheerleader friends more? Am sure that his cheerleader friends could find another ride off some other jock if need be. But he is your man! and if your are his girl friend your his one and only best friend too!? If he doesn't feel this way than I have to say this is not a solid relationship, forgive him and move on! How do you know a man loves you? Let me suggest what you should look for in a guy: 1. Love 2. Honor 3. Cherish 4. Trust 5. Strong Communication. If they don't do these things then there not worth your time or your heart! These can be explained in my five biblical principles for finding your soul mate: Ask Yourself:
1. Does he love you for who you are (inside first than out)? The Bible says: *“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-6
2. Does he honor you? Will he do things just to make you happy? Will he try some of the things you are interested in or maybe shares some of the same interests and hobbies? The Bible says:
* “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.” Romans 12:10
3. Cherishes your body, mind and soul? Doesn't go to far on these things until your ready? The Bible says: * “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet Spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” 1 Peter 3:3-4
4. You trust him to the fullest? He is your best friend and you are his? The Bible Says: * “ Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes always perseveres.” 1 Corinthians 13:7
5. You communicate well? He understands you like he could be your twin? The Bible says: * “ Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29

To Sum it up: Stick to 1. Love 2. Honor 3. Cherish 4. Trust 5. Communication and I promise if your relationship is based on these things you will know what its like to find true love! And Yes! I have used my principles myself and I am convinced I have found my soul mate! But to find her I also used these same principles to weed out my soul mate from the relationships that just didn't work. In addition, letting God and Jesus Christ lead your heart, mind, body and soul also aid in the weeding process.God Bless!

2007-01-31 22:40:33 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 1 0

just tell him that you're a little upset...say...listen (insert name here) I'm not mad or anything, and i'm glad that we have the type of relationship where we can have our friends as well as eachother, but i'm just a little concerned about the girls you drive home. I mean i'm probably over reacting but would you rather drive them home then hang out with me? tell him you honestly have no problem with him driving them home, and that you fully trust him...but sometimes you just need to see him and be with him, and the times you want to be with him the most, just happen to be the times when he has to drive them home...
See the trick to guys is they like to know they are wanted and needed, they like to know you trust them and that you're not jealous...and they love when you tell them you just want to spend time with them....try that out, let me know how it goes

2007-01-31 22:18:48 · answer #4 · answered by fritnit1349 1 · 0 0

well if he's giving girls a ride home instead of going to see you then yea he doesnt want to be with you and there might be something goin on between them so you might as well just tell him to stop cause your his girlfriend and he should be with you over different girls so either tell him to stop and if he doesnt dump him

2007-01-31 22:19:45 · answer #5 · answered by thatguy 4 · 1 0

tell him exactly what you just wrote. but do it on a date as a matter of fact part of a normal conversation. tell him it hurts your feelinggs AND you know he dosent't mean to. that will make sure he dosen't get his guard up (like us fellas tend to do)
THEN and this is KEY... leave it alone. don't bring it up again (thats nagging... thats bad)
if he changes... good!
if not... you have a decision to make.

good luck, ma

2007-01-31 22:19:56 · answer #6 · answered by AgentZero 4 · 1 0

You need 2 drop him because obviously they are more important to him than you his girlfriend.

2007-01-31 22:17:48 · answer #7 · answered by Ready 2 Start Doping 1 · 1 0

you gotta give him a choice, the girls or you, cause if he take time from when he should be with you to be with other girls then he does not deserve you.

2007-01-31 22:17:49 · answer #8 · answered by playatm25 2 · 1 0

Your bf needs to start putting you first.

2007-01-31 22:16:30 · answer #9 · answered by mamabear 6 · 0 0

sorry to tell you this sweetie but he's cheating on you

2007-01-31 22:16:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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