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I have been smoking since late 17, done everything in the middle, Im 25 now. I feel like I should quit but at the same time Im not sure exactly what the benefits would be of quitting. Maybe answers from ex stoners would help this question.

2007-01-31 13:36:58 · 4 answers · asked by Lance Carthen 1 in Health Mental Health

4 answers

I too smoked it every day for a long time, like more than a year. I thought is was great, calmed me down, was able to play with kids for hours. I really didnt see anything wrong with it. Finally, to make a long story short, I started really overthinking when I would smoke and get paranoid that I had cancer or something was really wrong with me or someone in my family could die, etc. I quit, started having terrible terrible anxiety and panic attacks. Went to a doctor, put me on meds (the whole time I smoked I did not take anything) then suggested therapy. First visit I told therapist, she said that is where all the anxiety and panic attacks were coming from. Pot relaxed me and made things not matter so much, I would definately see someone if and when you quit, maybe just for lorazepam or something so you dont freak out!!! Good idea to stop though!

2007-01-31 22:22:39 · answer #1 · answered by notso_recoveringwino 2 · 0 0

Ok, anytime is a good time to quit. That stuff is absolutely no good for you and you can only benefit from quitting. I have watched too many people in my family die from smoking and yeah, its hard for them, but when your body finally tires out from all the chemical abuse, your family will be the ones to have to stand there and watch you pretty much die. So yes, quit and save yourself now. Doing stuff like that is nothing but a burden in your pocket and a major hurt to your body. You only get one body to live in, so take care of it!!!

2007-01-31 16:17:34 · answer #2 · answered by Lauren S 2 · 0 0

There are many reasons why someone would want to quit smoking marijuana
Perhaps you just smoke too much and want to stop.
Maybe your are neglecting your responsibilities or just not getting anywhere in life.
As with stopping smoking cigarettes, quitting marijuana can be very difficult.
Although there isn't a physical addiction as with nicotine in cigarettes
(unless you smoke weed mixed with tobacco) weed certainly is
mentally addicting. You become accustomed to getting high,you use weed to relax
after a long day,quitting smoking weed seems impossible. I personally overcame an
addiction to weed so I speak from personal experience hope these tips help you
to quit weed.

First you must decide if you really want to quit smoking marijuana,
because if you're not 100% committed then it's going to be impossible.
Do you want to quit or just cut down on your usage? If you just want to cut down
so you're not high ALL the time then you must decide what is acceptable to you
and work towards that goal.

Come up with a plan to gradually cut down or make the decision to go cold turkey.
Cutting down gradually works for some but for others quitting cold turkey works best.
If you are anything like I used to be when you've got weed you have to smoke it.
It's very hard to stop smoking weed if it's readily available.

Tell your friends (if they know you smoke) that you want to cut down or quit.
Having the support of the people around you will make quitting a lot easier.
When people know you are really trying to quit weed they will usually do their utmost
to help. Also once others know it will make it harder for you to go back to smoking
weed because you won't want to let them down,or look like a loser.

Think about why you smoke pot and try and improve those parts of your life that
lead you to needing an escape.We all have a reason why we smoke weed.
You have to discover what has led you down that path and work on the problem.
If you smoke weed because all your friends do you need to tell them that you want
to stop smoking weed and ask them not to do it around you or be around you when they are high.
If they try to discourage you it may be time to find some new friends.Maybe
they'll try and quit with you.You may just need to find a new set of friends that don't
smoke weed.

Stop buying weed and stop having a stash so when you are out you'll have to go on the
hunt for some.This will help deter you and help you lose the motivation to smoke pot.
It is very difficult to quit weed if it is sitting right there in front of you.Make
it an inconvenience to get it and you'll start losing interest.Get rid of any contact
information of your dealers.

My last and most important tip for quitting weed is this:
Find something else to do with your time.A big reason people smoke in my opinion is boredom.
I know for me that was a major reason I smoked.Smoking dope is a great
makes something boring like sitting around watching TV more interesting than it really is.
But when you are trying to quit weed it is a lot easier if you have interesting ways to pass the time.
Get a hobby (or several),take up a sport, learn a musical instrument,learn how to make money, ANYTHING
I wasted many years of my life getting high, life is short so find a passion and greet each day with enthusiasm.
I hope these tips help you find out how to quit smoking weed for yourself.

Want To Learn More Tips On How To Quit Smoking Weed?
click here read more

2014-04-23 13:09:43 · answer #3 · answered by john 1 · 0 0

the first benefit would be mental . smoking pot can , especially as you get older, can cause increased paranoia, anxiety, and problems with short term memory. physically it can aggravate your lungs and breathing. once u quit u will realize that you can live your life fully without getting stoned. the last benefit would b e financially, you would save a lot of money. good luck to you.

2007-02-01 00:58:38 · answer #4 · answered by zeek 5 · 0 0

I don't see what benefit u have in keeping it. Money to spend, moments out of your reason self, less productivity, less safety etc. If your body says enough, so it is.

2007-01-31 14:02:34 · answer #5 · answered by Cister 7 · 0 0

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