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Don't you find that pretentious and presumptious?

2007-01-31 12:57:34 · 66 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

66 answers

I like variety, imagine how boring it would be if everyone was the same.

2007-01-31 13:13:39 · answer #1 · answered by boblangsux 5 · 5 0

No more pretentious and presumptious than assuming that I want everyone to think and believe the same thing that I do.

That's not the case at all.

2007-01-31 13:38:06 · answer #2 · answered by Wolfeblayde 7 · 0 0

The main reason is ignorance. Each person should look for the right way of thinking in his own way, follow his truth and try helping others as much as possible when asked or addressed. No one has a right to impose his or her beleifs on others. You can make your truth available and educate those who are interested by it. No matter how good your truth is and no matter how much you want others to benefit from it, never forget the most important life's rule: that each of us has a freedom of choice and freedom of will. Even God does not force us to do things.
If you wish that everyone believes what you do, you are confused thinking that you have it all figured out, and there is nothing more to life than what you know. Other common reason is that you are afraid of seeing the truth, afraid of being wrong and feeling that you lived your whole life with the wrong beliefs. So, you try confusing/brainwashing as many as possible; that way they don't have a chance to figure out the reality and show it to you. Wishing to have everyone think or believe the same way you do is caused primarily by ignorance of the fact that you can't make people be like you. You are scared to see that sometimes it is you who believes in the wrong things and has to make some changes.
PS We all tend to do that, sometimes unconsciously and don't even want to admit it. Because it's easier to have someone change to be like you than to change yourself.

2007-01-31 16:37:51 · answer #3 · answered by KuonA 1 · 1 0

Yes and No, Yes if I am correct and No if I am wrong! I want to be true and right, kinda like a boy scout or superman-Truth Justice and the American way if you cannot remember.
But deeper and more seriously the Bible is a book of Laws and is the highest Law book in our land.
So accordingly for every action there is a scripture for it. We are all born with a need to fulfill the Bible and here is the scripture that answers your question; Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

2007-01-31 18:02:41 · answer #4 · answered by sirromo4u 4 · 0 1

I guess really what your question should be is, why do people wish for everyone to think and believe as they themselves do? For many have taken this personally.

It's a very good question, and it is human nature. One does not like failure, it doesn't feel good, therefore why would one want another to deny their truth? In their eyes they believe it as failure. Their way isn't right unless all accept it.

Many believe they are saving others ebing showing them the truth, when in truth they are hurting others from allowing one to expereince life on their own. Although one amy know the truth, forced truth is wrose than a lie. Although, allowing someone to believe (and no one argue with the one "circumstance") 1+1=2, that has been proved, and is a fatc. Without such, we have no math. Therefore, providing someone with that truth is good.

I had this discussion with my friend today, who was shot down in her Econ. class for such reasons. One cannot accept failure. As humans progress, less and less do that. The most important thing is, to not do it yourself.

I hope this helps some

Kalula =]

2007-01-31 13:31:23 · answer #5 · answered by Run Kalula Run 2 · 1 0

Because you gotta understand there's only one thing going on in this world sweetie, and that's .........the lie, and the truth. Good and Evil. Lawfulness and lawlessness. That's all there ever was going on and still is. You also gotta understand this, Satan the "Father of Lies" is also known as the "mimicker of truth." There are people that know the truth and tell you they know the truth. And there are people that don't know the truth and tell you they know the truth. Both think they got the truth. Only problem with that is.......ones lying.......and ones telling the truth. If you haven't "stepped out of the world" by SEEKING the truth, FINDING the truth and being set FREE by the truth. Then you don't have the truth in you and you're still living the Lie. Because you still love what the world loves..... SIN! Well, this is were Satan the "great mimicker of truth" comes in. Those who are still living the lie have not "stepped out of the world", their still in it. Satan, controls this world and greatly infuences this world, and he teaches this world how to live, how to lust, how to LIE. The carnal nature of humans is weak and no match for the supernatural power of a Spirit Being Hell bent on destroying your soul. Satan has his army of "Dark Angels" who are everywhere. There all around you influencing you, taunting you, provoking you all the time. But there are also God's Angels around you too. The Spiritual Realm on earth is a battlefield for control of your soul. So the people who think what their telling you is the truth, don't "realize" their actually telling you a lie because they've been blinded by the "mimicker of truth" and don't even know it. So that's why EVERYBODY thinks they have the truth and are so willing to tell you that's how you should "believe", because that's what they "believe".

2007-01-31 15:26:59 · answer #6 · answered by SLEDGE 3 · 1 1

It would be a pretty dull and boring world if everyone believed and thought the same thing. I respect everypne's thoughts, no matter what they are, but find it funny to glance across questions like this when you are really only covering up the true question which is "Why won't you all drop everything and believe in what I do?"

2007-01-31 13:25:49 · answer #7 · answered by Lief Tanner 5 · 2 0

May be we should think like you right.
You seem both pretentious and presumptuous in that question. It impels we are all like that.
Two new words for you or do you really want an answer to a question so uninstructed in wisdom?
also we do have spell check :P
...um was wondering why someone would ask such a question.
Now I see by your avatar that you just want to show off your legs,or want us to believe they are yours, or you want some one to notice. Either way
I do pity you.

2007-01-31 13:53:34 · answer #8 · answered by Mijoecha 3 · 0 0

Now, if you had some knowledge about something that could save someone's life and they were having trouble finding it themselves would you not try to help them?But I do respect that people, do have differing views and I do not expect them to just believe what I say! I fact, I would expect them to check it out for themselves by doing their own research to confirm or disprove what I am saying, and I think that is reasonable.

You probably cherish your right to believe whatever you wish to believe. So does almost everyone else. By exercising this right, earth's six billion inhabitants have produced an amazing diversity of beliefs. Like the variations in color, shape, texture, taste, smell, and sound that we find in creation, differing beliefs often add interest, excitement, and enjoyment to life. Such variety can, indeed, be the spice of life.-Psalm 104:24.
BUT there is a need for caution. Some beliefs are not only different but also dangerous. Early in the 20th century, for example, some people came to believe that Jews and Freemasons had plans to "disrupt Christian civilization and erect a world state under their joint rule." One source of this belief was an anti-Semitic tract entitled Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. The tract alleged that the plans included advocating excessive taxation, promoting armament production, encouraging giant monopolies so that 'Gentile wealth could be destroyed in one blow.' Allegations also included manipulating the education system so as to 'turn Gentiles into unthinking beasts,' and even constructing underground railways to join capital cities so that the Jewish elders could 'quell any opposers by blowing them sky-high.'
These, of course, were lies-designed to inflame anti-Semitic feelings. 'This preposterous fiction,' says Mark Jones of the British Museum, 'spread abroad from Russia,' where it first appeared in a newspaper article in 1903. It reached The Times of London on May 8, 1920. More than a year later, The Times exposed the document as a fake. In the meantime, the damage had been done. 'Lies like these,' says Jones, 'are hard to suppress.' Once people accept them, they produce some very jaundiced, poisonous, and dangerous beliefs-often with disastrous consequences, as the history of the 20th century has shown.-Proverbs 6:16-19.
Belief Versus Truth
Of course, it does not take deliberate lies to develop mistaken beliefs. At times, we just misread things. How many people have met untimely deaths doing something they believed was right? Then again, often we believe a thing simply because we want to believe it. One professor says that even scientists "often fall in love with their own constructions." Their beliefs becloud their critical judgment. Then they may spend a lifetime in vain trying to shore up mistaken beliefs.-Jeremiah 17:9.
Similar things have happened with religious beliefs-where immense contradictions exist. (1 Timothy 4:1; 2 Timothy 4:3, 4) One man has deep faith in God. Another says that the man is only "weaving faith out of moonshine." One maintains that you have an immortal soul that survives death. Another believes that when you die you cease to exist, totally and completely. Obviously, conflicting beliefs like these cannot all be true. Is it not the course of wisdom, then, to make sure that what you believe actually is true and not simply what you want to believe? (Proverbs 1:5) How can you do that? Research!

2007-01-31 13:14:55 · answer #9 · answered by I speak Truth 6 · 2 2

presumptious? you want to see something presumptious? look at your question.

Not everyone wants to push their beliefs on everyone else. Even some christians are content with not doing so.

2007-01-31 13:33:46 · answer #10 · answered by Ambiguity 3 · 3 0

God made each of us totally unique and wonderfully. Each person has that combination of characteristics and qualities that God gave to them and them alone. To say that we should all think the same thing, in the context of all that a human being is, is irrational. Why I believe that all should believe that God created the world and saw that it was good, that sin entered in and separated man from God, that God made a way for man to be reconciled back to him through faith in the saving blood of the Lamb of God, is so that all might have eternal life in his presence.

2007-01-31 13:29:02 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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