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How do i out my past behind myself. I lay awake at night, my head spinning with thoughts of the past, always coming up with reasons that i cant move on with my life. For many years now, one positive thing in my life would turn into two negative ones. So ive burried myself in a hole out of peoples way. I put on a smile only to avoid the most painful question.."are you ok?"...i want to talk about it, but so many times ive been looked down apon because of it. How do i get myself out of this place. What do i need to do to move on. I feel like i have no reason to try anymore. So i ask for advice from everyone out there. How am i supposed to pull myself out of this mindstate whee everything in life seems so negative.

2007-01-31 12:45:02 · 12 answers · asked by Kyle B 1 in Health Mental Health

12 answers

honestly, i'd recommend seeking out a therapist. it sounds like you are very depressed and need to come to terms with whatever has happened in the past. often we need to heal the past before we can start with the future.

good luck to you.

2007-01-31 12:50:09 · answer #1 · answered by Carla S 5 · 0 0

This isn't Baber is it? OK, look. What you need to do it realize that Karma has a habit of kicking people around, so you may be going through tough times in result of the way you USED to be, reguardless of what you ARE now. Maybe what you should do is concentrate on the good, and fight this battle with yourself, and in the long run, you will prevail. After all, like they say, anything good is worth fighting for, so once you give up, you may as well forget it. do NOT give up. You already are starting to. I myself have done this too. What you need to accept, is the past is the past. No matter how many tears, or thoughts or opinions you go through, it will NOT change. You have to move on. Concentrate on today, not what is going to happen tomorrow. After all, you may not be here tomorrow, so why fret? Live life while you can. I am guessing you are of a younger age, so why start your life like this? I started to... Then I had my eyes opened for me, and I realized something.... You know that quote, "Life is what you make it?", well, it is true. Life really IS what you make it. NO ONE else can change your life, only YOU. You can seek advice, but YOU are the one to take action. One thing you may need to take into consideration, is if you don't like you, how can anyone else? How can anyone else enjoy your presence if you can't?

Think about this.

2007-01-31 21:00:07 · answer #2 · answered by hammettgoddess 2 · 0 0

All of the advice and encouragement in the world means nothing if you don't take the first step. Someone once told me that if we wait until we "feel like it", nothing will get done. So, even if you don't FEEL like it, you have to think positive thoughts, do positive things and pick yourself and move on. I completely understand what you are feeling and what you are going through. But, what I realized was that I could either be a victim or a victor. Life is hard. Like sucks sometimes. But, if you wait long enough and keep your eyes focused on God, He will make you situation better. The bible says He makes the crooked paths straight and that he redeems our lives from the pits. I encourage you to start to change your attitude and BELIEVE that somethign good is going to happen, despite your past. I am in the same situation - I have a past that will affect me for the rest of my life. And, I have not shared this experience with anyone. But, I force myself to think positively and to believe that something good will come of it. I think that is what life is about - taking all of the hardship, pain and suffering and changing your life for the better. This is YOUR life and it's the only one you have. So, you might as well make it worth living. And by the way, there are people out there who won't judge you. You're in a world filled with people who have suffered and triumphed....And you'll be one of these people soon enough!

2007-01-31 21:02:03 · answer #3 · answered by TwinkaTee 6 · 0 0

You gave the key words. You said you are out of people's way and you feel looked down upon. I too feel that way in society but I now realize that there are two groups in life and I am in the smaller group of outsiders. We are the loners in life and it is better for all of us to avoid the winner-player people. They speak a little differently then we do. I know I need to find new friends who are like me and who go to the support rooms on line.

2007-01-31 22:16:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I guess you haven't learned the "trick" yet.....

There are two things in the world....
1) things you can change
2) things you cannot change

Here's the ways to deal with it....
1) never mind.... you can't do anything about it. forget it.
2) work on it. the results are up to you.

simple enough?

I've noticed people who are in the "hole" are stuck on trying to take care of things you can not change. Worry about thigns you can not change. Try to chagne things you can not change. ...and fail to change things you can not change.

People are looking down on you? Well... that's not going to change. People will always try to find fault in others and point it out to you. Never mind, they have faults, too, but it's ok with them because they have a perfect excuse for every one of them.

Can you change how others think of you? Is it 1 or 2? Do you worry about this?

I am guessing, you made mistakes in your past. Can you change things you've already done? Is it 1 or 2? Are you trying to change it? Do you think you'll ever succeed?

Things you haven't done yet. Do you know how it will turn out? What and who determine the outcome? Are you in control of what you are going to do? Is this 1 or 2?

Yes, it sounds simple.... and it is. Once you learn the trick.

By the way, you may need help. Sometimes, you can't save yourself by yourself. It's ok to ask for help, because you are trying to chagne things you can change. Something you haven't done yet.

2007-01-31 20:59:55 · answer #5 · answered by tkquestion 7 · 1 0

You seem to be very depressed and depression requires a doctor's help. Seek help now, get on some antidepressents....you deserve to be happy and not sad all the time. I don't know what is in your past that you are trying to get away from, is it addiction issues, family problems, law enforcement? We need more info to help you better. Please seek help, if you must go to the emergency room and tell them of your sadness......life is good, don't waste anymore time with negativity. If you need to move to a different city/town to escape your "reputation" and begin anew, then try that. No one needs to know of your "past", they just need to know who you are now. Good luck, and please don't give up.

2007-01-31 20:55:08 · answer #6 · answered by fisherwoman 6 · 0 0

This isn't the answer you would like to hear, but the past is unescapable and it is what makes us who we are. You need to stay optimistic about the thing that are ahead of you and stop looking back. Keep Ya Head Up!!!

2007-01-31 20:54:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's very hard to let go of your past. I'm also a victim of my past. I just try my hardest to kep my head up & stay positive. It;s harder than hell. Find something you really enjoy, so you can look forward to doing things.

2007-01-31 21:41:51 · answer #8 · answered by MuZzZ 4 · 0 0

GET SOME COUNSELING. watever u do, try to avoid turning to drugs bcuz its too easy to get hooked, especially if ur depressed. good luck, man, depression is not something u can get rid of by urself, n don fool urself into thinking that u can. do urself a favor n c a profesional

2007-01-31 20:51:43 · answer #9 · answered by xLA NENA . 3 · 0 0

Hay man I know just what ur going through, I went through it too. One thing that helped me was to find something to take my mind off of it. What I did was I pumped the iron for hours.

2007-01-31 21:12:50 · answer #10 · answered by GC 1 · 0 0

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