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I know whats going to go on, but I'm nervous. Is the procedure going to be uncomfortable or scary? Or is is kind of an enjoyable appointment? Any details or words of advice are welcome.

2007-01-31 12:10:37 · 15 answers · asked by JJ 4 in Health Dental

15 answers

The procedure it's self isn't painful at all. You'll have your mouth stretched open for awhile, use chapstick or ask for vaseline for your lips. That's the biggest thing that most patients complain about afterwards, their lips are dried out. You basicially just lay there with your mouth proped open. Isn't that what we alway say, "open please" except this time you will have a plastic tongue and cheek retractor that will help you stay open. Not uncomfortable at all, just makes you feel like you look silly. You will do fine, so relax. Make sure to take some Motrin or Aleve before you go in tomorrow and continue taking it for the next few days. Over the next week stick to soft food, but tomorrow especially, eat ice cream, popcicles, smoothies, anything cold to keep your mouth a little numb. Then over the next few days just get used to them and slowly start to add other foods back into your diet. It's usually better to cut your food up to eat and just avoid hard cruncy or sticky food. You sound like you've done some research or know someone who has braces, so I won't go into my long version of everything. Anyway, just keep in mind, they won't bother you right away. It's later when your teeth have had the pressure of the pulling on them for a few hours that it starts to hurt a little. Just keep the Motrin handy and stick to the cold stuff for a couple of days and you'll do fine! Congrat's on getting your braces! Good luck!

2007-01-31 12:35:42 · answer #1 · answered by HeatherS 6 · 1 0

The procedure itself won't be scary, but maybe a bit uncomfortable because of all the pressure that will be exerted on your teeth. There will be a lot of adjusting, but the actual procedure is pretty much painless. I remember the worst part of braces is the few days after because your mouth will hurt horribly...just load up on advil and you'll be fine.

2007-01-31 12:16:18 · answer #2 · answered by ck=) 1 · 0 0

Before I got my braces I kept putting it off cause I was afraid, my teeth looked like this \ /, literally. It won't be the most fun you've ever had, in fact, it was just like bein at a regular dentists appointment for me. Didn't really hurt right away but you get a really nasty taste in your mouth and then you start to feel pressure. cure=large shake. It really hurts for a couple of days so eat soft foods, or shakes. For 2 weeks my diet was shakes, pudding, and ice cream, soft serve. But remember my teeth were like \ /. It's not that bad and you'll love the results. Take it easy and just stay cool and relaxed. It will be fine, the sooner the better. It's really not that bad, especially when you get to pick the colors of your bands. Email me on how it went.

2007-01-31 12:25:18 · answer #3 · answered by ♫♪music dreamer♪♫ 2 · 0 0

It is kind of annoying because a big piece of plastic goes in your mouth for a while to keep it open. Then they shine some kind of light on your teeth to protect them. None of it hurts at all.

Once they are finished it's exciting for a while because your getting braces! But after a 6 months or a year they just get annoying and you can't wait until they come off.

2007-01-31 12:16:04 · answer #4 · answered by g_1203 3 · 0 0

As I remember the worst part about it is that the braces rubbing on your lips cause you to get canker sores after. Ask them if they can give you some wax to cover sharp edges. Your teeth may feel a little sore but it isn't a big deal. It will be well worth it in the end!

2007-01-31 12:15:47 · answer #5 · answered by mom of twins 6 · 0 1

ive had braces twice, and the actualy procedure isnt really painful. a few hours later, though, is when it starts to get pretty sore and you should take a pain killer ahead of time.
also, everyone thinks that eating something cold will help the pain in your mouth but it wont. try to eat hot things like soup.
hope it helps! good luck.

2007-01-31 12:15:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Stock up on pudding and other soft food (things you can eat that don't require you to bear down with your teeth to eat or chew). You are probably going to be very sore for the first few days and biting down isn't going to be fun. Same goes when you have your followups when they adjust them.

It can be a pain in the neck due to the added effort, but keep flossing your teeth.

2007-01-31 12:21:48 · answer #7 · answered by Cruel Angel 5 · 0 0

oooh, OUCH! your actually getting them on tomorrow, or getting the spacers in so they can get the metal bands around the back teeth? (the spacers hurt worst!) it's not fun, that's for sure! and it takes a couple weeks for your lips & cheeks to get used to the brackets they glue to each tooth. the wax doesn't really work, unless you get a really sore spot. don't plan on being able to chew for a couple days. oh, and get one of those pointy tooth-brushes that goes under the wire between the brackets! they are SOOOO essential!!! no more chewing gum until you get them off either, or anything sticky like that.
good luck! they are worth all that! be sure to wear the rubber bands like you're supposed to (if you do) and wear your retainer when you get them off.
ask about preventing them from shifting back afterwards, mine did a little, partially cuz my retainer wasn't adjusted right, but my cousin got her tendons cut (?or sumthing?) so they wouldn't pull her teeth back to their pre-braced place, and her's didn't budge!

2007-01-31 12:25:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i too will be receiving braces but in the summer. from the things i've been hearing from others that have it is that some days, especially when you just get them, it hurts. one of my friends said that it hurt him to chew for like 2 weeks. But the pain will reward you with beautiful looking teeth. To me, it might not be that bad but i can't say since i don't have it yet. I'm not trying to scare you....im just trying to give you real facts. Some people tell me that it doesn't hurt and you don't feel anything....but they just say that to make you feel better about it.

2007-01-31 12:21:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

u shouldn be realy nervous. there are lots of pplz with braces. at first, it was reelie uncomfortable for me, then my teeth got used to it. wen u go back for the monthly visits, it will be a lil uncomfortable, but after a while, ull be fine. just look forward to getting the retainer because it is easy to eat. u might think that they're kinda cool....i thot the same, but after a yr i jus wanna b done with em!!!

2007-01-31 12:16:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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