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I fell off a ladder 4 feet up...I am now 50 yrs. old. My left knee is still hurting all the time. I just finished my second set of therapy(16 visits). Had the 1st therapy for 7 months after break. The doctor says I needed to strenghten the leg muscles, but the pain is not going away. The leg has gotten stronger...no longer buckles, but the pain is still there...especially behind the knee. Is this pain going to continue forever? I had never broke a bone before this. Am white, thin 5'6"-130lbs. Not over weight and I am very active. Take 1600mg calcium daily. with vitamins. Am I wanting something that is never going to happen...like PAIN going away?

2007-01-31 12:07:32 · 2 answers · asked by wildcat1338 3 in Health Diseases & Conditions Other - Diseases

2 answers

YOU are not wanting the unobtainable!!
YOU just want to feel the best you can!
Here's what I do to maintain my knee injury from 1972.
Not to mention the neck injury that took me outta work!
But at least I'm able to walk and enjoy life!
**hope this helps and gives you some ideas***

I injured my knee when i was 12 yrs old and re-injured it when I was 40, now almost 9 years later.........pain is a daily part of my life. **I do my physical therapy 3x's a week every week of the year at home. it's now part of my new life style.***

I too have gone thru much physical therapy. The best exercise for your knee is the bicycle. No more running! it's a bummer huh? To have something change a young hearted active person's life. That's why they are called accidents.

I use Chondrotion/Glucosimine and MSN and Evening of Primrose -- it really seems to help. Keep up the Calcium!
I like NATURE MADE "TRIPLE FLEX" suppliment
I like their SamE too.
They are all anti-inflamatories, and good for the joints, and smoother movement.

I get injectoins under my knee cap every 6-`2 months of ORTHO-VISC. www.orthovisc.com
it's like w-d 40 for the knee.

Avoid stairs! 5 times you lean framed body wieght goes thru your 3 inch kneecap with every step down. Avoid steep down hills when walking-- i have to go down stairs sideways!

If takes awhile to adjust to these 'new' lifestyle changes.
It can seem very depressing at times. * i know-- been there!
*The best revenge is living well!
Ibprofin helps with the pain and inflamation.
My doctor also perscribes some stronger pain pills for days that I need to be extra active and want to be "more normal". LIke if I want to go to Disneyland, or do a marathon holiday shopping.
It's called Pain Management. YOU may want to see a Rhumatologist and discuss this.
--- The always offer the kick fix cortizone shot to shut you up, but I personally don't like those, or believe in them. They break down tissue and I believe they do more harm. But, if you're in real dire straights, I went for it once or twice!

It's hard to be young like us, look healthy and hurt like that in our bones and joints. Keep doing your wieght bearing exercises.
Do your knee exercises, strengthen those muscles in our quads.
**Use pain as your guide, if it hurts stop, and don't do it.
Ice after your work-outs.
Modify your life style
Use heat if it helps when the weather is cold.
(i'm sure you've heard this all before)
I fell oct 9th and bruised my ribs, ugh, and on a cold wet day, yep, they ache! AGE!!! youth is wasted on the young!!!

Everyday they are coming out with new medical break-thus!!!
When you are 55 you are elgible for a knee replacement!

I know pain sucks, but thank goodness you didn't break your neck and you are able to walk!!

Please research www.orthovisc.com www.synvisc.com
and look into the suppliments from www.Naturemade.com
Triple Flex and Sam-E
Ask to see a Specialist and see if you can ask your Physical Therapist what exercises you can do at home, and tell your PT about your pain level, and ask Doctor what you can do for pain management.

good luck!!! I feel for you! Thank God we still can still walk!
(i've got an eye on my walker with that folds into a chair 10 years down the way) I used to walk with a cane, but those PT exercises, ice and rest really help! AND the suppliments!

2007-01-31 12:54:43 · answer #1 · answered by Lilly 5 · 0 0

I think at your age you will likely feel discomfort forever. To ease the pain try taking Gloucosamin, it lubricates the joints and makes movement easier. It's been along time since the break, I think you have likely developed arthritis in your knee joint from the injury and that will not go away, so your goal will be less pain, not no pain. Good luck.

2007-01-31 12:22:46 · answer #2 · answered by fisherwoman 6 · 1 0

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