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bumper stickers. we all know that the soldiers in vietnam killed kids, but they are doing that in iraq right now, like with the slaughter of that 14 year old girls family, they set them on fire then they raped and killed her. who wants to support people like that? why don't people spit on the iraqi freedom soldiers and call them the baby killers that they are? not have support troop stickers on the gas guzzler

2007-01-31 11:39:33 · 19 answers · asked by jon n 1 in Politics & Government Military

19 answers

Do you have time to visit and we can talk about this face to face? Been to Iraq twice and yes I did see women and children harmed not on purpose but this is war it's not the girl Scouts!!!! No offense ladies!!

2007-01-31 12:13:24 · answer #1 · answered by ? 4 · 6 1

Well you can blame that on your government they caused the whole thing even killing the babies. All of us acknowledged what happen there and I wittiness it first hand and I can tell you the media called them all sorts of names more than any citizen did since most families had a son or relative in the military. Why would I call my brother and brother in-laws baby killers, and at the time had I been old enough I would have gone to Vietnam myself. So brother the TV clips they show you doesn't reflect all the people Dems or Rep. the whor* media will say anything to make a green back. All the Vietnam veterans I know wold has beat the Fn daylights out of anyone that spit on them and it may have happened in a few cases and that would have happened in California because the bulk of protesters are in California and look close at who is protesting what type of people they are, but true Americans don't spit on returning soldiers, they have better sense than that.

2016-05-24 00:15:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

there is always different sides to every thing that you read or hear, that is the wrong side, the correct side and the real truth and i bet that most of the things that you read is the wrong or correct side not the real truth of why, where, or how or even when.. this is what happen to us in vietnam the media just reported what is going accompanied by gruesome pics of the events, i'm not saying that it did not happen but the point is that we are only fed by the media what they think we would read and interest us not presented by what is the truth or we are presented the truth according to what they think not the real one, but because of the technologies that is in the modern communications system nowadays there are different point of views we are seeing and this help us to vary our feelings toward our armed forces which nowaday a lot more people support them because they are just people like us who have families, kids, relatives etc. etc. which the media also tend to present to us but not during vietnam war so hence the feeling that we have towards those brave and patriotic people who served the war. btw i'm not a vet neither am i living in the usa, i am an outsider just looking from without and this is how i feel but i support the troops of the usa and whatever RIGHT AND TRUTH they are doing in iraq! god bless them all the time also the usa.

2007-01-31 11:56:52 · answer #3 · answered by livinhapi 6 · 3 0

As absolutely ludicris as your question , and I hate to think there are such naive people out there. We showed our ingnorace with vietnam, most of us learned from that lesson, apparently a few did not. Anyways let me enlighten you. Our military and the brave men and women who are spending a year plus away from all comforts of home and family and laying it on the line for people of your mentality just so you can talk crap are doing it for all americans not just those who support it but even you! Your question is the equivalent of saying that because a few americans are serial killers and child molesters we should lock up all americans because there happens to be a few bad apples in the bunch! I think not. Just becuase there are a few ignorant people out there who ask stupid question such as yourself we should just assume all the questions are stupid and shut them all down? Again think not. I'll leave on this, IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO STAND BEHIND THE TROOPS THEN BY ALL MEANS GO STAND IN FRONT OF THEM!!!!

2007-01-31 13:14:38 · answer #4 · answered by melaniedkey 2 · 4 0

Talk about IGNORANT!! You just spit on thousands of honorable soldiers/sailors/Marines/airmen with you remark! Just because there are a few jerks doesn't make the whole military that way. What about the CIVILIAN rapists/murderers? Should we believe that's how YOU are? Of course not!! I guess you never saw where our military has repaired schools, hospitals, gave comfort and healing to Iraqi citizens. Why do YOU PEOPLE only see the bad a few idiots do and can say NOTHING about the good our troops do. YOU PEOPLE are worse than traitors. You ENJOY bad mouthing our men and women in the service. I find people like you revolting!!
Since it's time to educate your young butt, in EVERY war, civilians are injured and killed by accident.
Far as I'm concerned I'd run your ignorant hind parts outta this country and let you live in a country where you would not be permitted to talk about the military like that but be hauled off in the middle of the night never to be seen again. THEN you'd have something to complain about.
I guess civilians like you are all drunks, druggies, pedophiles, rapists, murderers, robbers...right? That's what CIVILIANS do, don't they?
By the way you cowardly little worm, why not talk about the IRAQIS who go around blowing up INNOCENT men/women/children, like they did to the SUNNI AND SHIITE college students who were waiting for buses to take them home after school?? Or get their CHILDREN to wear bombs to blow up other people because like you they 're too freaking cowardly to do it themself!! I'd LOVE to see you spit on one of our HONORABLE U.S. MARINE and call him a baby killer you worthless piece of dog excrement!!!! You wouldn't have the cajones to say that to a REAL man (which you aren't even close to).
(USN/in country Viet Nam Vet/retired)

2007-01-31 13:31:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Well Jon m'boy, you can do just as you suggest; spit on the freedom fighters and call them baby killers. Why, Hanoi Jane would probably support your doing just that, but she's a slimy bit ch and you're a punk who will probably be wearing full dentures by the time you're eighteen!

I realize that you are a headline reader only, because if you read entire articles you would know that insurgents, supported by Iran are the real baby killers. You would also know that one isolated incident of murder and mayhem should not reflect on our entire military complex, because we are now talking about hundreds of thousands of troops who have served their country with courage, pride, and patriotism, so some mealy mouth punk has the right to shoot off his stupid mouth about a subject he knows little or nothing about. Go to bed, it's past your bedtime!

2007-01-31 12:03:44 · answer #6 · answered by briang731/ bvincent 6 · 8 1

Obviously, you were around during Vietnam, and know all about it. You've obviously interviewed veterans, and read extensively.
If you had, you would realize that such events are
a-inevitable in war. I could try to explain to you the splitsecond decision making, and unbelievable pressure. But since you have done nothing in your life remotely requiring such-I cannot.
b-The REASON YOU READ ABOUT THEM IS BECAUSE THEY ARE EXCEPTIONAL. Also, like most people on the left, you are desperate to try and convict without benefit of the accused being able to defend themselves, or bring evidence. How newsworthy is this: "US troops conducted patrols in Baghdad today. No American or allied troops were wounded or killed. No bombs went off that killed Iraqis."Bet you didn't know that the family was hiding wanted militants. Bet you didn't know that they were about to kill every soldier in that patrol.
How would you, in your wisdom ,handle this situation (which occurred to some friends of mine): A 11-year old girl runs out into a street in the middle of engagement, picks up a rifle and starts shooting. Your people are being killed-respond NOW. ?
Please tell me, I've around 20+ years, and truly want you to respond.

2007-01-31 11:51:39 · answer #7 · answered by jim 7 · 7 3

Nobody ever spit on me or anyone I know. Three tours (1968-72) and a member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War

2007-01-31 12:31:37 · answer #8 · answered by Cuthbert J. Twillie 3 · 0 4

Go join, put your cozy little American butt on the line, and come back and tell me what's what then.
We learned better than to treat any American like crap after suffering through a torturous experience like war.
My dad tried to hide all of his stories from me. My dad tried to keep quiet about the way they were spit on, he and his comrades (I don't know if any landed on him). He mentioned it once or twice, and he went back to being an American.
And we know better than to put men like him to shame this time around.
OK so we learned.
So you didn't.
So who's ignorant?

2007-01-31 11:59:41 · answer #9 · answered by starryeyed 6 · 5 0

The Pentagon got smart after Vietnam - you keep the war off of the TV sets. During Vietnam, people saw all the atrocities on the nightly news. If we could see what the American invaders are doing today, the war would be over in no time. BUT, by censoring the news coming out of Iraq, the American sheeple believe it's a "clean" war, with few casualties.

2007-01-31 12:31:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 7

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