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They aren't trying to save us from anything. They say that they are trying to educate Christians about reality. If God exists, and I beleive he does, then he is beyond reality. You cant see God because he is a spirit. If he is a Spirit then you can't disprove him. How can you disprove something that doesn't exist in the natural world. That is the problem. Sinners only beleive something until they see it. But if you have to see God before you beleive in him then you will never be saved. Atheists think that they are smarter than Christians. Why would anyone waiste their time talking to people that are beneath them? People spend their time trying to argue with people who beleive differently from them because they have low self esteem and they need to argue with someone they think is dumb, so they can fell proud of themselves. If they are smarter, then what is so great about being smarter than someone dumb.

2007-01-31 11:14:25 · 19 answers · asked by dalan0201 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

If I'm wrong, and there is no God, then what have I lost by having believed in Him? My life will have been happier and more fulfilled for it, and in the end I will be no worse off than the atheist who believed in nothing, because according to him, dead is dead, right? But what if the atheist is wrong? He's got a lot more to lose if he is. That's what scares the pants off them, even though they will never admit it.

2007-01-31 11:30:27 · answer #1 · answered by Amalthea 6 · 2 2

that could be a vicious circle. innocuous Christian tries to proselytize, and annoys the atheist who tries to declare 'no longer involved,' and the Christian is going on some greater beneficial, attempting to be effective (of their innovations), so then the atheists get a sprint snarky as a manner to run the pushier ones off. The Christian gets their innovations harm, and takes it as a rejection of God consistent with their theory kit. Neither one thinks very particularly of the quite a few (even the main considerable user-friendly Christian will harbor innovations of pity in direction of the atheist, which come for the era of as condescending, and vice versa), and so assumptions get blown out of whack very immediately. a sprint relish and be attentive to-how (and a huge variety of distance) ought to pass an prolonged way.

2016-11-02 00:11:04 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

How is it nothing but thinly veiled religion when the government doesn't allow homosexuals to marry or share other rights that millions of heterosexuals take forgranted?

How is it not hurting atheists when Christian commentators constantly blame secularists for all the woes in the world, making us into boogeymen?

How does it not hurt the atheist that there are still places in this country where he or she may not run for office or testify in court?

How does it not hurt the atheist when his or her property or body is inflicted with harm for disagreeing with the Christian?

How does it not hurt every living person on this planet when people use dogma and irrational beliefs to excuse violence or prevent a child from getting vaccinated against diseases (or cervical cancer) or prevent a young woman from getting an abortion so that she has a chance to make a life for herself and any future children? Or prevent embryonic stem cell research which could be used to cure several diseases? Or to ignore the evidence of global warming and prevent strategies to curb it from being implemented? Or to continue to rape and pillage our natural resources without any concern for future needs or alternative sources of energy? Or try to utterly ignore entire branches of science?

How does it not hurt everyone to continue the downward spiral of irrational thought?

2007-01-31 11:33:39 · answer #3 · answered by abulafia24 3 · 1 2

You're right. You can't disprove the existence of God.

However, there is a necessary consequence of the existence of a deity, and it is easy to prove that this necessary consequence does not exist. By proving that a necessary consequences does not exist, you prove that the hypothesis is false.

A -> B.

This is a standard logical form called Modus Tollens.

The non-existence of ANY deity may be disproven as follows:

For knowledge to exist, three axioms must be accepted as true:

- Math & Logic are valid
- Direct observations or aided observations supported by Math & Logic
are valid
- Supernatural existence, if real, does not involve itself in the
natural realm (otherwise, any 'fact' could be changed by the
interference -- say by the God of Gravity changing his mind on how
strong it will be tomorrow).

Free will can thus be shown to be false:

- The mind is a consequence of the physical nature of the brain
(Nonsupernatural causation axiom).
- Quantum physics contains a truly random component (Mathematical axiom)
- All observations can be expressed mathematically (Mathematical axiom).
- All principles causal to observations can be expressed mathematically
(Mathematical Axiom).
- All mathematical expressions can be evaluated (Mathematical Axiom).
- An evaluation need not be deterministic, it can be stochaistic, that
is, describing 'probabilities'. (Statistical mathematics).
- Since quantum physics can affect the human brain, and thus mind, the
human state is mathematically stochaistic (consequential)
- If the quantum randomness is rescoped to be viewed as an input, the human brain ceases to be stoichasitic and is deterministic. (statement of rescope)
- A deterministically computable system is incapable of escaping its previous states, and produces outputs based on a computable result of the previous state and current inputs.(Turing-Church Thesis)
- Determinism counters free will. (By definition)
- Free will is not possible. (consequential)
- If a deity exists, free will is a natural consequence. (axiomic, potentially debatable. However, a deity that creates intelligence
without free will cannot hold its creation responsible)
- Free will does not exist, therefore, deity does not exist. (modus

The idea of a god existing is disproven logically.

2007-01-31 11:20:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

It really isn't important to me WHAT you believe in. What I personally don't like is those (like yourself) that tend to spew hypocrisy and misunderstandings instead of the LOVE you profess so strongly about.

Example: "That is the problem. Sinners only beleive something until[I think you meant 'when'] they see it." YOU are also a 'sinner' my friend, don't forget that. So, by your own words, you are therefore ALSO an atheist(if what you are saying is to be believed...)

I stopped reading as soon as I read that error in your spiel. It's a typical one caused by the mistaken sense of superiority many xtians tend to have.

2007-01-31 11:26:00 · answer #5 · answered by googlywotsit 5 · 0 2

Do you think Thomas the Apostle is in heaven? Jesus guarenteed him a throne in heaven (as he did Judas, but that is a different matter).

Based on your ignorant post, Thomas is not in heaven either. He demanded proof, and Jesus showed it to him.

All atheists ask for is the same thing the writer of the Gospel of John said Jesus gave Thomas...real honest proof.

Secondly, your point that because it cannot be disproven, that one shouldn't believe in it is inane. I cannot disprove purple unicorns like on Pluto, but I don't believe it. There are literally millions of unprovable things that most rationale people don't believe, including yourself. But for some reason you are unwilling to apply the same rational test to a character in a 2,000 year old book. Odd.

2007-01-31 11:21:46 · answer #6 · answered by QED 5 · 2 2

Why would anyone waiste[sic] their time talking to people that are beneath them?

Why do teachers teach children then?

But atheist don't think their fellow man is beneath them, we just think you've all been fed a big lie. We are trying to save you from a lie. God is a myth.

2007-01-31 11:33:06 · answer #7 · answered by Phil Knight 3 · 0 2

In all honesty, no one really cares what Christians believe.

What is harmful for the rest of us is the fact that they want their religion written into the laws of the land. That forces everyone to live by the Christian belief system. THAT is what hurts Atheists and people of other religions as well.

2007-01-31 11:23:57 · answer #8 · answered by Sun: supporting gay rights 7 · 1 3

the problem is that there are so many dumb christian people out there and they reproduce like rabbits since they don't know how to use a condom it is increasingly difficult for us, smart atheists to live life in peace without having to follow some dumb christian rule on how to live my life!I have been trying to figure out how to take your voting rights away but there are just to many of you......

2007-01-31 11:30:42 · answer #9 · answered by vitriol for the masses 3 · 0 2

I agree with you and also wonder whats the motive of people who slam others beliefs.

2007-01-31 11:25:38 · answer #10 · answered by me 6 · 2 0

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