Learn to love your body at it's current height. Believe me it is easier to find pants that are long enough at our height!
2007-01-31 11:15:28
answer #1
answered by stella b 3
Milk helps build strong bones not makes u taller. You can still grow even if your only 15 but you won't grow a lot. Try some protein.
2007-01-31 19:16:41
answer #2
answered by Katie 1
Once your growth plates close you do not grow taller. You are only 15 so yes you may grow a little taller but if you don't enjoy your petite status. Drinking milk makes for strong healthy bones but does not make your bones grow per say.
2007-01-31 19:14:52
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You can add few centimeters till you become 18 years old. Milk is a good source. Try white shredded coconut eat twice a day about 250 gms. each time. Do hanging exercise. Go to the gym and jump on the bar to hang your body,swing for 15 minutes,thrice a day. Stretch your body in morning sunshine. There is no guarantee but it worked for me. I was 5.1" tall at age 15 and following above regime I was 5.8" at age 17. Good luck.
2007-01-31 19:27:32
answer #4
answered by roykant 1
If you have passed puberty then you have stopped growing but if you haven't developed or gone through a large growth spurt then yes you will grow more. As far as milk and juice, I dont think they make a difference, but they cant hurt.
2007-01-31 19:16:24
answer #5
answered by Elle 2
Milk is not good for you past the age of 2! There are many alternatives! You are tiny, but that is o.k.! Bet you are cute as a button! Eat healthy and love your life, Good luck!
2007-01-31 19:17:17
answer #6
answered by DORY 6
ok milk does not mack you grow taller but it does keep you healthy. also the age for a gril to stop grow is about 16years old. and orangejuice is very very good for you.
2007-01-31 19:20:01
answer #7
answered by Angel gril 1
Genetics usually decides how tall you will get. A girl usually grows until she is sixteen. You may be stuck with the rest of us short females, sorry.
2007-01-31 19:15:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I'll answer your question only if you send me some diva pictures.
2007-01-31 19:16:40
answer #9
answered by AngelKidd+JeffKidd 3