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I notice on here that the majority of atheists feel that Christians are either unintelligent or just gullible. Many also feel the need to belittle Christians because of their beliefs. Atheists state that there is no God. Really they don't know though, because as humans, we only have limited knowledge of things and they determine He doesn't exist because they either don't know God, or can't see any evidence of His existence. It is repeatedly stated that Christians base their lives on the mythology of the Bible, but we can't really know it is a myth. Really it should be they don't BELIEVE that He exists. Just because the Atheist doesn't know Him or see evidence of Him doesn't mean He doesn't exist. They would have to be all knowing for that to be true, which none of us is. So, since Atheists are entitled (sad as it may be) to state God does not exist, why are Christians not entitled to state that He does without being teased? Because Atheists also can't prove the non-existence theory

2007-01-31 10:39:26 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Sorry, I shouldn't say Atheists can't prove the non existence theory, since a theory can't really be proven anyway. I should have said Atheists can't prove God does not exist.

2007-01-31 11:12:49 · update #1

I do love science, I find it fascinating. However, (and I can only speak for myself as a Christian, not the group as a whole) I also faithfully believe in God. I used to believe that the Bible was a work of fiction created to give us guidelines on how we should live our lives. Once God proved himself to me in too many ways to be ignored, I had no choice but to change my mind.

2007-01-31 11:17:31 · update #2

So to me, it makes more sense to believe in God than it does to not believe in God. I would suggest reading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.

2007-01-31 11:56:57 · update #3

20 answers

Because all Christians/ atheists/ Buddhists/ pagans/ agnostics/ Hindus/ Muslims lump everyone together in a big group this makes them all both dumb and gullible as well as every single last one of them bigoted too


2007-01-31 10:47:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

they are gullible. nobody belittles them because of thier beliefs without a pre-emptive christian attack.

This is the religion question and answers section, that means you can ask quesitons about religion freely. Everytime a quesiton is minutely against what a christian believes that is posted by an athiest/agnostic, they report the question in hopes of having it deleted and they respond not with an intelligent answer but something totally dodging the quesiton simply saying "prey for jesus he will answer all" or something like that.

That is not an answer to the question.

No, you are correct in the point of saying that just because we don't have evidence of it doesnt' mean he/she/it/they don't exist, but christians state thier beliefs as fact, and cite the bible as credible evidence when it is not.

They don't separate faith from fact. Instead of saying "god says so" they could say "I believe god says so" and there would be nothing wrong with that statement.

As for your "non-existance" theory. Theories and science (when we are discussing the universe and how it operates you use science hence the term "scientific method") do not prove a negative. A theory is a belief or hypothesis until it is proven.

Unless you want to say that a legitimate proof to test for god's existance is to prey and if you don't get what you asked for then god doesn't exist. However, I'm sure you can see the flaws in that kind of test. So religious belief in the scheme of how we solve the mysteries of the universe doesn't even amount to a hypothesis because its tenents can't be tested.

You wrote a very intelligent and thought out question with a marketable title up until your last sentance so rather than slam you, I answered honestly.

You dont' like science and scientific method because of where it puts your beliefs in the grand scheme of things.

No one would challenge your beliefs if you kept them as beliefs and didn't trample on the realm of legitimate fact finding sciences with legitimate fact-finding guidelines, rules, and techniques.

creationism and intelligent design are those things, they are pushed politically into the realm of science. When you try to push faith into science, expect science to push back and science will win because it has the ability to supply proof in the form of tested hypotheses (aka theories) which have proven true and the method to disgard things that don't prove true (tesing) unlike religion which simply makes up explanaitons for things but are untested.

2007-01-31 11:00:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The burden of proof lays upon those who make a positive claim. Therefore, it is up to the religious to prove God exists or the "theory" is irrelevant. If proof cannot be provided on God's existence, then he has no effect on our world and can effectively be ignored.

Edit: (Who knows if he'll see this or not, but since he addressed my argument) To 'Me ves y sufres':
A negative cannot be proved. You claim that you could make a negative claim about evolution and support it with evidence. I disagree. Disproving a positive is not the same as proving a negative. You could refute the existing evidence for the theory, but this isn't the same as providing proof that something doesn't exist. It is simply coming to a different conclusion from the data. You could also point to evidence for a superseding theory, but this doesn't disprove any previous evidence, it just provides for a better theory. Or you can try to find evidence that shows that we didn't evolve but isn't a simple refutation of an existing argument or evidence. On that one, you could find evidence until the cows come home and it does nothing to hurt the existing evidence. In conclusion, I doubly assert, as others on here have, that you cannot prove a negative.

2007-01-31 10:47:03 · answer #3 · answered by Chris J 6 · 2 0

You cannot disprove that anything exists according to your standards. Disprove that god is evil and likes it when people are hurt, suffer, get treated wrong, or even killed. I see people being hurt, killed all the time, hm I guess it is true. It might be true it's not disproved. If there is a god it clearly doesn't want us to have any undeniable prove that there is one. I am agnostic, when asked if there is a god, I simply state I don't know, but I don't believe in the Christian myth, it doesn't make sense to me. However if someone insists that its true, but won't give me any evidence, I have very little option than to think they are gullible or not intelligent enough to see past the own fallibility's of their belief.

2007-01-31 10:52:10 · answer #4 · answered by Magus 4 · 2 0

Atheists do not need to prove any non-existence theory. The person claiming an incredible claim shoulders the responsibility of providing the proof (or even evidence). Otherwise should christians believe in the invisible pink unicorn that lives in my garage just because they cannot provide proof or evidence that such a being does not exist?

Christians are not automatically dumb or gullible. People, whether christian or not, are labeled dumb or gullible by their words and actions. I think that is fair.

Yes, we have limited knowledge of things. I do not claim to know everything, and so must be shown evidence of things if others claim certain deities exist. Otherwise it is just speculation, not knowledge. Just as you would ask me for evidence of this invisible pink unicorn that lives in my garage in order for you to believe, I would ask you for evidence of your god.

If you do not care to talk about your god to me, and would not bring up my alleged salvation to me, we can agree to talk about other things.

Your choice.

2007-01-31 10:54:42 · answer #5 · answered by CC 7 · 3 0

loss of theory is the appropriate place. while given assertion X (ie. God exists.), you do not in basic terms could p.c.. "authentic" or "fake". there is likewise "indeterminate", the place loss of info or motivation prevents you from making a call. In serious thinking, it incredibly is not effective or maybe suitable to right away formulate an opinion on a challenge (ie. you're on jury to make certain the way forward for an accused murderer). knowledgeable everybody is slow to have faith, yet can carry issues as accessible or probable in all stages without shifting over to a million ingredient. Christians are gullible. they suspect something at face value, and are keen to spend their lives advance a resume for heaven, and could even kill, all in the call of an entity whose undemanding existence can't be verified. Religions come and pass in the process the a while. there is not any reason to think of this one is particular or different, incredibly with maximum of contradictions and problems with morality linked with it.

2016-10-16 09:23:37 · answer #6 · answered by silvi 4 · 0 0

I see your point but you fail to mention that Atheists and Christians both state that they KNOW God does or does not exist.

The Atheist not knowing is no more or less true than the Christian knowing and vice versa.

And both sides tease, have you not noticed?

I think on this site it is best to assume that when people say they know, it is simply a reflection of their beliefs, since none of us can honestly know either way. We believe that there is or we believe that there isn't. I firmly believe in my religion, but I would be a fool to state that I KNOW it is the truth. Such knowing (either way) is impossible.

2007-01-31 10:54:48 · answer #7 · answered by Sun: supporting gay rights 7 · 0 1

I don't disagree--belief is outside of proof, so if you believe or not, that's a valid choice according to the laws of logic (if you have no proof one way or the other, then you can't state something is existent or non-existent.)

But if you didn't believe in something, and you met someone who passionately believed in it, don't be too sure you wouldn't try to bring them to your side. Christians have waged plenty of battles against people who didn't agree with them, and I don't just mean teasing the atheists. The Inquisition, witch "trials", seizure of property, executions, crusades...your history isn't so pure. Be glad atheists don't have the history of violence that your religion has!

2007-01-31 10:49:36 · answer #8 · answered by SlowClap 6 · 4 0

Thank you thank you thank you! You are an angel and specking the same words that go through my mind everyday! I love you comment/ question! To this day i dont get why they can tease without probable cause but if we were to ever question there faith its wrong because there is "evidence" of no God! Until they say something i believe and find trustworthy (which is nothing) im believing in the big man upstairs!
may GOD bless you and everyone you love!
P.S. I think im a pretty inteligent person for my age and a lot less gulible then a lot of people i know! lol

2007-01-31 10:51:51 · answer #9 · answered by ilovepointeshoes 3 · 0 3

Why are Christians Atheistic towards the Gods of others, like Zeus, Dionysus, Odin, and Ra ? If we are only human, limited in understanding such as you have stated, then they don't REALLY know for sure that said Gods DON'T exist. Yet, day after day I hear them proclaim defiantly that those are false gods and people will burn in THEIR hell for worshipping them.

2007-01-31 10:48:26 · answer #10 · answered by Prophet ENSLAVEMENTALITY (pbuh) 4 · 4 0

Sarai, I thank you for your respectful point.

Peoplethought and Bronze, your grammar is so bad so as for it to be pointless for me to answer your points; ones like yourselves who cannot even write with proper grammar are certainly not fit to lecture others on metaphysical and spiritual questions.

Chris J, You say, "The burden of proof lays upon those who make a positive claim." Well, no, it doesn't. The burden of proof lays upon those who any claim whatsoever. I could say "evolution is untrue" (yes, I actually do not believe in evolution, aren't I dumb and/or gullible?) My claim that evolution was untrue would be a NEGATIVE claim, as I would be making a negative statement about evolution. So by your rules, apparently I would not have to prove this. Doesn't work like that if it's not helping you, does it? Yes, I understand that I WOULD be required to prove that evolution were untrue if I made such a statement, but the point I was making wasn't about evolution. I was simply saying that one must justify/prove their claims regardless of whether it is a positive or negative claim.

2007-01-31 11:03:10 · answer #11 · answered by Me ves y sufres 2 · 0 2

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