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every single day people complain about how wrong Christianity is. Was any part of the bible every proved wrong? Was one event out of hundreds ever disproved?
Some say religion was made to disprove evolution. it works the other way around
Some say evolution doesn't need to be proven. What makes you think a theory some guy suddenly thought up of is the truth?
You might ask, the bible isn't proven. then i will say. Many parts of the bible was proven. God also said, only through faith we will be saved. God won't let the bible be fully proven.
Some say big bang theory is true. The way a lot of things in the universe work the way the bbang theory states, yes, because God invoked the 'bang' when he said "let there be light" It was him, not hydrogen and whatever.
Some say, why not believe in other religions? Well, all the idols in other religion were sculpted with hand then worshipped. (Buddism, why worship a man)
Some say why believe in Jesus?why not superman or pancakes?Jesuswasalive

2007-01-31 10:11:31 · 26 answers · asked by son 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

Praise God for such as you on this site. He who sins souls is wise!

Right on bro'

2007-01-31 10:16:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

I was going to just say this is all drivel and not worth answering. But it's such fantastic drivel, I will take a stab at it anyway.

1) Yes, most of the bible has been proven wrong. If you really think there are unicorns, dragons, giants, talking donkeys, people being turned into pillars of salt and people rising from the dead, then you are living in a fantasy world. Wake up!
2) "Some say religion was made to disprove evolution"??? That doesn't make any sense at all. Religion has been around centuries longer than Darwin's Theory of Evolution.
3) "Some say evolution doesn't need to be proven. What makes you think a theory some guy suddenly thought up of is the truth?" Evolution is proven every day. All you need to do is look at how viruses evolve to become resistant to antibiotics. What makes you think a book of mythology is the truth?
4) "Many parts of the bible was proven" And what were these parts? Explain yourself.
5) "Some say big bang theory is true. The way a lot of things in the universe work the way the bbang theory states, yes, because God invoked the 'bang' when he said "let there be light" It was him, not hydrogen and whatever" That doesn't make any sense. Seriously, go learn about the Big Bang and science before you start spouting nonsense like this.
6) "Well, all the idols in other religion were sculpted with hand then worshipped. (Buddism, why worship a man" Their delusions are just as irrational as yours. You have a problem with Buddha statutes, do you have the same problem with crucifixes?
7) "Some say why believe in Jesus?why not superman or pancakes?Jesuswasalive" STUNNING. Seriously. Go back to school. Get yourself educated. This is really sad.

2007-01-31 10:22:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Umm... what events from the bible are you talking about? Let's see.. there is absolutely no archaeological evidence for the exodus, Israel until some point after Solomon's supposed reign. There's no proof that there was ever a person named "Joseph" who ruled in any capacity in Egypt. There's no evidence that there was ever a population of 5 million slaves that left Egypt at the same time. There's no evidence that there was a great world-wide flood. There's no evidence that there was a person named Jesus, or Peter, or Paul. No record of any of these can be found outside the bible.

Next, you say that god invoked the big bang when he said "let there be light" but you're forgetting some important details here. He first created the heavens and the earth, according to Genesis, which was before he created light. Moreover, he creates light before he creates anything to give off light. That doesn't fit the observable facts that light comes from a light-emitting source.

Next, there are most certainly idols of the OT god. We find them today, in ancient Canaanite sites that later became Israelite sites. Also, not every other religion has graven idols, such as Islam. And Buddhism is not about worshiping a man. That is a straw man argument that has absolutely no basis in reality.

So, no; I can't see what is not there.

2007-01-31 10:31:32 · answer #3 · answered by abulafia24 3 · 0 0

Let's most all of the bible has been disproved as it doesn't fit history or science.

Why do I think that evolution is a fact? Could it be because it has a massive amount of evidence supporting it. It wasn't "a theory some guy suddenly thought up", if you think that you seriously need to study what the scientific method is.

Why do I practice another religion? Because it doesn't make me sacrifice my intelligence in order to have faith. Because it's more natural and more honorable. Because it fits my sense of morality. Because it's the religion my ancestors practiced long before your God was even conceived of.

Well, pancakes are real, you can eat them. Superman and Jesus are about on the same level as far as being actual historical figures. http://www.JesusNeverExisted.com

2007-01-31 10:37:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I disagree. There are many reasons to believe in evolution: scientific evidence. Humans HAD to evolve from some relative of the ape family. That is why apes are like non-evolved humans. Chimpanzees share like 98% of DNA with humans and they have similar looking hands and faces! There are document examples of creatures evolving. If it was just some theory some guy thought of, no one would believe it. True, it is a theory and open to revision, but so far it looks like the closest thing to what scientists (and I) observe.

The Bible has some stuff that is correct, like some of the 10 commandments (few people will disagree with "Thou shalt not murder, etc). However, most of the evidence in the Bible is anecdotal and I have no reason to trust its validity.

I guess it all comes down to: "do you believe in God or not?" If you do believe in him, which is not really a logical decision, then what you're saying makes sense. If you dont believe in him then what I'm saying makes sense.

All I would need is for God to make one appearance and prove without a doubt that he is God to convert to whatever religion he deems necessary. But I have no proof of him existing other than anecdotal evidence from a book. I don't think there would be any harm if he just appeared, but why doesn't he?

The only conclusion I can make is he doesn't appear because he doesn't exist.

2007-01-31 10:21:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Many aspects of the Bible have been proven wrong. Anything that is proven right is merely coincidence. Science has solid facts to prove it's theories.
I believe in evolution because it doesn't rely on faith for support. Scientists are constantly trying to find more evidence of it's truth. Christianity cannot provide solid proof of God and so relies on faith and fear.
I'm sorry but everything you believe in is a lie. I hope one day you can see clearly and live a life without the lie of God.

2007-01-31 10:48:06 · answer #6 · answered by God Fears Me 3 · 0 0

Hey, I'm a believer, but have to admit to rampant contradictions throughout the bible. What's more, the often message is often contradicted in the same way most other world religions seem to have doctrines that don't fit when examined next to each other.

Also, much of the bible is written in such a cryptic fashion that any fundamentalist can infer whatever they want to from the passages.

Love one another, let God be the judge, not wacky born-agains, as they are further from loving as God has loved than had they never met Him.

2007-01-31 10:19:58 · answer #7 · answered by JJ 1 · 2 0

Are you just completely insane or are you trolling?

Read the thing and tell me its fact. A man is born of immaculate conception the son of a deity for mankinds sins, a stick is turned into a snake, a sea is parted, water is turned into wine, a man rises from the dead...

Honestly, have you even read your own bible? Since when have those ever been proven to be real? Science has tested that ability and based on the technology at the time the bible was written, none of it was even remotely possible.

Do your research instead of believing blindly.

2007-01-31 10:18:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Nazis, Astrologists, Democrats, Republicans, Communists, it’s not the belief, it’s the blind faith.
Intelligent thoughtful people who care about themselves, others and world around them consider all the possibilities.
The list of people above go through life with blinders on, it’s their way or the highway.
And that is the ONLY reason Christianity or any religion is questioned.

2007-01-31 10:35:29 · answer #9 · answered by edoubleyou 4 · 0 0

In a country that has devised a legal system where not even ones personal existence can be proven, I think asking anyone to prove anything is facetious.

2007-01-31 10:19:11 · answer #10 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

I see your mind is clouded over with EGO, the very thing Buddhism teaches agianst. You think we are lost, cursed, damned, demons, yet you only say these things because you have a bully mentality that takes over whenever non christians think for themselves, ever since the birth of christianity, theyve ruined , lives, cultures, and statues, and have the gall to call us evil? I think your perception on reality is severly distorted, to suit your own personal agenda and ego.

2007-01-31 10:15:14 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

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