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I mean, religion is just the traditions of men anyways.Christianity is a personal relationship with your creator. It's a lifestyle, and a devotion to God. On the other hand, Catholiscism and Buddism are religions. A religion is something man creates and it's something people shape to fit their personal preference. While Christianity is a way of life described in explicit detail in the Bible. In fact, the men who killed Jesus persecuted Him on false pretenses related to their religion, because they believed that no one could cast out demons unless it was in satan's name. When in actuality Jesus cast them out in the name of God. So, this begs the question why people can't distinguish between the two; religion and Christianity. Do you agree?

2007-01-31 08:14:03 · 36 answers · asked by ? 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

36 answers

There's your answer.
Those without the Holy Spirit think it's all the same; they have not even the capacity to understand the difference between a religion and a relationship. Those who do have the Holy Spirit note that too many who arrogate the label "Christian" are not really, and they act as if it is a religion, further confusing the unsaved.
This is why the Holy Spirit is the only one who can open the heart and mind. There are too many layers of confusion and deceit for a mere human to wade thru.

2007-01-31 08:19:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

ok first off
i'm just going to point out that Catholisicsm is considered Christianity.
Christianity is divided up into seperate demonations ie : Lutheran
Catholisiscm, Protestant, Baptisist, ect.
And Catholics have their own personal relationship with God also.
It's all in the way people interpret the Bible and what they do to show it. You know religious customs and traditions. In a religion, the relationship with your creator is an important part. In fact it is the main part. The rest shows how God is working within you. Like giving to the poor, helping out a friend, helping out the sick.
The traditions of different denominations are different, but they all portray a message of love and devotion to God.

P.S- oh yeah if you are going to argue that Catholics are not Christians because of the whole Catholics "worship Mary" story, don't. Catholics do NOT worship Mary. I don't feel like going through the whole view on Mary in the Catholic faith with you, but the main point is that Catholics do NOT.Ask any Catholic priest whether Catholics worship Mary and i gaurantee that he'll say no.

2007-01-31 12:47:42 · answer #2 · answered by Nycole C 1 · 0 0

There is a Christianity that is religious because of the belief that God in Heaven will reward them for their "good stewardship." As long as they obey the Old Testament, accepting or incorporating the New Testament message of Jesus' sacrifice as "once and for all."

Even though Jesus did not come to abolish the Law of the Old Testament, but to fulfill it, He also came to show the way in truth and life.

For those who keep trying to incorporate the Old Testament into the New Testament are religious christians. Based on money and performance of their own accord and accepting that Jesus is the sacrifice.

Jesus actually demonstrated in person and in word what the Father in Heaven really wants.

The Way = Homelessness

Jesus says "Foxes have holes in the earth and birds of the air have nests in the trees, but the Son of man has no where to lay His head."

The Truth = The bondage "Money" Changers

Jesus drove the "money" changers out of the Temple or His Father's House and "said, why have you turned my Fathers house into a den of thieves." Therefore releasing man from the "bondage" of money because of these men.

The Life = Spirit

Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit only says the Lord

If you have none of these in your possession, then you have not denied yourself.

Jesus says "I am the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE, you cannot come to the Father any other WAY, but by my WAY of me."

Think in opposites ...

On - Off
Light - Dark
East - West
Sin - Righteous
Left - Right
Up - Down
Forward - Backward
Happy - Sad
Obedient - dis-obedient
North - South
Old - New

I think you get the gist of it.

When I was a child, I thought and acted like a child. Old Testament.

When I became a man, I put childish things away. New Testament

2007-01-31 08:43:43 · answer #3 · answered by אידיאליסטי™ 5 · 0 0

I am a christian. But I believe that "God" is a concept created by man and completely self contained within the confines of the collective human consciousness. In fact, I believe that I am God, you are God, my wife is God, etc as God said "God made Man in his own image" and it is said that unless you become like God you can not enter the kingdom of heaven so anyone ending up in heaven must be like God. Jesus is God. Jesus was a Man. I am a Man but I am also God. So are you. By the way, your creator is also God (ie your mum and dad). God made man in their own image. Genetics. You can believe in God and science at the same time.

In answer to your question - Yes I believe christianity is a religion as it is a collective term. You do not have a relationship with God in isolation from the rest of the people on the planet, you have a relationship with all your fellow christians who encourage and support you in your views, beliefs, devotion and lifestyle.

2007-01-31 09:12:15 · answer #4 · answered by feet firmly on the ground 1 · 0 0

whoa, really not. Buddism doesn't believe in any god, which (last time I checked) takes it out of the realm of religion. [EDIT - I guess there is now a category of "religions" that includes non-theistic beliefs. So I might have to retract this statement... haven't decided yet.]

Catholicism is a denomination of Christianity. You could say that Christianity is a collection of religions, but then you are denying the unifying beliefs that run throughout Christianity.

So no, I don't agree with you.

2007-01-31 08:17:59 · answer #5 · answered by Church Music Girl 6 · 2 0

I believe religion is a very personal thing and you can think whatever you want about it because its your undeniable right as an individual. I don't agree with your assessment at all, but if you see that seperation between Christianity and religion based on how you live your life and your ideals, then that's all that matters.

2007-01-31 08:22:03 · answer #6 · answered by AlexM138 3 · 0 0

My christianity is a way of life. I agree with you, many people can't distingusih between the two. And for some it's easier to just say they are religious rather than try and find an answr.

2007-01-31 08:23:13 · answer #7 · answered by Jan P 6 · 0 0

The Almighty YHVH created this world very good. Once man sinned, he could no longer meet the requirements of YHVH. Because of His great love for man, He send His son the Savior. The Savior's name means YHVH is my Savior!--YAHOSHUA! The only way one can have his sins taken care of is to invite the Savior in to carry them. If a person chooses to remain attached to their sins, they will be consumed in the cleansing fire the Almighty will send to cleanse this world so He can make it new! How could the Almighty be more generous? churchianity is a religion-- a pagan religion.

2007-01-31 08:17:20 · answer #8 · answered by hasse_john 7 · 0 0

Christianity is a man made belief system. Like many others it offers rewards and punishments, and like all the countless other cults, sects, and religions, we are still waiting for the first shred of evidence. Without proof , everything is invention.

2007-01-31 08:21:03 · answer #9 · answered by ED SNOW 6 · 0 0

I think that faith is the core. Your belief in a Creator is the centre of it all. How you choose to worship Him...which traditions, rituals...that is religion. Christianity, to me, is the following of Christ. One of the greatest 'sayings' I'd ever heard, and what has helped me tremendously, is 'What Would Jesus Do'. It generally points me in the right direction and keeps me on the right path.

2007-01-31 08:20:09 · answer #10 · answered by Super Ruper 6 · 1 0

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