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I see alot of Yanks on this uk site talking the shi* bigging themselfs up all the time, saying this and that about how they are the best and no other country is better. I think the word for Americans is ignorant. Now I dont mean all Americans as I know a few who are nice decent worldly educated people but the majority of them are not and I want to know why??

I had an American girl (she was like 19-20) ask me when i was in New York " Is London in England or is England in London" I walked away shocked. And its not the first time i have been asked that question!

Yanks seem to know nothing of the world outside the US so why do they interfere in peoples business all the time??

I hate the fact that our armed forces (UK) are in Iraq and Afghanistan through lies that bush told us and blair belived! It makes us look like fools how we always have to jump when the US says so. There is a lack of respect from Americans toward us Brits who dont forget helped make your country what it is!

2007-01-31 08:05:34 · 30 answers · asked by Blink-Monkey-Blink 2 in Politics & Government Military

Does anyone have anything to say about this?

Americans I want to hear a defense from you. Am I wrong? Why?

2007-01-31 08:06:31 · update #1

Yes I did know about the Colombian cartels and I do know alot about America!
Because in the UK we take something called world history. Now I have tought you Americans a new word WORLD!!

2007-01-31 08:55:58 · update #2

30 answers

, they go on about how they saved us from the Germans, our brave & galant fighter pilots did that when they won the battle of britain our future was secure but we caried on fighting with the rest of europe to secure their future for europe also we faught to secure the future of america against the jap's as did all the comonwealth countrys,
alot of brits dont like american arogance & a lot of yanks dont like us, but who do they call when in the crap not france, not italy, no not europe just the british.

2007-02-01 06:51:06 · answer #1 · answered by quasar 6 · 0 4

I think being proud of your country is a good thing. Believing that your country is the best is healthy. I know that for decades England has been extremely proud of their country and for the past several centuries it has been very influential in its colonization, some good and some not so good. England's policy's have satisfied it's own national interests, but at the same time also helped many countries as well. The Brits definitely helped make the US what it is, but the US has also helped the Brits, World War I and II. Confronting evil in the world, and yes Islamo-fascism is evil the same way that Nazi's were evil, can eventually lead to a much more peaceful world. Sitting idly by while extremist Muslims kill other peaceful Muslims is the most selfish thing one could do. Our countries being powerful and stable should help protect innocent people elsewhere. Even with the unfortunate deaths of civilians since the beginning of the Iraq war, that number pales in comparison to the number of innocent people killed by Saddam and other dictators in the middle east. As for Bush lying...what lies did he tell? Weapon's of Mass Destruction? Even the French said he had them. The US and the Brits were some of the few that had enough balls to finally, after 12 years, do something about it. How many deaths could have been prevented if Hitler had been confronted early on. Americans and Brits should be proud...sometimes we do the right thing even when it is not popular, history will be the judge.

2007-01-31 10:17:32 · answer #2 · answered by blissdds 4 · 1 0

Really - there are a lot of USA folks on http://uk.answers.yahoo.com? Because this one is the USA site. I do get tired of all the UK folks and Indians asking questions on here about things specific to one of those areas/countries.

Bear in mind too, it's not like there's a huge group of rocket scientists on here.

Yes, generally the American level of education is not so hot. Then again, it's a big country and it's half enough to just figure out what's going on here. How big is the UK - about the size of New England and some of the mid-Atlantic states?

If you had a gf who didn't know the difference between London and England, I can only say you must have been attracted to one of the dumber examples of American females. Exactly how much do you know about the USA? Would you like to play a quiz game? That would be entertaining no matter who won.

I can't speak for the relationship that our respective governments have maintained over the years. I think it's good to maintain a relationship, but I sure as heck don't steer it.

Yes, the English, Scots, Irish, Welsh have all played a big part in building America. But so have the French, Germans, Italians, Mexicans, Russians, Asians, and pretty much every other part of the world.

I've got nothing against the UK in general. Have a nice day!

2007-01-31 08:30:31 · answer #3 · answered by mattzcoz 5 · 4 2

Two things. First of all Blair didn't believe Bush's lies, Blair and Bush are incohoots. They both profit from this because Iraq, Iran, and North Korea (our "axis of evil" countries) are the only countries that only sell oil in the form of a Euro. By controlling their oil, America and England (who are the only powerful modernized western countries now that don't use the Euro) want to buy oil in their respective currencies, and thus they plan to take those countries that will not sell them oil (unless we invest in forgien currency) by force if possible and regain the oil that is purchased by them and stop the rapid growth of the Euro. That is why France and Germany, normally strong allies, refused to join the fight. They use the Euro.

Secondly, the majority American population simply speaks about what they are told by the media. Bill O'Rielly is an avid conservative and rules the airways for the neo-cons and John Stewart alongside Colbert rule the liberal media. The fact of the matter is, you can not blame the American people, because they have been lied to as much as the English. Most Americans are slowly wising up however, regardless of the control the government has over the media. I find Americans an incredibely resilliant people in that even without mainstream media's support they are now almost 70% against the war in Iraq and just as high opposing George Bush. My question for you is, why do the British take so much pride in the fact that you know what life in Europe is like, and yet know nothing about the Zapatista's in Chiapa's Mexico, or the massive underground drug war we are fighting against Columbian Cartels? I'm sorry if we aren't too familliar with your location or your government over there, but certainly you seem just as foolish when you can't tell me what state Hershey is in off the top of your head.

2007-01-31 08:36:43 · answer #4 · answered by Al 1 · 1 3

This site is were the worlds two biggest egos toss insults back and forth across the Atlantic, it's rather amusing. We're not the only ones talking the shi* you know, you people are in the game also, it wouldn't be any fun if you weren't, and I've seen some ignorant Brits on this site...........I find it amusing when you ask how we interfere in people's business giving Britain's history, especially the last 200 years, really, name a place where we can interfere where the British haven't already been. You do know this is your fourth war in Afghanistan and your third in Iraq? You people are old hands at this, we're just getting started.............Not all of us are dumb hicks, I've lived in Europe twice and have seen much of it, even a bit of your country. How much of America have you seen?

2007-01-31 09:14:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Not all Americans are as ignorant as your lady friend. You can blame the political correctness in our schools and in our society. We have to encourage kids to do their best. Hold those accountable for failing tests (don't "give" them the good grade) It is NOT fair to the hard working kids. When my oldest was in 6th grade they had to separate the "good" kids from the "bad" because some were misbehaving during assembly. Instead of making those kids accountable for their actions, they told the "bad" kids that if you are good you all get a pizza party. WHAT?? My daughter was upset and highly offended that she along with other students were set aside for their good behavior and bad kids were rewarded.

Now, as adults, Sean Hannity has Hannity's America on Sunday nights. I was disgusted to see how many people (AMERICANS) didn't know who Nancy Pelosi or Condoleeza Rice was. They could not identify the picture. Some could not even say the Pledge of Allegience. I was so appalled. My 6 yr old knows the Pledge and I'll make sure she doesn't forget it. So, don't categorize all, just like we shouldn't categorize all of you. It's very scary and we need to get back to the basics.

I also blame parents in this also. One cannot rely solely on a teacher, some expect teachers to raise their kids. Not all, let's make that clear. I know many excellent parents and their kids are smart and have common sense. Wanting to stop testing because it makes some kids feel ill or nervous. GIVE ME A BREAK! My 6 yr. old just had her first spelling test and aced it! It takes parents at home and teachers. Some will say it's not political correctness, but if you think about it, that's what it boils down to. It's sickening and will destroy our Country.

2007-01-31 09:04:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

My family has been on American soil since the Mayflower landing. All of my ancestors are from England before reaching the US. My family has our genealogy mapped out. I'm proud of my English background. But, I am D@MNED proud to be an American! I have traveled to 45 US states, 5 Canadian Provences, Japan, and Thailand. I have many friends across the globe. I'm not ignorent about the world workings. But still, in everything I see, see the US as a whole, to be the best place in the world to live.

2007-01-31 08:44:15 · answer #7 · answered by eileengallia 2 · 3 0

England in London or vice versa. What a dweeb that girl was. What is sad is a lot of kids/adults can't find states on a map. Some even think New Mexico is a COUNTRY! I read some ridiculous answers given by my fellow Americans about American geography....SAD. But not ALL of us are so uneducated.
As far as why we "interfere in peoples' business all the time" why don't you see who comes to the aid of people in time of disaster (eg the Indian Ocean tsunami). Oh yeah, and don't forget how America INTERFERED in Europe during WW1 & 2...or don't you know about THAT?
As for your accusation of Bush lying, if your friends told you something supposedly true and you believed it then told someone else and that person found out what you told him was false, would YOU be a liar or misinformed?
Psssst could you point to Uzbekistan on the map? Or tell me what continent DJIBOUTI is on?
And if America is such a terrible place, tell me why people have died trying to get here???

2007-01-31 09:15:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

we r awl prity stoopid ovr heer.

There doesn't have to be this ridiculous rivalry between the US and the European countries. People on both sides need to stop being so insecure and talking trash (or rubbish) to the other.

It can get a little frustrating at times when all i hear is "They hate us over there, they even have songs that make fun of us." and "Those folks in that country are a bunch of sissies who coudn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag".

Please, everyone just take a minute stop pointing fingers to avoid any sense of personal responsibility and think before you speak. If it's a pride issue, every last one of us could use a slice of humble pie.

I have family in England and family in Canada. Both of these are places where I hear a lot of the squabbling coming from and going towards. I guess I have a unique perspective because of my family being so spread out, but Canadians are just like Brits, and Brits are just like Americans and Americans are just like Canadians. Let politics be politics. Let people with other points of view hear your side and listen to their's. If you can't agree, then at least agree to disagree, no one on this web site or any other is going to solve any world problems by arguing about them. You want world peace? You want people to like you and your country? Stop blaming other people and just try to remember that the person on the other end of continent, or world is (in most respects) just like the guy or gal who lives next door. So chill out folks. We're being ridiculous.

2007-01-31 08:48:58 · answer #9 · answered by zach_718 2 · 4 0

American splendor - between the ultimate action pictures ever to be released and, whilst the different 2 are completely sturdy action pictures, they are going to never come close to to Sam Mendes' masterpiece. BQ: it incredibly is totally close, yet i might in all threat say it incredibly is better, particular - Edward Norton's overall performance is exceptional, and the action picture deals with some very arguable messages properly. BBQ: American splendor / Donnie Brasco / Black Swan (i be conscious of Black Swan is hated by some human beings, yet i presumed it substitute right into a super, yet different, action picture that went locations different action pictures won't).

2016-10-16 09:13:32 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

You should also remember, unless you to are guilty of ignorance, who helped keep your country alive! Without the US, and our ignorance, most of Europe would be speaking German. England did nothing to help with the construction of the USA. The horribly taxed American citizens to pay for their wars; the infracstructure was built and paid for by the early Americans.
The UK has failed, repeatedly, to stand up and be the world player the always claim to be.
Lastly, every world intelligence organization believed the Saddam had WMDs and other such things: France, ENGLAND, Germany, the US. President Bush did not lie; he relied on faulty intelligence. The same faulty intelligence world wide.
And one other word on the matter; I have been to Iraq twice and I've seen all the good that has come about from us being there, with our British allies. I have also seen Jet aircrafts dug out of the sand; tanks; fuel depots; all these things that Iraq wasn't supposed to have. There maybe WMDs there, we just haven't found them yet.
So before you begin critcizing the speck in your brother's eye, look to the plank in yours first.

2007-01-31 08:40:19 · answer #11 · answered by SrANelson 1 · 3 3

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