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Why was I born? What happens when I die? How do I get to Heaven? Why do bad things happen to good people?

2007-01-31 07:48:58 · 34 answers · asked by KILLER 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

34 answers

After a long lifetime I believe I finally understand the reason for my existence. I pray to God to forgive me for my misunderstanding and provide me with enlightenment. I do not wish to convert anyone from their beliefs, start a new church, or write a book. I just want to document my thoughts which might benefit other souls.

I am an engineer who has tried to apply logic and reason to all things. I cannot just have ‘faith’ and believe in something I have not seen or cannot understand.

A short history with each year converted to one inch:
•14 billion years ago (221,000 miles) – the first galaxies form after the ‘Big Bang’.
•8 billion years ago (126,000 miles) – Our ‘Milky Way’ galaxy forms.
•4.5 billion years (71,000 miles) – the age of planet Earth.
•3.5 billion years ago (55,000 miles) – oldest bacterial fossils.
•900 million years ago (14,000 miles) – first fossils of worms.
•4 million years ago (63 miles) - Hominids, early ancestors of humans, develop very slowly. They did not advance beyond using stone tools for millions of years.
•50 thousand years ago (about ¾ of a mile) – the human mind suddenly exploded in size and intelligence.
•10 thousand years ago (277 yards) – The dawn of civilization.
•80 years (80 inches). – Typical human lifetime.

A Story:

In the beginning, more than 15 billion years ago, God created all known material and energy in an instant (the ‘Big Bang’).

About one billion years ago intelligent life evolved on a planet in a galaxy far, far away on a planet called Heaven. This was at about the same time as early worms were developing here on Earth.

These creatures are billions of years more advanced than we are. Think of how much our technology has advanced in only the last thousand years (83 feet), and then consider that these beings are at least 2 billion years (32,000 miles) more advanced than humans. We could not possibly understand them or their technology. They have conquered time and space. They can be anywhere in the universe at anytime. They no longer have material bodies made of flesh that can get sick and die; they have developed into immortal ‘spirits’. They have become so advanced that they understand God, the original creator, and have become His servants and messengers. We call these spirit beings ‘angels’.

Some spirits have rejected God. We call these evil spirits ‘demons’ or ‘devils’. Sometimes these spirits can cause us to have bad thoughts to do bad things.

These spirits can be here with us and around us at any time but we cannot see them. Sometimes the angels will help us when we ask God in prayer. The devils can control our minds and make us do bad things. Sometimes demons like to inhabit objects, particularly those objects that are in human shapes. Sometimes demons can enter us and take over our whole being and make us totally evil. They also like to play games with us and tease us (have you ever had a ‘bad-day’ when everything seemed to go wrong?).

But we have been given authority over demons and devils and we can order them to depart from us. Try this sometime when trouble is upon you or when you have evil thoughts: just tell the evil ones, in no uncertain words, to leave you alone and that you believe in God. You will be surprised at what a change it can make immediately.

These ‘angels’ and ‘demons’ visited Earth about 50 thousand years ago and genetically modified the most advanced species they could find here to be more like themselves. We became both flesh and spirit beings. They caused human beings to be capable of developing into spirits like themselves (Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness . . ."). Our evolution suddenly jumped hundreds of thousands of years, maybe millions of years, most noticeable in the explosion in our intelligence. Our brains suddenly expanded ("The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil . . .") so fast that the human female pelvis has yet to evolve to comfortably pass the expanded human infants brain (I will greatly multiply your pain in childbirth; in pain you shall bring forth children”). We still only use a small fraction of this sudden brain expansion that God, through his Angels, gave us.

We ‘inherited’ our consciousness, intelligence, imagination and creativity from these spiritual beings. We suddenly evolved from apes to humans in only a few thousand years and realized we were naked and clothed ourselves; we began painting on cave walls and to use language to communicate ideas and concepts. We were given a conscience and understood the concepts of ‘good’ and ‘evil’. It will take the ape, our closest ‘flesh’ relative, many hundreds of thousands or millions of years to evolve to the intelligence we were suddenly given by our spiritual ‘ancestors’. How far has the ape’s intelligence advanced over the past 100,000 years? Most apes can still hardly write their own names (just kidding) while we have advanced so much over the same period. Some scientists believe that when our ancestors came down from the trees we could spend more time thinking about things instead of swinging from branch to branch and this has caused the explosion in our intelligence over other similar apes. In fact the brain cavity of the average ape has changed little over the last million years. Do not mistake the tricks we can teach a dog with our intelligence or consciousness. You can teach a chimp to point to a number when he is shown a certain pattern of objects but this is not the same as human consciousness.

Have you ever wondered why we find some things ‘beautiful’? Did we learn this from our parents? Did we learn at school what is considered ‘beautiful’ and what is not? Did you have to take Art Appreciation 101 at college before you could enjoy a scenic view? Why do we like certain types of sounds (music)? Why do certain sunsets please us? Our genetic modification by these spirit ancestors also gave us a genetic subconscious memory of the beauty of Heaven, our ancestral birthplace and the place the spirit side of us wants to return home to. I have never noticed chimps staring transfixed at a beautiful sunset.

The evil spirits around us constantly try to block our path back to Heaven. Pray that evil is kept away from you and you are not tempted.

We are a combination of animal ("..because he also is flesh..”) and spiritual beings. Our sexual instincts came from our animal ancestors, but our Father, God, through his Angels, gave us Love and Beauty ("God is Love.”). We must develop this non-animal part of ourselves (our ‘spirit’ or ‘soul’) to be able to become immortal and join the other Angels in Heaven. An evil spirit will not attain Heaven

Our spirit (‘soul’ or ‘character’ or ‘psyche’) is constantly being developed by exercise and testing during our lifetimes. We are constantly given choices between good and evil. We are tempted by evil spirits to see if we will reject God (Good). Our spirit is tested by riches and troubles in our lifetimes to break it or make it stronger.

Yes, I said lifetimes! Our spiritual side can be reincarnated when our animal flesh dies. Only the spirit that sins and is not forgiven will die and not be reborn in new flesh! Jesus died for our sins that we shall have everlasting life! Since Jesus died for our sins, our sins can be forgiven and our spirit can have everlasting life. He died for us. Spirits that die in sin will not have reincarnation and rebirth ("The person who sins will die” and "the wages of sin is death..."). Each of our short (only 80 inches) lifetimes is a test for our ‘spirit’ or ‘soul’ or ‘character’ or ‘psyche’. Sometimes we are born into hardship, sometimes riches, sometimes black sometimes white, our spirit is tested many ways in many lifetimes to see if it will stay true to God.

Our innermost thoughts can affect our spirit. We can sin and destroy our soul with our thoughts. ‘God knows what is in our hearts’.

Why do bad thing happen to good people? Why does God let little Johnny die with cancer? What are we here for? Why are some kings and some paupers? Each time we pass a test in these lifetimes and do not forsake God our spirit is reborn and becomes stronger and we get nearer to returning to our home in Heaven. The evil ones are our testers and God does not interfere with our free will or our testing. He awaits our return to heaven.

Do you see the beggar on the street or the king in his palace? This could be your next lifetime. It is selected at random and not due to blood, location or as a punishment for your past life. You cannot be reborn as an insect or a cow since they do not have a spirit. Love your neighbor as yourself and help lift his spirit towards Heaven. Help his spirit to love and not hate. Help each other toward Heaven and you will also be helped.

Have you ever noticed that each baby is born with his own individual ‘character’? Even the character of twins in the same household and environment can be so different. This is an indication that we are born with a pre-existing ‘character’ or ‘spirit’. You can be of good character or bad. You are constantly being given the opportunity to choose.

When you are reborn you forget the tests of your last lifetime so that your spirit can be retested without being affected by past tests. You are reborn and everything is fresh again. Your soul is not weighed down with past problems since this might influence your decisions in this lifetime. You do not bear the sins of your ancestors. Your blood is not your ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’ or ‘character’.

Sometimes your spirit will recognize other spirits you have known in past lifetimes. Have you ever had an instant like or dislike for someone? This is because you spirit has a memory of previous lifetimes. This is similar to its memory of heaven. Sometimes your soul remembers places from a past lifetime.

All this is beyond our understanding. Perhaps the human ape will begin to understand in another million years.

Solomon said of God, "He has also set eternity in the hearts of men..." In our hearts we are aware that this "here-and-now" is not all that there is.

2007-02-01 05:29:41 · answer #1 · answered by ws205 1 · 0 0

The best example of whether God exist is the Human Brain.

Studies, like that done by the University of Michigan, and features in the Discovery Channel program, The Amazing Life of the Human Brain, shows just how amazing the human brain is.

Every second while awake, we are absorbing 40MBs of data per second. That’s 144 gigabytes per hour and about 2 terabytes per day. That’s a lot of data even for the largest computer. When we sleep at night, and only at night or under nighttime conditions, all that data is sorted and stored through the creation of synaptic connectors and biochemical bounds. The brain has enough volume to allow for the creation of these storage connectors to last over 10,000 years.

Without the need of a creator, what evolutionary pressure could cause the need for this much volume that would take that long to fill? Clearly, man was either created by God to live that long, or if evolve, once lived that long, and has since de-evolved to what we are today. Which do you think it is?

Evolution does take place, in that animals have evolved and humans have de-evolved since the time of the creation. Many divergent species are related, such as the Meerkat/Hyena and the Lion/House cat. A house cat can breed with a lion, I wonder if the same is possible the Hyena and Meerkat?

This is why I believe in God. I use the brain he gave me, and designed for me, to determine something beyond imagining.

Why were you born? Because two people had sex at just the right time.

What happens when you die? You go to Hell (The Grave), just like Christ did, unless you are better than him. Your soul died with your body and the spirit of life you share with all forms of life. There you lay until either the first or second resurrection. Everything that you were is recorded, or not, in the Book of Life.

If you are born again, than you get raised in the first resurrection, to heaven. If you are of the "other sheep, not of this fold", meaning that your name is in the Book of Life, than you get raised in the second resurrection, receiving a new body, into which all that you were is downloaded. From there you help rebuild the Earth back into a Paradise, and perhaps head out into the Universe to explore and terraform other planets.

Why do bad things happen to good people? Whether a person is good or not is interpretive and something only God can fully discern. For now, God is waiting for man to realize that they cannot rule themselves and must give over all authority to his chosen King, Christ, the the Bridal Class, made of those who are born again.

2007-01-31 08:19:22 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

> God or evolution?

> Why was I born?
Because your mom wanted a baby.

> What happens when I die?
Your molecules will eventually be recycled.

> How do I get to Heaven?
According to Christianity:
1. Accept Jesus as your savior.
2. Pray to God in the name of Jesus, for forgiveness for your sins.

> Why do bad things happen to good people?
No one is preventing them from happening.

2007-01-31 08:07:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why was I born? You were born with a free will that enables you to love God. However, that free will also enables you to choose to NOT love God. You choose, and accept the consequences of your choice. Like it or not, God is the conquering general who will put down this "insignificant rebellion" and retake control of His planet that He created.

What happens when I die? "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" (Hebrews 9:27). The "judgment" is the above-mentioned consequences: Gehenna's flame for those who chose to continue to rebel against God; life with God for those who chose to accept Him, His love, His grace, and His life. Both are eternal.

How do I get to Heaven? (See above.)

Why do bad things happen to good people? "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). That is, there is no such thing as "good people." Thus, whatever happens, "we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28). If you don't love God, you'll call these events evil. I love God, and I have seen some truly screwy events that--to me--display the power and love (both) of God.

2007-01-31 08:14:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. Both. God is just a highly evolved being that decided to have a go at making a universe, and screwed things up royally.

2. You were born because a couple of people decided to have sex.

3. Based on the evidence at hand, your consciousness is permanently lost and your body ceases to function.

4. Depends whose story you want to believe. I can't guarantee you'll go anywhere at all.

5. Because bad things happen to everyone. It's just the arbitrary, amoral nature of the universe.

2007-01-31 07:59:40 · answer #5 · answered by crabskulls 2 · 0 0

"Why was I born?" Your parents had sex, your mother decided to allow the pregnancy to go forward, nature didn't decide to cause a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage).

"What happens when I die?" Your body will cease to function, unless machines are used, past that no one is sure, there are many theories, they are called religions.

"How do I get to Heaven?" Depends on the belief system you follow, check the handbook.

"Why do bad things happen to good people?" Because all creatures have free will and thus do things according to their own set of morals and ethics.

2007-01-31 07:57:31 · answer #6 · answered by Black Dragon 5 · 0 0

1. You're mom and dad love each other.
2. You are buried and you return to soil.
3. That's a privilege for the 'anointed' 144,000...you can stay in paradise earth of you like-
4. God is not the real ruler of the world (Revelation 12) , in a world where God is not the ruler, the real 'wicked' ruler creates chaos, injustice, hatred, deception....imperfect man tends to dominate each other and as said, without God as protective ruler, one could be at the wrong place at the wrong time...

2007-01-31 07:54:46 · answer #7 · answered by Tomoyo K 4 · 0 0

You were born because some guy fertilized an egg within yer ma.

What happens when you die depends on the choices you have made during your life.

You get to Heaven if you have made the correct choices during your lifetime.

Bad things happen to good people because this isn't Heaven.

2007-01-31 07:53:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

God!!! just take the human body for example...how complex down to the smallest cells...can that really all come together as a result of some molecules crashing together millions of years ago? "Straight is the way and narrow the gate that leads to eternal life" Accept Christ the lord as your savior, believe that Jesus died on the cross for your salvation and that of the world, confess and repent of your sins.... God the Father loves us all undonditionally regardless of our mistakes... Go to him... he will always be faithful and never leave you stranded!! Bad things sometimes happen because God wants to draw you closer to him and often it takes bad circumstances to realize that you can not handle that circumstance alone.

2007-01-31 08:02:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You were born to hear and share the word and message of Jesus Christ.

The only way to Heaven is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. It is a very easy process. Just say the following prayer:

Dear Lord Jesus,
I know I am a sinner. Please forgive me for my sins. Come into my life and be Lord over it.

It is just that simple!

(Please, if you actually say this prayer, please email me and talk to me about it! I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have!)

Bad things happen to good people because God never promised to anyone that life would be easy. It says in the Bible that the sun shines on the saved and unsaved alike - same as the rain. There is no favorism - because God has opened His Gift of Salvation to everyone.

Again, if you have any further questions, please feel free to email me. It is rather simple, just click on my avatar. There is an option of the screen that comes up to email me.

2007-01-31 07:58:34 · answer #10 · answered by Oklahoman 6 · 0 1

God. When you die, you will be judged. You have to live your life "well" in order to get to Heaven. Bad things happen to everybody. It is the way of life. Our world is not perfect. ( I think, also, that if somebody dies at a young age, like before fifty or so, then they were either too good for this earth, or too bad.)

2007-01-31 07:54:31 · answer #11 · answered by Lynne 2 · 0 2

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