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Jack has never been a normal cat, he's always been a nibbler and a wee bit on the ADHD side of life. Recently though as soon as my boyfriend and I are starting to slow down and get ready for bed ususally around midnight or 1am, Jack has started to go crazy. He is for some reason less naughty and mean when it comes to me. I understand he is playing but he will literally run full speed across the room and lunge at our heads. I know he doesn't mean to hurt us but it hurts!!!! I have claw marks on my arms because he has started to get so wild then at other times he is an angel purring and purring all night long (which is another concern, seems he just might run out of purrs...haha)! What can we do to combat this behavior we have a spray bottle but it does no good to spray him after he's attacked and run off! HELP!!!!

2007-01-31 07:23:48 · 20 answers · asked by Samantha T 3 in Pets Cats

20 answers

We call that the midnight crazies at my house. I have 3 that behave that way from time to time. He may need the company of another cat. You double the crazies, but they will focus on each other instead of you and your b/f.
Being a Scots woman I believe in Faeries as well and you are going to think I am off my nut, but we also believe that the Faeries like to ride cats!
Since spraying with water does not seem to work, get an empty soda can, wash it out and put some small pebbles in it and when Jack starts his midnight run - Shake it! It will startle him and he will stop in his tracks!
If all else fails, and he is an indoor cat (which I am hoping he is) you can get him declawed. That way it won't hurt quite as bad when he lunges.
Good luck with your kitty!

2007-01-31 07:36:53 · answer #1 · answered by Enchanted Gypsy 6 · 1 0

When I read this I laughed so hard! My cat, who has passed on, used to do the same thing. We would be sitting on the couch and she would stare us down and then lunge at us, usually biting and clawing and running away before you could even understand what was going on. I thought she was crazy too! She was young when she did this and I used a spray bottle. Use it when you know they are planning the attack, not after. He should begin to realize you will spray him he starts this behavior. It worked for me and Motley became a great animal companion. I haven't had another cat since her. She meant so much too me I can't replace her. If Jack is young he will grow out of the behavior, hopefully. Use verbal commands, tell him no or stop. Cats learn just as well as dogs, if not better. Good Luck and thanks for the giggles.

2007-01-31 08:02:20 · answer #2 · answered by journeysmom 3 · 0 0

Well I have three. They usually tell me it is bed time by doing the "happy dance" on the pillows. You know the needing in one place. It quite funny. Anyway buster gets the crazy when he has to use the box. That nut will fly from one end of the house to the other. He is now 7 and has done it since I took him home at 6 weeks. It is there way of playing. Like when they bite us... cats skin is much thicker than ours so they do not know it hurts us. They are just telling us we are part of the clan. Cats are creatures of habit so he will continue to do it if you cant stop him. He may just be using up the last of his energy to settle in for the night. LOL run out of purrs... My Wingnut purrs me to sleep, is purring when I wake up in the middle of the night... I laugh because my boyfriend hates it but It puts me to sleep.

2007-01-31 08:43:08 · answer #3 · answered by SHAy 3 · 0 0

Haha...My cats do this all the time. They have each other to chase and wear themselves out. The "crazy spell" as we call it lasts about half an hour then they are tired and continue to relax for the night.

We have a really big scratching post that my husband made and it really helps with their behavior. If Jack is annoying you too much to sleep then shut him out of the room, after a while he will get the hint. Crazy = alone.

Or you could just get a little buddy and the crazy spell wouldn't be so bad


If you are worried about your eyes, just close your room door until he calms down, and cut his nails. When you cut their nails regularly, they become used to it and it isn't difficult at all

2007-01-31 07:34:21 · answer #4 · answered by Shyamala 2 · 0 0

Hehehe... I am reading some of the other entries - and many of us cat owners can relate eh? I know my old guy (who has since passed away) used to do this too when he was young (even after he was neutered). He would get that crazy look and pounce on my bare skin, always before bed. I would put him in the bathroom for a time out. He eventually calmed down and became the biggest love-bucket EVER! My new male (almost 5 months) gets the bedtime crazies too - just when I want to get to crawl into bed.. he and my female get riled up. One goes in the crate, the other in the bathroom for time outs. They are slowly learning, that ISN'T the time for running around and pouncing.

I find that once they have had a time out, I go visit each one separately (the kitten last), talk to them gently and bring them to my bed and literally read my book out loud to them until they are asleep. Seems to be working for now anyway!

Oh yeah, play with him for a while before bed. He might also be looking for 'fun time' with you, not just cuddles.

hehehe GOOD LUCK and much patience!

2007-01-31 07:54:50 · answer #5 · answered by elementoflife 6 · 0 0

My cat does this to me at 4:30 in the morning. If you have a door to your room, close it before you go to bed. Jack will cry for a little while, but eventually stop. I don't think he's possessed, I think that he just has a lot of energy at that time. Try laying some cat nip on the floor as well before you go to bed. That may help out.

2007-01-31 08:00:42 · answer #6 · answered by Jaime A 5 · 1 0

So glad to know it's not just my cats that do this - they seem to wait till we give the "going to bed" signal ,- computers off off etc, then they go beserk and theree's 14 of them ! They do laps round the room and charge up and down the stairs.
We put a dish of milk in the corner and hide under the bedding till they give up ( oh and sometimes we have to pick the tv and stuff back up too!)

2007-01-31 10:49:28 · answer #7 · answered by Debi 7 · 0 0

My cat used to do that before I got him fixed. He was really hyper and active at night. I used to have to take all his toys away when I was sleeping or he would be playing all night long and meow like crazy if the toy slid under something and he couldnt get it. That was before he was fixed. Now I put him in my kids room at night and he sleeps at the end of the bed all night long. I think it was getting him fixed that stopped the craziness.

2007-01-31 08:40:15 · answer #8 · answered by newbie_inbc 2 · 0 0

my cat does that to but only if i dont feed him at night... you might need to keep the door closed for a while until he calms down or gets the hint... About the lunging at your head, be careful about that cuz his claws could end up scratching your eyes,... thats happened to me before.... keep in mind when they use the litter box they have crap and God knows whatelse on his claws and could easily infect you by scratching.... so either keep the door closed or get him declawed (only if he's an indoor cat) Hopefully you can sleep better soon!!!

2007-01-31 07:34:37 · answer #9 · answered by csmutz2001 4 · 0 1

How about putting the cat in another room when you are getting ready to go to bed? That would probably solve the problem. Cats are weird...

2007-01-31 07:31:31 · answer #10 · answered by cetak 2 · 2 0

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