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every thing in my world has crashed and burned. my uncle raped me from age 11-13, my parents used to beat me to the point i would have 5 or 6 broken bones at a time, i had to raise my little brother since i was 11 because i was the only one wh would change to take care of him ((my parents were alwats drunk and wouldnt take care of him)),then finally we started to live with my grandparents and i thought every thing was going to be good but then, i got pregnant, my bf came to live with us, that was ok, but then......yesterday.......my baby died, because I was sicka and the baby became sick inside of me and she died. i have had so many years of untreated depression, is there a cure?? cuz i eed it, and if not, how do i deal with this, i've been hut for so long and this has finally put me totally over the edge, i have had cutting problems, cutting isnt gonna fix this one, im hurting to bad for cutting to help, im 14 years old and i feel as if life should be over for me

2007-01-31 07:16:34 · 24 answers · asked by koi 3 in Health Mental Health

every body tells me they no how i feel, nobody can no how i feel, because i dont feel. days to me are just what they are called .....days.... i dont live them, i just take them as they come, i am a walking zombie, i am a prisoner in my own body, i want out, im screaming but nobody hears me. i want out

2007-01-31 07:17:01 · update #1

24 answers

Hello koi fishy.. i thought about you alot today. im hoping you are feeoiign better and getting better. you are not a walking zombie nor a prisoner. you are a beatiful coureagour and brave young woman. just live day by day~! live each day as if it were your last. i asked a question about "what are your dreams" tyrel answered and said he wants to be with you for the rest of his life ;) im sure that will cheer you up a bit! but i cant say i know how you feel! but i cant imagine how hard this is! but you are still here with us! with me! and you will continue to be! and yes of course there is a "cure" for depression! its therapy (whih you need to talk to your therapist) did you change your therapist yet? i wouldnt reccomend taking prescriptions though therapy and lots of it! have tyrel go with you! look at noah he is shaping up quite a bit as well. he is being more comfortable inhis newe environment and all! and your grandparents and tyrela nd your friends all really care about you alot and do not liek to see you liek this! we all want you to get better and you will! you will find happiness again and hapiness will find you. but NOTHING is ever your fault! never think that! keep in touch of course! i hope you feel better! take care!

2007-02-01 16:33:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

No one can know how you feel. And yes there is a cure, you need to get to a friend or family member you can trust. Maybe even a teacher or school counseler. You need to get out of the environment your in, because from what I read it seems like its going to constantly pile bad things on you. Talk to a counseler about other living arrangements. Your only 14, life has not been good to you so far, but it won't always be this way.But you yourself need to believe that, turn everything thats happened to you into something positive. I now that seems hard, but its possible. I wish you would read a series of book, theres a child called it, the lost boy, and a man named Dave. If you do read what this little boy went through, and then see the amazing man he turned out to be, you will understand about making it positive,and it is a true story! You need to get treated for depression and take you and your brother out of the situation. Please remember your brother needs you if you kill yourself, you'll be killing him inside as well. Your gonna get through this, you can't give up, you need to make up your mind and start getting help. And honestly the last thing you need right now is to be having sex, trust me relationships will complicate things, focus on you, get your life on track then focus on guys.

2007-01-31 13:36:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am so very sorry that you have had such an absolutely awful life. Not everyone is like the folks you describe. Go to your nearest health agency, walk into the counselor's office of the nearest school or hospital. Even go to the nearest Police station. Tell them you need to talk to someone, then do it. Just let it all spill out. You have nothing at all to be ashamed of. You will get help & you'll be so glad you did ..eventually. It will take some time to really see light at the end of the tunnel but the longest walk begins with the first step. It will take a lot of talking & probably some meds for awhile to help keep you on an even keel but please, please do it. Death is not the answer. There are folks who care. Just look at most of your answers & you can tell. Please keep us posted on how you're doing....we do care.

2007-01-31 07:45:54 · answer #3 · answered by mazell41 5 · 3 0

First off i'm not going to say i know how you feel.I'm going to say I vibe with you is that better for you?Now it is not your problem that you was mistreated at such a young age you was forced to grow up fast you had no teenage life.You was just born to some messed up people that didn't respect their children enough to put down that drink and not hit you.Boo I can't say my mother beat me to have broken bones but I got beat with what ever my mom could find.Do you know that now days children have It good because now there is help that can have you removed from things like that.Now let me get on your sick uncle if he was my brother he would not be walking around here to hurt any thing else there is a place for him it's called JAIL.Man you are so young and not even had a life that was normel your life is full of bull and alot of it.Now as I told you I vibe with you cause all that took a tol on my life and I suffer from deep depression and I'm biopolar.Before you do anything crazy to hurt yourself look in your local phone book and find your local mental health department and give them a call and make a appointment to go their and talk to someone.Trust they can help you they helped me and gave me meds to help me from thinking about wanting to kill myself.It will never go away but with the right help it can take some of the pressure off.talk to someone you can even to to me all you have to do is click on my little picture and im me.I'm a friendly person that has mad problems myself and I got help and I'm making it .It's hard to try to move on cause I find myself asking why this or that happened to me,and why is my life like it is,take it from me I use to be a walking zombie and people see that.The people I love said to me that I needed to get help now I'm not feelin the greatest everyday.But I'm making it with the help of the mental health people and talking to my person there.I found out life is not all that bad it's just bad people in your life.LOVE,GOOD LUCKandGOD BLESS YOU and you will be alright.

2007-01-31 08:50:50 · answer #4 · answered by otess a 2 · 2 0

I was in Mexico for ONE day and ate ONE icecube made with Mexican water. My stomach was fine on the return flight and the car ride home from the airport. I woke up the next day and had to fart about a half an hour later. It wasn't a fart. It was a tiny, little nugget. So, I ran bow-legged to the bathroom let my stomach do its business while I figured out what the hell happened. I spent the next week literally running to the bathroom every 5 minutes and sh*tting my brains out everytime. The sheer volume of stuff that exploded out from me was amazing. The smell could've gagged a maggot. Fortunately, I was a full-time college student and there was still plenty of time before fall term started. Also, all the sh*tting made my abs look great.

2016-03-28 22:37:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wow! You've been through hell!!! I'm really sorry to hear what you've gone through! It sounds like you're in a depression - it makes you go numb so you can survive when life gets to be too much. Getting some counceling will help. I'm sure that may sound trite but it really does help. And getting around some people who are kind, loving, and gracious towards you is important too. You've been abused and you need to get around some people that can help you heal and give to you, not take from you. People that you can open up to without being criticized and rejected; people that are on your side. They are out there!
Don't give up! You've made it through all of that hell for a reason. You may not feel like going on and I don't blame you but don't give up. You're here for a purpose and if you leave, you'll miss out on the good things that lie ahead. Remember your past doesn't have to be your future! And the fact that you're still alive, even though you may feel dead on the inside, means you have a future if you don't give up! You'll be in my prayers!

2007-01-31 07:29:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I have been severely depressed. I have had a baby without being married. My uncle molested me. I have had my home taken away from me and been homeless and tried to kill myself, so I can somewhat relate. If you die you don't get to see what happens tomorrow and there is a fifty percent chance that things will get better, they did for me. I won't tell you that I have never been depressed again. I fight it all the time. I lived forty years past my suicide attempted and all that and I am glad I did. I have had a lot of joy too along the way, seen a lot of the world. You have to get away from your environment, find help, call any agency you can think of or find in the phone book, talk to a counselor or priest, your friends. The truth does set you free. No matter how bad you feel or how responsible for bad things that have happened to you. Saying it will set you free and share the burden with someone else. I see you in the future, I see you happy.

2007-01-31 07:28:50 · answer #7 · answered by ZenWoman 4 · 6 1

No, I don't know how you feel. But you must feel horrible. All those things that happened to you are not your fault. Especially the baby. Sweetie, you need to see a counselor soon. You cannot go on like this without therapy any longer. You are hurting so bad that you are cutting yourself trying to take away the pain. It will not go away, you have to address it. Please talk to someone quick. You are a worthy human being who deserves a chance at life without all the pain. You have been very strong so far. Please take it one step further and ask for help. A school counselor might help, another adult also. Please reach out. Your life is not over by a long shot. You have many wonderful things to experience. Please hang in there. I wish that I could help you, that's how much your question has touched me. I have wanted to die before. I lost a baby when I was 19. It was not the end. It was the beginning. I am married now and have a wonderful girl your age. Oh God please, don't ever give up. Get help for the pain and the cutting. Everything will be okay, promise. Good luck sweetie and I am so sorry.

2007-01-31 08:31:15 · answer #8 · answered by looloo1122 5 · 1 5

I'm so sorry to hear about all the pain in your life. I too lost a child, so I know how you must be feeling. There is a way for you to get better. It'll take time & patience on your part, but there will be lots of sunshine in your life again, I promise you. I know all must seem hopeless & helpless to you but things will get better. First, you need to see your doctor & tell him how you are feeling. Ask him to put you on an antidepressant for a while. Depression is hereditary, & if you were to check into your family medical history, you would no doubt find that out. Second, get therapy & if you don't know where to go, ask your doctor. He should be able to advise you. For now, therapy & medication go hand in hand. Eat healthy & walk each day, if the weather permits. If you are into "cutting" you definitely need help. There's a reason why people behave this way. You are only fourteen & your life is far from being over. Get the help you need & do it today. It's the first step in getting better. Therapy is a must & go to every appointment, even if you don't feel like it. Another very important thing for you to do daily, is to take time to pray. God knows what you're going through right now. Pray to him & ask him to help you & guide you & bring peace into your heart. God answers prayers, in his own time, so don't give up. Remember, life is full of peaks & vallies. When you're in the vallies, look forward to the peaks, that's where all the hope & sunshine is. Soon, you'll experience more peaks than vallies. That's when you'll feel better about yourself & about living. Trust in what I say & take care of yourself.

2007-01-31 07:38:11 · answer #9 · answered by Shortstuff13 7 · 2 4

Definitely a difficult road. I have been blessed, and cannot imagine the pain you have been through. Try to get some nutritional yeast. It is a good source of "B" vitamins, and from the stress you have been through, I am sure you are short on "B"s. Surely there is someone who could listen and maybe offer some helpful suggestions.

2007-01-31 07:24:08 · answer #10 · answered by hasse_john 7 · 2 0

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