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2007-01-31 06:41:20 · 79 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

To ancientone: i agree"brother";).

2007-01-31 07:34:12 · update #1

to a point that is.

2007-01-31 07:35:28 · update #2

To Gianna: You are a very intelligent young lady.

2007-01-31 07:44:46 · update #3

They are watching and listening to us. But remember to get involved on your local level too.

2007-01-31 07:53:09 · update #4

Let ppl know the truth.

2007-01-31 07:55:53 · update #5

79 answers

Did I yell it loud enough!

Good Morning, Just another Joe.

Oh how I love how most of these people believe Terrorist, SS, and health care should have 1st priority, what they fail to realize is Illegal Immigration is the reason these problems exist in our society.

2007-01-31 06:57:15 · answer #1 · answered by Gianna M 5 · 13 1

It should be the ABSOLUTE TOP priority IN this country. The war in Iraq should be in the top 3 priorities outside the country (Iran and North Korean nuclear endeavors are up there as well).

As for the person who stated "we're all immigrants..." Really? I was born here. And many generations ago my ancestors came over on the Mayflower (yes, I can trace a direct route to the Mayflower). Other people are decendants of people who came through Ellis Island. Was it right to just march in here in 1492? Maybe not, but that was a much different world. If we're talking about the Native American's wanting their land back, that's different.

I almost cry why I see these illegals marching with signs "we're not criminals." Really? Do you pay taxes on your income? Do you pay into Social Security? Do you report your employer for not paying their share of your social security? Did you follow the rules of our country when you TRESSPASSED ONTO SOVERIGN LAND? No? None of them? THESE ARE CRIMES. What do you call someone who commits crimes? A Criminal.

When those illegals drive, do you think they have a driver's license or insurance? And when they hit your car, who do you think will pay for it? Say a farmer uses illegal immigrants. They don't pay taxes. So now, we're subsidizing the farm, AND subsidizing the hired help.

The gap is ever widening between the rich and the poor, with the middle class getting smaller and smaller. Pay for jobs is being erroded. Wages have not kept pace with the economy. Why? Because people are in our country - ILLEGALLY - who will take that crappy job and do it for $5 an hour. So for a citizen to compete, they will need to do it for the same pay. This cycle permeats itself into the construction, contracting, personal service, household service and tons of other areas. Where once you would pay a local kid $10 to cut your lawn, you can get the same thing done by an undocumented worker for the same price, and he's working for a larger company.

In 2004, Mexico had 3 HUGE incomes.
16 Billion dollars from Oil exports
9 Billion dollars from tourism
.... and the middle one was...
15 BILLION DOLLARS illegally sent 'home' to Mexico from the US by illegal immigrants.

I've been pushing for my own elected representatives, as well as trying to push others to get their own reps involved, to author a Constitutional change. Instead of the requirement being born on US soil = US citizen, I'm pushing for born to a legally residing mother who has been in the US for at least 9 months.

More later - just getting more angered

2007-01-31 07:23:39 · answer #2 · answered by webpager 3 · 3 0

Before I answer, I would like to congratulate Ancienton on his reply. It was so well thought out & said many of the things I would have liked to say!
My answer though is that there seem to be many more compelling issues that should be addressed before we get to illegal immigration. That is a drop in the bucket compared to some of the other issues that we should be addressing. Mainly, our own government! It is not truly representing the people, only the rich industrial & military rulers of this country. Our government no longer, not for a long time, represents the people. We have just been going along with the government line so long & we have trusted too much for too long. Health care, jobs for Americans, minimum wage a farce, Companies taking our jobs to foreign countries where labor cost are at slave labor pay & bringing the goods back into the country @the same prices, if not higher. These could all be more important than Illegal immigration. Sure they don't belong here & they do overburden our health & educational systems but compared to the other problems; that cannot be considered the major issue.

2007-01-31 07:13:54 · answer #3 · answered by geegee 6 · 0 2

I think, that first the Katrina Hurricane victims should be helped. Bush promised help, and while he has given millions to his father's and friends companies to do a lot of work, all they have done is pocketed the money and done no real work.

Second, if the USofA cannot even build levies to protect New Orleans as well as not being able to rebuild New Orleans after they failed, how much chance does the US have in building a fence that really works? Most of the companies that have been identified as potential fence builders are the same ones that were chosen for rebuilding New Orleans and the surrounding countryside.

Third, while the USofA has given Millions to US companies to rebuild Iraq (and you guessed it, most of these companies are the same ones identified before), the rebuilding hasn't happened, and in many cases, the companies have pocked the monies. Also apparently the US cannot even take them to court over the lost monies, because the Decider put in their contracts that they were not actually accountable for not doing any work.

So, why not make the first priority, getting rid of the people who got the USofA in this mess in the first place?

2007-01-31 06:55:52 · answer #4 · answered by whatotherway 7 · 0 2

listed under are my responses on your 5 speaking factors. a million. – no person is unlawful. unlawful is an adjective for habit, no longer a man or woman. in case you may connect unlawful to somebody violating a regulation, whether federal, state or community, then there are a number of greater unlawful people than only the immigrants. 2. – the way I comprehend it, lots of the undocumented immigrants’ babies are US electorate by skill of start. So the great numbers being quoted by skill of public workplace seekers are skewed for sensationalism. An undocumented immigrant does no longer qualify for public reward (training & emergency care excluded). 3. – This united states does no longer be attentive to poverty. What poverty there is could be addressed. The financial gadget in this united states is such that any one who desires to artwork can locate artwork. there's no excuse for unemployment in the U. S. at the instant. perhaps there are people who experience above the jobs obtainable, yet it isn't any excuse for unemployment. 4. – it is is going to you. i won't argue with you in this one. you're splendid. 5. – considered one of our maximum renown American icons – the Statue of Liberty boasts here words, “provide me your drained, your damaging, your huddled lots yearning to respire loose, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. deliver those, the homeless, tempest-toss to me. I carry my lamp beside the golden door!” How lots greater patriotic, my expensive James, might you have us be?

2016-09-28 05:59:27 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

ABSOLUTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has been a problem for decades and American people have been complaining about it for decades, why can't the government do what they promise and deal with it?? Answer: they want the illegal's votes. What we NEED to do is everyone(everyone against illegal immigration)needs to send a letter to their senator and every other person in authority every week about how discusted we are with how they are dealing with it(the immigration problem), that's what I'm going to do once I turn 18.

2007-01-31 08:33:27 · answer #6 · answered by offlights 4 · 1 0

No. But it is right up there in the top 5. It would be very helpful to this issue if the illegal immigrants would migrate to pro-immigrant friendly states like Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, etc.

2007-01-31 07:27:07 · answer #7 · answered by martinmagini 6 · 0 1

1. Everyone is being brainwashed about all this Terrorism, this religious war has been going on for decades in the Middle East, we just needed a reason to go in, (9/11).

2. Even the biggest idiot knows that the first place to protect in the event of terroists is the perimeter of your country. Do you go out and try and find all the bad people who try and destroy your computer network with viruses or do you first lock down the perimeter?

3. Stop this Administration from walking all over are civil rights, they keep on taken little by little away from us and they will continue to do so as long as they can scare you with "we need to do whatever it takes to protect the people from terrroists", finally a lot people know their being jerked around. The easiest people to scare are those that are already scared, stop watching FOX NEWS they do nothing, but repeat what the administration says they have no thoughts of their own.

4. Health Care!! Everyone's being smoked on this one and don't ever expect a cure for anything big like cancer or heart disease the Gov't wouldn't want their bed buddies (drug companies) to be put out of business. Face it folks, they don't give a darn about you or me it's about power, control, and MONEY you don't mean anything but your money does. Wake UP.

5. If Bin Laden ordered 9/11 almost 6 yrs ago and we knew or know where his approx. location was then what the hell is really going on here? The media doesn't talk about it anymore and this was blamed for 3000 deaths but oh well were not concerned about him as the president quoted. Wake up People!!!
6. Illegal immagrants should only be allowed in based on how are economy is doing. If unemployment nation wide is way down then let a certain amount in, if unemployments is high then shut the doors. Their needs to be a process that's based on how many are allowed in and when their allowed in, but ultimately the boarders need to be shut and only opened when we see fit. Are country is hated around the world and everyone knows that, so why on earth would we not do something to protect are homeland. Hundereds of billions of dolllars can be spent on a foreign country to help them but we can spend money to protect you and I. If terroism was that bad as the media says, don't you think that something would be done about are borders?


2007-01-31 07:10:38 · answer #8 · answered by Network Engineer 3 · 1 2

hese people believe Terrorist, SS, and health care should have 1st priority, what they fail to realize is Illegal Immigration is the reason these problems exist in our society.
Asker's rating & comment

2014-11-02 16:34:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Definitely #1!!!!!!
While the war on terror is important, we are fighting our OWN war, right here at home, against an ILLEGAL alien INVASION!!!!!!

What good is it to defend another country,when we won't even defend our OWN country???? While we fight for their freedom, OUR freedoms are being slowly removed!!!!

What good is it if we win the war, but lose our COUNTRY??!!!!
What will our military men and women come back TO??? Will it be the SAME country as when they left??? Not if things keep going the way they have!!!!

2007-01-31 10:17:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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