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I'm prego !!! :D I'm so excited !!! Does anyone have any tips for a mother-to-be ? What are some cute ways of telling my bf that I AM prego ? I was thinking of telling him on da 14th but I dunno if I can wait that long !!! I just found out this morning & had a whole bunch of mixed emotions.

There's also this prog Healthy Baby that I wanna go to but I wanna tell my fam b/f I go... The next Healthy Baby thing is on FRI !!! AAA !!! It's only WED !!! If I woulda found out sooner I coulda prepared myself for this... I just don't want my family to find out thru other sources. How long did you wait b/f you told your folks/fam/friends & anyone else who matters ? I don't work many hrs & so I wanna get another PT job somewhere... & to also, re: Maternity Leave, you still get paid right ? How long are you allowed to go for & how much do you they give you ? Like I don't eat much & I'm concerned bout the health of the baby, esp since I don't know how far along I am !!!

2007-01-31 06:27:12 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

The Ultrasound isn’t til the 22nd !!!!  I was hoping to get in sooner than that !!! I wanna get the What to Expect When You’re Expecting BUT, my sis don’t KNOW that I’m prego. NO ONE does !!! Only health professionals @ the hospital, clinic & @ this other health place… What can I apply for to get help/assistance ? There’s this prog that someone told me bout that I can apply for to get assistance w/ my baby… til the baby’s born or 6 mos I can’t remember what she said… :$ :s I know that you can get free samples online… I plan on getting those & I guess I should start reading parenting books. What are some good parenting books/mags ? I plan on reading/buying Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul. Is there anything for new moms for Chicken Soup tho ? Expecting Soul maybe ? I wanna tell my sis (who I’m closest w/) but she’s not even home !!! (well, according to her MSN anywayz). : ( I’m also gonna have to get my sis to clean the litter box. I don’t wanna do that anymore.

2007-01-31 06:28:15 · update #1

. I’m REALLY gonna have to take care of myself now !!! No more sleeping in late !!! :( Oh well, when the baby’s finally here it’ll just take some getting used to. My niece will have a cuz :D Yaaay !!! My sis’s will have 2 nieces & my sis wit da baby will finally have a niece !!! :D My niece will be 1 on Feb 28th. I’m thinking of telling my sis by showing her something over da cam but also talking to her on da phone… like maybe one of the resources (Healthy Baby thing I got) & seeing her expression. The father doesn’t know yet cuz he’s @ work & when HE’S off work I’LL be going to work . ALSO, is it TERRIBLY harmful that I have a position as a janitor ? I’m guessing yes… That’s one of my jobs… I went to vacuum the office @ noon & have to go clean (w/ chemicals @ 3, it’s 1:23 now). Thanx for da advice !!! :D

2007-01-31 06:29:20 · update #2

Oh yeah, & I was gonna post a Q last night bout breaking up wit da bf… :s I don’t want da baby to not have a father but I also don’t wanna be a single parent… Anyone been there ??? : (

2007-01-31 06:29:38 · update #3

YES this was a surprised, not planned.

2007-01-31 06:30:25 · update #4

Yes I am young. I look & FEEL very young. I'm 27. Sometimes peeps guess that I look 23, sometimes even as young as 12 or 13 !!! lool :P

2007-01-31 07:25:37 · update #5

Thanx !!! (bout da congrats) I AM really excited !!! :D

2007-02-01 13:24:28 · update #6

I've only known that I've been prego for the past 34 hrs or so (estimate) & so far I've already: went to the lib to get some literature on pregnancy (Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul, Chicken Soup for the Father's Soul (gave him the book 2 tell him, also kept on handing him other books/resources),ordered What to Expect When You're Expecting & another What to Expect book fr the lib,got a couple of app'ts scheduled (to talk to my fam Dr. on Tues & to have an ultrasound done),went to this public health place & talked to a dietician,gave me some good info bout eating,resources,started eating more to take care of myself better, "daddy" took me 2 the store last night to buy some healthy food for me to eat when I'm over there, went to the Dr AGAIN today to ask some Qs, got a prescription for multi-vitamins & discussed what we were gonna do financially. We're gonna have a savings acc't @ a bank for the baby. He's getting rid of a cable pkg to save $ too. Hes cutting down a lot on drinking.

2007-02-01 13:45:11 · update #7

He decided to quit for good. Tonight I thought of some names:

1) Mercedes Naomi Rayne [S-S]

2) Naomi April Rayne [S/S]
3) April Rayne Naomi [S/S]
4) April Jade S
5) April Jada Brooke S
6) Lacy Jayden S
7) Sierra Skye [S/S]

Not sure if I want the S to be HIS last name, my last name or both last names... Could also make it as S-S. I really like April Rayne/April Rain. What do you think ? As a first name or as 2 separate middle names. W/ or w/o a - . April-Rain April-Rain, April Rayne/April-Rayne. What do you think ?

Boys Names:

Trey Levi [S/S]
Trey Adam S
Joseph Preston [S/S]

Joseph is a family name. My Dad's real name is Joseph Kenneth but everyone calls him Kenny. My Grandpa's name was Joseph Angus but everyone called him Angus. His dad's name was Joseph Spence (don't know if he had a middle name). And so I want to continue the tradition. I want Joseph Preston S but he wants Preston Joseph. He really wants Preston to be the 1st name

2007-02-01 13:52:39 · update #8

but I really want it to be Joseph... to be Joseph the 4th... What would you do in this situation ? Can anyone think of any good combos ? I don't want anything that's gonna have negative initials...

Here are the rest of the girls' names:


What do you think ?

2007-02-01 13:54:14 · update #9

Oh yeah, Ann would be a good middle name too cuz that's also a name that our Mom wants to carry on. I'd consider it if it sounded good w/ the other name(s) that I was gonna choose :)

2007-02-01 13:58:34 · update #10

11 answers

ok, i can't even answer any of your questions because i'm exhausted from reading all that.

2007-01-31 06:33:42 · answer #1 · answered by redpeach_mi 7 · 1 3

First off if your want to IM me you (Tammer1973) can but Ill tell you here what I can. You can go to the local DHS office to get public assistance. They will help with your medical bills. Maybe some food.

You can call a Wic office and get signed up. They will give you milk , cheese, cereal, for you and formula, juice, and cereal for the baby when its time.

No your work doesnt pay for materity leave but you do get the time off without getting fired....

I would tell your boyfriend ASAP

I would work overtime now while you feel good and pack it away in savings so you have it for when the baby comes, or just pay extra to the electric company each month , gas company, cable company, your rent also just make sure to keep proof you paid. Buy something for baby every month tat you know you will need.

Your friends and family can have a baby shower this will help you greatly.

I would tell your family as soon as possible so that you have support
I would write down everything u eat and drink take it to the dr with you so he can be sure your eatting enough

Im sure the baby is fine. You may have noticed yourself being really tired. If you were not eatting enough the baby took what it needed from your body. Jut eat better from now on, and im sure i dont have to say this, but NO drinking or drugs. Be very carefull of any over the counter drugs take nothing unless the dr. approves it.... Congrats to you. I just found out im pregnant, I hope your happier then i am..... Im 33 and was not planning a baby. So be happy it will all be ok.

2007-01-31 06:50:28 · answer #2 · answered by tammer 5 · 3 0

Wow, you really are excited! Well, one congrats!! And two, if you can wait untill Valentines day, I would wrap the pregnancy test up in a little red heart box and give it to him with a little note saying something like, "Happy Valentines Day, Dad!" or whatever. Then tell the family!
Other news: Maternity leave, depends on which state you live in. I am in CA, and I got 6-weeks paid leave from work after I had my son. It counts as Disibility Insurance so you would need to talk to your employer about it. When you get your sonogram they will be able to tell you how far you are, and as you get more prego, you will probably get a bigger appitite. Depending on your state, there are programs that can give you asistance. A good program I use for food is called WIC (women, Infant and Children) Its free and you get food coupon for free milk, cheese, eggs, formula etc. Again check with your local community resourse center! GOOD LUCK!!

2007-01-31 06:59:02 · answer #3 · answered by Ashleigh 1 · 2 0

Not all jobs pay for your maternity leave while you are away but they are required to hold your job open for you to return according to the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

The company I work for pays 60% of your income while you are away on maternity leave for 12 weeks. I don't think this applies to PT employees.

My husband and I are trying for a baby but I'm not going to tell him I'm pregnant before I get the confirmation from the doctor. There are alot of cute ways you can tell your BF - cook him dinner and include "baby" sized foods (baby sausages, baby carrots, baby peas, etc...)

As for family and friends, generally you'll want to wait atleast 3 months (12 weeks) before telling anyone else. You of course can tell them whenever you want. I don't think anyone will find out you are preg if you go to that class unless you live with your family and they ask you or if you have info mailed to your house about the program.

Now that you are preg, you need to call the doc and make an appt, get on prenatal vitamins, stop drinking alcohol and caffeine, stop smoking and/or using rec drugs, and avoid raw foods except for veggies (the nurse at the DR office will give you the same speech).

2007-01-31 06:57:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Wow!! I think you should totally calm down - I'm 21 weeks and I'm tired just reading your stuff. Having a baby is a serious responsibility, financially, emotionally and spiritually. You don't sound like you've considered the full implications of bringing up a child. Slow down honey and take it easy. Make long term plans - your resposibility to this child stretches way further than a list of names and a savings account.

Good luck and stay ok.

2007-02-05 22:52:36 · answer #5 · answered by Amanda C 3 · 0 0

CONGRATULATIONS!! I'd say you should buy the dad to be a book about parenting, wrap it up and give it to him as soon as you can! :-) And try to invite your sister over and show her the book..lol. I had to tell my family over the phone as we live in seperate countries, and they went crazy! They were so happy for me! If you think you should give it a go with the dad, go for it. But never think you must stay with him! I found myself a single mum rather unexpectedly, but I am having a ball! It is easier for me now than what it was when my husband was with us. It is really not at all as bad as some people make out. I have got a gorgeous, happy healthy baby boy, and that gives me all the joy I can ask for. Good luck to you! Enjoy pregnancy and motherhood.

2007-01-31 06:45:15 · answer #6 · answered by sins 4 · 3 0

First of all take care of yourself. You need medical help as well. Make sure you take your prenatal vitamins and eat right. Remember you need to consume 300 extra calories this goes to the baby. Tell your family as soon as you can. Tell your bf. Remember don't always count on your bf to be there for you because they do leave. This happened to me. Your family will be there to help you out with the baby. Please get your degrees and find yourself a career because you are going to need it. There are programs that help you out to pay for your pregnancy if you cant. Go to your local well fare department they can help. Check on line for programs as well. In California there is a program called AIM they do help you out with your pregnancy bills. Remember to get insurance for your baby. Healthy Families is a great insurance for low income. Its a very hard job to be a single parent I am you will be able to manage. I did. What to Expect while your pregnant was a really great book it help me thru my pregnancy. Also now that you are going to have a baby college does help out because you are a single mother you can even get a free ride to school take advantage do it for your baby. Also if the father is not going to be in your babies life you an always get child support from him.

2007-02-08 05:02:29 · answer #7 · answered by beenie 21 3 · 1 0

ok relax thats the first thing. start taking your prenatal vitamins now. drink milk and go to www.babycenter.com they have all the answers on what you are going through. i had my ultersound when i was 8 weeks so who knows when you will get one. go to the health department and sign up for medcaid ( tell them your pregnant and you will go right through) also sign up for wic they give you free milk and stuff now and when the baby is born they give you that and free formula if you choose not to breast feed. stay with the daddy if you want its really up to you. it may just be your horomones that is making you not like him right now. i would stick it out for the baby's sake. good luck to you and remeber to go to that web site its really great. and tell your family now i told my mom right after the test. tell your bf tonight and then call your family and tell him .good luck.

2007-01-31 06:38:27 · answer #8 · answered by littleluvkitty 6 · 4 0

It seems to me that you are very young. Having a baby is exciting but also a huge responsibility. Do you think you are ready to take on something as big as becoming a mom? I am 20 and have two kids. I can tell you from experience that having kids is hard especially if you don't have your life in order. Just think about it cause a baby is also expensive.

2007-01-31 06:42:03 · answer #9 · answered by Eli_86 2 · 1 3

Sounds like you are so excited about the whole thing so congrats!

Best advice,get all the sleep and rest you can now whilst you can!

You will see what I mean!

All the best

2007-01-31 10:25:14 · answer #10 · answered by Jojo 4 · 0 0

i think that you should tell him right away if this is something he wanted he would not care if it is on valentines day or not.

2007-01-31 06:34:15 · answer #11 · answered by Saddgal 2 · 1 1

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