Don't be an idiot. Leave your bro's meds alone. If you really want to get a buzz, bang your head against the wall 20 or 30 times. What a Rush.
2007-01-31 06:27:58
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Albuterol High
2016-10-06 07:53:14
answer #2
answered by bloomer 4
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Albuterol is a beta-agonist, and it can raise your blood pressure. It works by stimulating your beta-adrenergic receptors. There are 2 types of receptors: Beta-1 and Beta-2. Beta-1 receptors increase your heart rate, strength of heart contraction, and electrical conductivity of your heart (the combination of these can cause an increase in blood pressure). Beta-2 receptors bronchodilate in your lungs. Albuterol is prescribed to target Beta-2, but it also has effects on the Beta-1 receptors, which is why you may experience an increased heart rate and blood pressure after taking it. If you find that you really don't like the side effects that albuterol causes, or if you are still concerned, you can certainly talk to your doctor.
2016-04-07 12:06:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
This Site Might Help You.
can you get high on albuterol?
My brother takes albuterol, and me and a few friends are looking for a fix. Its albuterol sulfate inhalation solution, .5% (5 mg/mL)
Its in liquid form, I was going to drop it on a cigerette.
2015-08-13 00:07:25
answer #4
answered by Rora 1
Albuterol is not a mind-altering drug. What he's doing is very risky. Overuse of albuterol may cause heart irregularities and could result in a heart attack.
2007-01-31 06:29:57
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No it will not get you high. It is used to help people breath when they have problems breathing. If you use it and do not need it then you will harm your lungs. If you do not need it then don't even get close to it. I use it because I have to and the doctor has told me several times don't use it unless your really have to or your lungs are going to become weak.
2007-01-31 07:26:54
answer #6
answered by Adri 4
that is crazy. you have to be 12 or so. why would anyone in their right mind even consider doing this??? that may be the answer to this question. seek help from your parents and smarten up. You must know that things like this can kill you or even worse really mess you up, and then you have to live that way for the rest of your life.
2007-01-31 06:47:38
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You are very ill. Get some help before you kill yourself by overdosing on medication that has NOT been prescribed for you at all.
Only complete LOSERS get high.
2007-01-31 06:26:52
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
no its for helping you to breathe really need a fix that bad huh?
2007-01-31 06:30:51
answer #9
answered by shorty 6
no i wont get you high! just helps you breath better! JUST SAY NO!
2007-01-31 06:26:39
answer #10
answered by kat_luvr2003 6