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Amid a growing national debate over how to deal with illegal aliens, one expert suggested Monday that the way to solve the immigration problem in the United States is to boost the Mexican economy.

"If you solve the Mexico problem, the rest becomes much easier to deal with. That is the heart of the problem," said Doug Massey, co-director of the Mexican Migration Project at Princeton University.

Massey was joined at a Capitol Hill press conference by Jeffrey Passel, a demographer with the Pew Hispanic Center. According to Passel, the number of illegal immigrants has been steadily increasing over the past 20 years and is now approaching 12 million.
See more at link..........http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewCulture.asp?Page=/Culture/archive/200701/CUL20070130a.html

2007-01-31 05:22:39 · 14 answers · asked by Zoe 4 in Politics & Government Immigration

14 answers

The corruption is more of a problem than the economy. We send them money, many of our factories have moved there, they get billions sent from people here, they have extreemly wealthy people there who could invest in their country if they wanted to. Why take the risk and put forth the effort if someone else will do it.? Anything we do doesn't seem to help anything. It's like a temporary feel good band-aid but it never accomplishes anything because it never addresses the corruption.

Personally I think they're happy to un-load their poor and criminals......one less thing to worry about. They're getting back alot more than what their loosing.

2007-01-31 05:55:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

THis really is an excellent idea in premis. IN fact is not going to happen overnight. There is good evidence that the drug cartels in effect run this country. How do we help those that have an incurable disease? We would have to over take the country, remove the cartel characters and then start from scratch.

We haven't done this well in Iraq and I doubt we would do it well in Mexico either.

But it could work but only with dramatic US involvement and I don't think we have it together enough to do there. We are having trouble doing it here.

The problem could be started by poping the CEO types hiring illegals here. Building a wall/security; enforcing our borders. Slwoly picking up the illegal by enforcing the law with local police given the opportunity to do so as they do their normal work.
They would disappear. We should/could allow a work program fro workers (no kids or mothers) as well. Give em' a chance to work if that's what works for them and us.

Past this, we should do all we can to enforce the legit Mexican government, that shows us they are legit by discouraging illegal immigration and working with us to off the drug bums. We should be dong that even now. Somehow, I don't think we are.
We are scared to death Mexico will turn the way of Chaves, Castro and others and undermine, what we clearly can't/won't' protect. OUr Southern border with Mexico. In this age of terrorism, this could compromise us dearly. I kinda suspect that the reason we are not getting real about this issue is BECAUSE a deal has been made with Mexico to allow this illegal influx, in order to " protect us" ...and of course, to provide lots of cheap, illegal labor for the rich cats paying off our government for their own benefits.

2007-01-31 05:46:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

yes, i agree. there are many problems and obstacles to that solution but certainly if they had opportunity and happiness where they were they would not need to come here. And also it could be a nice place for Americans to move if they chose. Also with mexicans boosted up the socio economic ladder it would give right wingers less reason to try and keep them out.

Current policy makers if not all; don't like to solve problems that way. They've got the principle to stand up for and would rather spend billions on security rather than millions on social reform.

Everyones concerned about corruption in the mexican govt. We can oversee the money or give it to NGO's, even US based NGO's or US companies assigned this task and held accountable for the funds. Don't give a dime to corrupot poloticians. I'm sure they won't block you from building and investing.

2007-01-31 05:58:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Back in 1986 When Reagan was the first president to go meet with the president of Mexico at the time that was the plan.

He agreed to amnesty for a couple million illegals in the USA at the time per Mexicos request and public pressure from special interests.
Laws were passed to be more strict on illegals from there forward ( of course they havent been enforced strictly )
And there were economic incentives included for Mexico so that Mexicos economy could improve.
It was promised at the time Mexico would get its act together and with the help of this compromise things would improve there and here.

Well as you can see that never happened.
Repeated forgiving of debts that Mexico owes and not requiring them to pay haven't helped either.

Mexico's citizens who have so much 'pride' need to do something about their living conditions there.

2007-01-31 05:36:10 · answer #4 · answered by sociald 7 · 4 1

A couple of weeks ago I read a story about the uprise in kidnappings in Tiajuana,Mexico. Most of the kidnaped victims were business men and their families.One man who said he owned 5 restaurants in Tiajuana moved his family to Chula Vista CA. The move was made after other business friends had told him they had received threatening phone calls.The man bought a house valued at close to $700,000.The man says he now drives back and forth across the border to tend to his restaurants.

I know you are going to have questions but I have no further info.
Draw your own conclusions. Here are mine. Kidnappers do not warn potential victims.The restaurant business is not his only source of income.He has enough money to move to the USA without any problem.

2007-01-31 06:15:12 · answer #5 · answered by 2004 Champs 2 · 0 0

Yes & no, it's their government that messes up the economy becasue the rich have everything. The government encourages and informs their citizens to illegaly come here. They even have an instruction book on how to sneek across the border and avoid the border partol.

We need to nail the employers. If there isn't a job maybe they will go home where they belong.

2007-01-31 05:30:26 · answer #6 · answered by Dizney 5 · 4 1

No. They have to be able to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. This CAN be accomplished by mass deportation of the illegal immigrants that are Mexican back to Mexico. they claim they have tasted the American life and now want to become a part of it, now is their chance to prove such measure by either returning to Mexico on their own accord or by being deported by us. Either way the mass deportation of these individuals should destabilize their government enough to cause its own revolt so as to maybe adopt that of which we here in the United States take for granted and thats Freedom and Independence. They also might be able to write a constitution that closely resembles ours, that is of course if they truly wish to have the American dream. But they must be able to do it on their own. My response here is only in defense of the attacks carried out by the Mexican government, and their supporting organizations and financial backers here in these United states against us.

2007-01-31 05:47:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Government corruption must be eradicated before Mexico will be able to have a successful economy that benefits all its citizens. Politicians and corporate execs horde too much of the profits for themselves and the people never see a dime.

2007-01-31 05:32:51 · answer #8 · answered by Double 709 5 · 4 1

Their corrupt govt. is a big part of the problem and the rest of the problem is our own gutless congress failing its responsibility to up hold&defend the laws of this nation.U.S. employers openly hire illegals and throw a little extra money in the campaign bucket.Neither govt. takes care of its citizens right now.God save America!

2007-01-31 06:02:38 · answer #9 · answered by Streakin' Deacon 3 · 2 1

no i do in comparison to your answer - how approximately mine - positioned up up the warriors and militia on the border each and every 15 ft with limitless volume of ammo and shoot on sight the folk leaping and crawling decrease than/by using/over the fence - or those swimming around the river in the event that they're criminal there's no ought to swim throughout the time of or attempt to get by using a fence....

2016-09-28 05:55:30 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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