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I guess he is the typical neo-con-their war is with Wall Street-

2007-01-31 05:12:29 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

23 answers

FDR and Lincoln never served but they presided over the two most bloodiest conflicts we were ever involved in. Would you think that odd? As someone else has pointed out, Clinton dodged the draft and yet he had no problems in committing out troops to Serbia to bome the hell out of them. Nor did he let it deter him from sending troops into Somalia and put the Rangers into Mogadishu without any armor with only the UN for support if they got in trouble. Then as soon as the Rangers got shot up, and wanted to go back and kick *** he pulled them out. What is your definition of Odd?

2007-01-31 05:39:46 · answer #1 · answered by thecarolinacowboy 3 · 2 1

I know where you are coming from. The soldiers and their families should know the risks when they are signing up. That does not mean the families (and country) should not grieve and respect the fallen. They did die for their country, even if it is an ill-advised war. But that is what the military is for. Defense. Even in peacetime. When they interview a soldier and they say they didn't think they would be sent to war when they signed up - really, what do you think the military is for? No matter who the administration is there is always the chance of combat and dangerous situations. I know people who were drafted and forced to fight in Vietnam and even some old timers from WWII. Not even given a choice to sign up.

2016-05-23 23:07:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't think that military service is valued all that much in politics any longer. Look at the recent Presidents. Bush served in the Natl Guard (Air). Clinton did his best to avoid service. (Hey I am A Dem so lay off!) Bush Sr. was shot down fighting in WWII. Reagan was a patriotic bloke who made movies during the war, didn't Gable man a Bomber? Carter was in the Navy was he not? Ford was a navy man as well, one of the Silent Service. (One of the originals I believe.) Nixon well lets skip him.... LBJ was in the service, but not heavily engaged me thinks. Kennedy was on a ship ( i mean cardboard boat) that was sunk by the Japanese. Truman was an Artillery officer in the Great War and heck Eisenhower was a bloody General. So I guess that it is only recently that the requirement to have served has been highlighted.

2007-01-31 05:36:32 · answer #3 · answered by DietrichVonQuint 5 · 3 1

Clinton got a deferment too. He should have never sent our troops to Kosovo. Even though it is an all-volunteer force.

I guess then only McCain can run for President then. Kerry already dropped out. McCain is the only one who has military experience.

You absolutely right - McCain for President!!!

Shame on FDR - How dare 400,000 American lives be lost in WWII from a man who took us to war with no Military experience.

Lincoln did serve, he was in the militia and served during Indian wars, but he did not see action.

2007-01-31 06:55:09 · answer #4 · answered by ? 6 · 2 1

Would you want Cheney in the military? He fired on a man at close range with a shotgun and he didn't die. If you think that's odd, consider that Bush convinced the people that a man who was given a command in a war zone and managed to get his men to safety when the enemy fired upon them was less qualified to send people into battle than himself whose military record showed that he never saw combat and was disciplined for failing to follow a superior officer's order.

2007-01-31 05:37:52 · answer #5 · answered by Alan S 7 · 3 1

He didn't just get deferrments, he sneered at the very idea of going to war.

When asked in the 2000 campaign why he didn't go, he said he had "other priorities." I wonder if the 3,000+ servicement killed in Iraq had other priorities - you know, falling in love, having children, growing old with their spouse, dancing with their daughters at their weddings - or was dying at the top of their "To Do" List.

Cheney is a sc*mbag and a criminal.

2007-01-31 05:27:51 · answer #6 · answered by wineboy 5 · 2 2

Even worse than pro-war draftdodgers are the slavish, boytoy volunteers who are proud to die taking a rich kid's place.

Cheney is a wimp totally dominated by his conceited witch of a wife. That's why their daughter became homosexual; she had no strong father figure, so she grew up thinking that men are useless.

2007-01-31 05:45:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Republic of Vietnam 66-67 and anyone served there, got out of going there, fought against it in courts of law or just plain run away made a decison on their own to do so/
Vietnam was a make believe war the American society wanted to pursue, no one twisted their arms to force them into compliance, and even if drafted one man could still make his own conciousness decision even tho one had to face the consequences mainly on thier own resources.
At the beginning of war all the old vets said a amns gotta do what a man has gotta do and bought the recruits drinks in bars and waved flags of their past glories.
Daddys sent their sons off to fight and bring glory to family name and make a man of their sons.
Mommys stood by and kept theirr mouths shut because they were told they knew nothing of manhood.
Everyone who could do so got a deferemnt, the amount of marriages done just to get a lower rating on draft status soared, all of a sudden all the trick knees from highschool football injurys started to hurt, becomeing a "Queer" in those days also found new adherents as no soldier wanted a pansy in a foxhole with them.
The amount of students who found they had to keep good grades or face being drafted increased the grade levels at all universitys, even if the class was in basket weaving and students found ways to afford a few extra years to study things like religon and Sumeric art.
the more p[oliticly connected found ways to help each others familys get out of active service or had their sons get elevated ranks in National guard or ROTC and military officer schools to helpo them evade combat arms.
Then of course you had the Revolutionary Patriots whose ancestors had supposellyu all acted hono4ably in every war the us had ever been in and helped George find new beds that two centurys later could brag that "George Washington slept here", who went to war singing Battle Hymn. of the Republic, heros all.

50,000 dead americans, over a million dead yellow zipperheads and gooks, almost one milion wounded in action, over 200,000 sufferig from a stress disorder the homies called cowardly and a bunch of mommys boys just crying, someboddy finally decided to end the damn thing.
It left a nation deivided, the Viet Vets did not lose the war the wussys at home did, and the ones who sent men to war, got the deferments all said AMen and went on back to their lives of making money, raising kids and just plain glad they were still alive.
thirty years later here we are still at wars that never ended, the war lovers were right we had just lost a battle and not the war and Iraq is just another battlefield to them.
Today we have an all volunteer mlitary who are not supposed to get sick of slaughter do what they are told to do and never never question the morality of their acts.
Instead of jst a draft of young men the whole nation has been drafted into taking part in this war and as in Viet nam thre are amny many who sit home in comfort basking in flag waving cermonies and only the same damn type of people, some the very same people who got us into Vietnam are still fighting a war tht half the nation never realy understood the why of its beginning, yet.............................
Today no one dares to realy ask why, we have so few killed and the promice of democracy to a nation once again we find is not up to what we ourselves have deemed ourselves as being, the moral standard of the world, but we must as then support the troops if not the war.
I guess supporting the troopps is the only reason for the United States to be today?

The people who rule, the cheneys and bushs and democrtic and republican elites along with corproate sponsors, know darn well they deserve to rule and we the ruled seem to agree with them.
Once you allow yourselves to be put into a lesser catagory of humanity than another man , you deserve just what they give you and nothing more.

2007-01-31 05:53:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Not really. Look at history. FDR never served a day in his life. He sent millions off and is considered a hero. How many members of congress do you think had deferments? Grow up, quit parroting.

NEO-CON how silly.

2007-01-31 05:19:36 · answer #9 · answered by Jimfix 5 · 2 3

It is kinda odd. And he had the audacity in his Wolf Blitzer interview to say that those who question things pertaining to Iraq just do not have the stomach to see it through (fight it out).

2007-01-31 05:21:31 · answer #10 · answered by oatie 6 · 3 2

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